
Chapter 7 : And We Meet Again

Upon arriving at the house, we decide to shower taking turns. Since there are two fully equipped bathrooms, Mia and Anna head in first while I take the time to get my outfit for the night ready. And Hailee checks her social media accounts.

''you know being on a vacation means taking a break from that too ''

'' I just can't and you know it, I'm obsessed and I’m fine with it, plus it helps a lot. One day dear bestie, you'll need my expertise in the subject, you'll see" she says wiggling her eyebrows and adjusting her glasses.

'' Oh really, like what nerdy? '' I ask rolling my eyes at her while rummaging through the dresses I brought with me, trying to find something fit for a beach party.

'' umm, let's say, you finally take a boyfriend; I'll help you run a background check on him; you'll get to know all about his exes, life, everything. You'll even know where he is at any hour of the day. '' she finishes off smiling from ear to ear.

'' okay, First, thanks but no thanks. That's creepy. And second, why that 'finally'? Don't judge me you lame-ass!, you know how I get with studies and all. I like to focus and a boyfriend needs a lot of time and energy so that's why I always said no to every guy's advances. " I say defending myself.

'' well, we'll see what happens now that you're free " she teases

''I still have a company to build from scratch remember, the one you guys will be helping me with " I remind her

''oh snap out of it miss. I'm on a mission. People can juggle between work and relationships, especially women.

You who spent the last 5 years of your life studying biology, chemistry and god knows what else should know that women are good at multitasking since they use both parts of their brain. So sorry to break it out to you, but soon you're gonna have to put to practice everything those romantic novels and series thought you '' she finishes breathless, pulling her tongue at me.

'' Well, we'll see what happens. Now, what do I wear this or This? " I try to change the subject and she knows it. But she lets it slide knowing that when the time is right and when I feel like it, I'll make the right decision for sure. I've just always felt like I was too young to be with someone.

Being a hopeless romantic, I want my relationship to be perfect and serious. I don't want to stumble on too many guys and end up heartbroken before finding the one. And honestly finding the one at the age of 16, 17, or even 18 seemed a bit unrealistic cause let's be honest, most not all but most guys at that age aren't mature enough for something serious. Guys need to explore, party, and act crazy before committing. And in college, well I was too caught up in my studies to care so yeah.

'' Earth to Lisa '' Hailee shouts throwing a pillow at me

'' What was that for?? I ask disturbed

'' well, other than the fact that I suggested you wear the navy-blue dress and you stood there like a zombie staring at me, nothing ''

'' hhhh, I was just lost in my thoughts. Anyways navy blue is for me, how about you, what are you wearing? ''

'' I’m wearing this '' she says holding a sexy long blue maxi beach dress with two long slits on both sides.

''Ouhh sexy, and we're matching that's cute '' I say jumping in excitement. Just then Mia gets out of the shower '' what's this fuss all about. ''

''She'll fill you in. I have to shower." I state rushing to the bathroom.


The minute I got out of the shower, I dried my hair, straightened it, put my dress on, and finished myself off with my usual make-up routine keeping the shoes for last. Within almost half an hour we were all set.

I in a backless side-slit summer beach dress in navy blue. While Anna wore a veryyyy attractive short tight-length citrus summer dress. And Mia picked a short sleeve off-shoulder dress with a long slit and floral prints in lie de vin. Leaving Hailee with her first choice a Sexy Women Summer Boho Long Maxi Evening dress.

Since we didn't have time to cook for the night, we decided to check out a local restaurant at the resort. The food was perfect. We had our fun eating from each other's plates tasting a bit of everything.

'' Now that my tummy is full, I can party '' speaks anna in a satisfied tone.

''When was your tummy not full huh?? Tell me " I tease her laughing.

'' True '' she admits smiling. '' now let's go have fun, chop chop ''

A short distance walk later, we find ourselves at the party. A DJ on the side is playing music, while people are dancing in the middle. Some scattered around the bar ordering drinks.

'' Okay ladies, if I’m gonna dance and embarrass myself tonight, I’m gonna need some liquid courage '' Anna states walking to the bar. We all end up following her.

'' Hi 4 shots please '' she orders and turns to give us that ' you are drinking too' look

'' Here you go for the beautiful ladies first round on the house '' the sexy bartender says pouring the shots, flashing us his biggest smile showing a sparkly white denture.

We all smile back and thank him, then down our drinks.

'' To tonight, to us '' we all toast

Mia then drags all of us to the dance floor we dance to the beat of «this is what you came here for » by Rihanna ft Calvin Harris. Dancing gets me all nostalgic, reminding me how much I miss ballet classes and also how long I haven't danced. But now that exams are over, I promise myself to get back to it asap. Maybe I'll even do it this week, in here, at the villa, or on the beach that would be epic. Dancing ballet while waves crash on the sandy shores, splashing water... How poetic.

'' earth to Elisa '' Hailee snaps me out of my reverie.

''I’m here, dancing had me lost in thought. What were you saying? '' I ask.

'' the idiot from earlier is here and is checking you out. 6 o'clock '' she whispers in my ear due to the loud music.

I lift my head discreetly in the direction she said only to meet with his blue orbs staring at me. or are they green?? I can't quite remember as I was too focused apologizing earlier to take in his features.

Once his eyes meet mine, I feel my heart pound in a weird way as if I’m scared or nervous! I ignore the feeling and stride to the bar. I need a drink.

'' hi again, could I have a dirty martini please '' I ask the bartender politely.

'' coming right up '' he says giving me his signature smile.

I take the drink and take a large sip before turning around only to crash with something or rather someone and spill the remaining of the drink on them. I look up to find none other than that jerk from before. Just perfect!

'' and we meet again'' he mouths sarcastically while pulling on his now wet shirt to check out the mess.

Uuughh why me why him.