
Chapter 9 : Running into you

Julien’s pov

It was nine in the morning when we got out of the villa. From there, we went straight to the beach to start our first activity. Jet skiing. It was liberating. We got to the beach and found the instructor. He gave us advice and explained to us how to control the machines.

With that, we got each of us on his jet ski all suit up and drove off. I have to say it was super fun, the speed, the water splashing on our faces. We even tried to do a little race. Overall, it was just what we needed to kick start this day.

Now, we are at an equipment shop in the resort that rents bicycles. Which was our second activity of the day. Visiting and sightseeing the island on a bicycle.

'' We 'll get these two '' I say referring to two bikes in front of me

'' What this one is pink " Steven says eyed wide '' you drive it ''

'' What's wrong with pink '' I scoff

'' I’m okay with pink, but not this much pink! It's all covered man '' he explains

'' fine, find another one '' I finish getting out of the shop to test my bike.


''This is nice '' mutters Steven sitting on his bike and admiring the view in front of us. The mix of green from the trees and turquoise from the ocean above which, settles a clear blue sky with few light clouds and a shinny burning sun makes the whole view appear like a painting, a breathtaking painting

'' Indeed, it is " I agree

'' How about a little race '' he challenges, his lips curving to the side.

'' Want me to kick your arse again '' I throw back at him jokingly.

'' Well, we'll see about that ''

'' We will have to do it somewhere else cause the road here is a bit bumpy and one of us will certainly end up with a broken bone '' I note

'' Yeah? that's right, let’s move I know just the place "

Couple of minutes later, I find myself in a long alley where the bungalows are built on water.

'' This place is perfect '' he mouths

'' Yope, ready? '' I ask raising my eyebrows.

'' I was born ready, 1. ... 2..... ''

I cut him off and start the race leaving him behind me screaming.

'' Hey that's not fair you bastard '' I hear him yell while trying to catch up with me.

'' We didn't agree to anything'' I defend laughing my head turned towards him while still running towards the end of the alley.

'' Watch out you bloody moron'' he warns me.

'' Yeah right, I believe you, aren’t you a bit too old for__ "

Just then I feel myself hitting something, I then turn my head to see her laying on the floor holding her ankle in pain.

By her I mean the girl who has been throwing things at me since I laid foot on this island.

I brush that thought out of my mind, and crouch next to her to help.

'' Hey '' I say awkwardly. I just got used to yelling while talking to her that I find it weird to be nice now.

'' Sorry I wasn't looking I got distracted by that idiot. are you okay? can you stand?'' I ask scanning her feet.

'' Hey don't throw the blame on me " Steven protests

'' Oh, shut up '' I throw at him focusing back on the girl in front of me.

'' Is this some kind of revenge??!!! ' she asks in a stern voice raising her brow

'' No, I promise you it's not. You must have seen me, I had my head turned back. I didn't even see you coming'' I explain

'' Actually, I didn't see you either, I was too focused on my phone'' she admits

'' emm '' I hum not wanting to elaborate on the subject cause I know I'll end up making a scene or something.

''Anyways we were both distracted. Now let me help you stand up '' I tell her offering my hand.

She hesitates a few seconds but ends up taking it and standing up only to scream in pain with her face scrunching and eyes closed.

'' What's wrong?" I question a bit worried.

'' Man, I think it's her ankle. It looks reddish and swollen. Maybe it's twisted " Steven cuts in.

'' Yeah, I can't stand on it '' she states '' I had enough injuries in ballet to know that it needs ice, a nice massage, and a band to hold it together. with a little rest I'll be fine in a couple of days.'' she finishes.

'' Okay then let's try and get you to the hotel. Where are you staying exactly? " I ask.

'' I’m staying at one of the villas '' she replies still holding her ankle.

I run my hand through my hair, I feel like an idiot right now looking at the scratch on her leg and the blood dripping from it.

'' Well first we 'll have to wipe the blood off of you. And put something over it. Have any cloth?? '' I wonder asking her. she shakes her head no. I then turn to Steven and he does the same.

'' Okay '' I shrug taking off my shirt and proceeding to wipe her leg '' just stay still '' then I rip my white t-shirt to make a bandage, wrap it then tie it around her wound. '' That's better now '' I say standing up then giving her my hand to get up. she does so by putting her weight on both her unharmed foot and my hand.

''Thank you'' she mumbles softly.

“No need too. I’m the one who put you in this mess in the first place. So it’s my duty to help you….erm ’’ I stop realizing I don’t know her name. Luckily, she notices.


“I’m Julien, and this is Steven” I introduce while she nods her head at me then at Steven.

Going back to the situation at hand. We try to take few steps forward. And she does but I can see the pain in her eyes. She is fighting it. I look backward at Steven who's standing with both bicycles in hand. He mouths a 'do you need help ' but I shake my head reassuring him.

'' How are you feeling?'' I inquire.

'' I’m fine, thank you '' she assures, putting on a brave face with a smile that doesn’t reach her eyes.

'' You sure? Cause I keep seeing your face scrunch "

She stays silent and tries to take another step forward but fails in hiding how painful it is.

''That's it. I'm carrying you. '' I announce and start lifting her off the floor.

'' What no put me down '' she yells.

'' Just stay still, your ankle is hurt badly, and if you try to walk on it you'll end up hurting yourself even more " I remind her and with that, she calms down and let me carry her.

With one hand around my neck and the other settled on my chest while her head is resting on my shoulder. I can barely see her face since she is hiding it, but her cheeks are flushed for sure. And Her hands are moist against my skin. Both signs indicate that she is nervous. And I can't help but find it cute. I can't even remember the last time I thought a girl her age was cute.