
Chapter 6 : Accidents Happen


Sipping on my pina colada I sit back and relax enjoying my victory while Steven is sitting next to me with a bruised ego. I turn and glance his way to find him sporting a sad face.

"Oh! come on get over it "

"Easy for you to say Mr. I win every time, you're lucky I take it easy on you, next time there will be no mercy " he says trying to be serious, and holding back a chuckle.

" Omg I forgot how insane you are " I say laughing and shaking my head. While he sits there laughing and shrugging his shoulders.

Suddenly I feel something connect with my lap and hits me where the sun doesn’t shine.

'' Bloody hell '' I yell placing my hand on the area in reflex and scrunching my face in pain.

I turn to Steven to find him laughing like there is no tomorrow, I check around me and notice a volleyball at my feet 'must be it ‘ I think to myself as I feel blood rushing to my face as anger builds up in me, my fists clench and unclench as I look up to identify who the hell hit me with a ball straight to my balls ‘ how ironic'. I finally notice a group of four girls on the volleyball field one of them is standing there paralyzed or rather shocked, face flushed with what I assume is embarrassment or guilt her rosy plump lips parted and capturing eyes opened wide staring in my direction while her three friends are bursting into a fit of giggles.

Seeing that pushes my buttons even more, so I stand up carefully to ease the pain and stride slowly to where they are standing with the stupid ball in hand and stand in front of them. It still stings bad. Splendid -_-

Seeing me, they try to act more serious by hiding their smiles but fail miserably.

'' enjoying the show " I say sarcastically addressing the three laughing girls and dropping the ball at their feet, suddenly I feel a hand settle on my arm. Tracing it back to its owner I lift my eyes up to meet with blue-green eyes holding an ' I’m sorry look ' the shocked girl gives me an apologetic face and removes her hand upon seeing me glare at her.

'' I’m terribly sorry, I didn't really mean it, it was just an accident, are you okay??" she mouths stuttering, her eyes going back and forth from my face to my groin while her face turns crimson. Somehow, I’m enjoying seeing her troubled.

'' an accident you say, excuse me are you blind?? You were supposed to throw the ball this way towards your laughing buddies right here and not all the way to where I am sitting. So, to answer your question, No, I’m not okay '' I throw at her in a harsh tone.

''I know, I know, the sun rays were blinding me and I hit the ball a bit too strongly, and it just ended up hitting your … umm…you. It wasn't intentional or anything, I am really sorry, let me get you some ice to cool it down"

'' not needed, you have done enough, I don't need any more damage than what you've already inflicted on me. God knows what kind of mess you'd do with ice. Just do everybody here a favor and go sit next to your parents little girl before someone ends up hurt badly"

‘’I wasn’t planning on putting the ice on… you myself don’t worry and thanks for the advice, but I’m not here with my parents I think being 23 y.o qualifies me as an adult enough to travel by myself. What happened was a simple accident. Accidents happen. I apologized, what else do you want me to do??! As we can see you‘re safe and sound everything is still in place no blood or anything so you can either accept my apology or hit a wall, I don’t care. I tried being nice and polite to you but you clearly enjoy being a drama queen. So, there you go” she speaks in a calm but strong voice mixed with a hint of sassiness then walks away leaving me standing there unsettled, stupefied.

“Julien, what the bloody hell just happened?” Steven Asks from behind me. I ignore him and make my way to the bar asking for some ice, once done I decide to get back to the villa and call it a night, I'm feeling weird, angry, unbalanced and I could’ve sworn I felt turned on somehow but why?? !! I’m starting to regret this trip. Instead of relaxing, I’m now heading home feeling confused and frustrated. Wonderful -_-


Elisa’s pov

I march away from him, my head held high. Seriously who does he think he is to talk to me that way so rude and sexy and that British accent I slap myself shaking my head and screaming at my inner self ' not the time '

''Hey, what did you do that for? '' Mia asks with creased brows

'' My inner me is nuts'' I respond

'' Ohh inner you, don't worry sweetie inner us are all out to play, we'll talk about how hot he is after we bury his body for how he talked to you " Anna jokes, handing me a glass of fruit juice she got from the bar behind us.

''like seriously what a jerk, at least now I don't feel guilty for hitting him. He deserves it '' I say letting out my frustration.

''but you gotta admit that smash was pretty hard hhh. His balls must be blue right now'' Hailee says jokingly.

'' I know I was terrified he'll have to go through surgery or something, I did apologize twice and sincerely but to have him insult me not once but twice and call me a little girl hell no I won't be taking it''

'' Well bottom line he’s a jerk, let's not let that ruin our day okay. Now, who wants to swim. '' Mia offers getting up

'' Not me '' Anna responds

'' I'll stay here too ''

'' I'll join you. I’ve wanted to swim since we got here '' Hailee says running toward the ocean.

After Hailee and Mia came back, we all walked back to the house to shower and rest.

On our way, we notice a group of handsome guys with the phrase ''LET'S PARTY TONIGHT'' written in bold all over their chest and abs handing out flyers for a beach party. One of them comes to us and gives us the flyer containing All the details.

'' I guess we have a party to attend tonight "Anna concludes

'' let's hurry then, we need to shower, find a good place to eat, and get ready " Hailee points out

'' yope, let's go '' I agree as we hustle back to the house