
Chapter 8 : Walking Away

'' And we meet again'' he mouths sarcastically while pulling on his now wet shirt to check out the mess.

'' Yeah unfortunately, although this time around, you're the blind one!!'' I comment getting back at him with his own words from earlier.

'' Oh !! so you spill your drink on me then call me blind, smooth " he raises his brows giving me a fake smile.

«He actually has really soft lips; they seem like pillows and those shiny white teeth and need I remind you of that heart-melting accent. »

Ehm ehm !! Not the time Lisa, not the time I tell my subconscious waking up from my daydream and getting back to the matter at hand.

'' I didn't plan on spilling my drink on anyone let alone you, I actually planned on drink it can you believe that!!!!

Unless you're used to people throwing their drinks at you, then in that case the issue is still YOU. But for now, all I see is an arrogant idiot who wasn't watching his steps '' I explained ever so calmly and went back to the dance floor ignoring whatever he had to add.

Julien’s pov

I stand there once again! watching her as she strides away from me again!! So elegant and calm yet I could see the fire in her eyes.

She infuriates me. Well, all women. But this one, she does it differently. She doesn't throw herself at me. No, she prefers throwing balls and drinks!! And both were accidents so nothing on purpose.

«Oh so now you admit it was an accident. About damn time». My subconscious screams at me.

Well I have to admit, I know both were accidents. But what can I do? I just find myself acting like a jerk. It kind of became a defense mechanism to keep girls at bay. And so far, it's working great.

«Yeah good job mate, we'll see what you'll think of it when you're all old and wrinkly.»

Anyways, I still find myself angry, she keeps walking away from me every time whenever she feels like the conversation is over. And I hate that!! The conversation is over when I say so. I haven't said my last word. With that thought in mind, I start taking steps towards her until I feel a hand on my shoulder stopping me.

'' where are you going? '' Steven questions tilting his head and scanning my drenched shirt

'' I haven't finished talking with her, and she left just like that. So I’m gonna give her a piece of my mind!! " I state and turn towards her only to find her doing the limbo dance completely oblivious to me.

«Why would she care how you feel?? All you do is insult the poor girl » not asking for your opinion bastard!!

"No no buddy, you're not going anywhere. We’re here to relax and enjoy our time remember." Steven says bringing me back to reality and turning me towards the bar.

‘’Hi, two of your finest yet strongest drinks please someone right here needs to relax ‘’ he tells the bartender

Who immediately obliges.

The minute my drink is set, Steven takes a hold of it and looks me dead in the eyes over the years I understood that this was his *I mean business* look so I knew that he was going to be deadly serious with whatever he says next. “ Alright Julien, listen very closely to what I’m about to say, and no need to answer just keep it in mind. Remember the time before your engagement the guy you were, the goals you had, your relationships with people, and all of that. And of course, keep In mind what happened with that wretched ex of yours and the lessons that it thought you but once you are done ask yourself this: Whatever happened with her ruined a few years of your life, crumbled some of your hopes, But with everything that it has fucked up are you really that foolish to allow it to ruin more than it already has?” and with a silent nod, he gave me back my drink.

I downed it in no time and asked for another one. Maybe he is right or not but for the moments my brain was not functioning as it normally does so I’ll have to ponder over that in the morning. For now, I just want to sit here in silence and sulk about being forced to be here.

« you do realize this party is fun right »

Maybe it is maybe it's not, I don't care. I just don't fancy being told what to do! Maybe if I had chosen to come here out of my own volition, I would've actually enjoyed it.

I soon realize that I'm talking to myself. Guess the alcohol is kicking in! Steven probably realized it too since he waved goodbye to some girl he was talking to and quickly came to join me.

'' come here grumpy, let's get you to bed '' he sighs

'' get me to bed what am I five, and before you say it, I am not drunk "

'' you're not drunk YET! and if only you were five it would've been easier to have fun with you. Maybe you're a lost cause '' he voices in a defeated tone. It kind of stings to hear that. So, I stay silent and march with him towards the villa. There I lay on the bed and keep thinking about the mess that is my life until sleep takes over.


Next morning, I wake up set on making things right. I've been acting like an arse lately with people who are only trying to help me. I only realized it after what Steven said last night. I don't want to be a lost cause; I guess I let whatever happened to me change me a lot. And I can't let it have control over me, I can't let myself be defeated by a manipulative gold digger, or at least won't let myself be defeated anymore.

With that thought in mind, I jump out of bed, and get into the bathroom wash my face, brush my teeth then call the reception to order a tasty breakfast. After that, I walk to Steven’s room. The bull must be sleeping still. I can't blame him; he danced a lot last night with some girl. I didn't really take time to concentrate on her features as I was too occupied in my own business.

'' wakey wakey little princess '' I joke while heading to the blinds and pulling them off to let some sun rays in.

'' what put you in a good mood? Your dad asked you to come back?? " he questions intrigued

" emm nope "

'' then what, what's that smiley face ''

'' I’m just smiling, do I have to have a reason??!! '' I pause and wait for him to answer, but he keeps staring at me confused '' exactly what I thought. Now get up and get ready. I signed us for all the activities available for the next week '' I let him know. Just then someone knocks at the door. I quickly open it and let the room service guy place our breakfast on the table before tipping him and closing the door.

'' Breakfast, and planning the rest of our vacation, who are you and what have you done to my best friend?? '' Steven exclaims surprised.

'' Enjoy it while it lasts '' I warn him jokingly.