
Chapter 5 : Girls Trip part 2

"Girls, who's hungry?" I yell so that they can hear me from upstairs

" Meeee "Hailee screams running down the stairs

"Mia is still in the shower and Anna is getting dressed, but I’m sure everyone will want to eat need some help? "

"Yeah I’m making lasagna , I had already told the reception to stock the pantry and fridge with food and veggies so thankfully we have everything now let's get to it "

"ay ay captain "

“ SpongeBob really got that phrase stuck in our heads ”I comment laughing.

" Omg, it smells heavenly my mouth is watering " Mia nearly moans digging into her plate

" Hahaha well, I’m glad you enjoy it " I answer back proud of my recipe. I love food, therefore I love cooking always have, always will.

"Enjoy???? I'm having a gastronomic orgasm here, I’ll ask you to marry me if you keep cooking like this" Anna adds.

" Well, it wasn't just me Hailee helped too"

" Yeah, right boiling pasta! " she says chuckling

" Anyways, what do we do now? " I wonder changing the subject

"Ask me when I’m done eating" Hailee says

" well, it's like 2 in the morning now or more, so a little girls’ night with a good old movie and some games ... Sounds like the best plan since we’re not sleeping after all the rest we had on the plane " I suggest

"Agree" Mia says her mouth full of lasagna while Anna and Hailee nod, too busy chewing to speak.

"Then tomorrow morning we can go to the beach, play a bit of volleyball" Anna adds

“Check out some hot guys" Hailee cuts in wiggling her eyebrows and grinning

'' Sounds good to me, then maybe after that we can take a Tour around the area " I finish while they all nod in agreement.

After finishing our meal, we first took turns calling our parents and letting them know that we arrived safely then we agreed on a movie ‘’ the sisterhood of the traveling pants ‘’ always been our favorite, we make some popcorn and spend the night or should I say morning watching the movie and chit-chatting about anything and everything. Around five in the morning, Mia and Anna were doing the dishes of our little girls’ night, Hailee was on her computer knowing her either hacking or stalking someone meanwhile I unlocked my phone and enjoyed reading online books until sleep took over me.


Waking up to the sweet smell of hot chocolate, I walk slowly to the kitchen rubbing my sleepy eyes.

There I find Mia preparing the delicious chocolatey drink along with French toast filled with grilled cheese.

'' What better way to wake up than on the smell of your savory hot Choco " I comment pouring myself a cup

" Good morning crazy "

'' Good morning, you know if we keep at it with the tasty food, we’re gonna double size by the time we get back home "

'' So be it, it's worth it " she replies laughing

Moments later we’re joined by Hailee and Anna, we devour the heavenly grilled cheese French toasts and go get ready for our day at the beach. Picking clothes, I decide on a blood-red beach dress underneath it a bikini of the same color (what can I say I adore blood-red), Mia goes for a dark orange short dress, while Hailee picks a white top and a grey long squirt with high silts and Anna chooses an off-shoulder little black top with the same color skirt.

Once we were done getting ready we decided to head straight to the beach, on our way there we can't ignore the mesmerizing sight in front of us.

Since we came at night it was hard to distinguish all this beauty and vivid colors but in broad daylight, it's nearly impossible not to fall under its spell. Palm trees everywhere coloring the island in a captivating green, the white soft sand under our feet, the blue clear sky above our heads, and the relaxing turquoise water which we can see from everywhere.

“Feels like paradise“I say sighing.

After a quick walk, we arrive at the beach all excited and ready to have fun. We lay down on some beautiful oak wooden beach chairs and take a moment to observe our surroundings.

The sun above us keeping us warm, the blissful breeze all around us, water splashing on the shores in front of us. It's just so relaxing. Suddenly Hailee gets me out of my trance poking my arm and trying to get Anna and Mia's attention.

" Girls check that out, 3 O’clock " she whispers grinning

'' Ouhh, me like it " Anna comments while Mia Drools her mouth open

'' they're Okay '' I finally say shrugging my shoulders

''Okay ??, are you for real '' Hailee whisper yells being careful not to get their attention since they were close by.

6 guys all showing defined abs and apparently strong muscles playing volleyball. They appear pretty tanned only one of them is as red as a tomato. Two of them with dark black hair, one blond, the other two having brownish locks and a bold one. They look manly a little bit arrogant if you ask me by the way they move and show off their muscles. Not my type.

Hailee keeps on gawking at them like crazy and I just lay there shaking my head, laughing and enjoying my sunbath.

After getting my fair share of sun rays I decide to test the compelling clear waters.

''Where are you going?" Questions Anna

'' I feel like swimming, wanna join?"

'' Yes please '' she says getting up


''So how was the water? '' Mia asks us upon getting back to our chairs

" Fantastic you should take a dip, you won't regret it "

'' I will but not right now, I see that the volleyball field is now empty, how about we go play for a bit " she suggests

'' I’m in "

" you don't have to ask me twice; I'll borrow the ball from those hotties " Hailee informs us jumping from her seat.

'' I swear that girl is nuts '' Anna says getting up

We run to the volleyball field and stand in front of each other me and Hailee vs Mia and Anna, this is gonna be fun.

I flip the ball in the air and smash it towards the girls on the other side Mia intercepts it with the tip of her fingers passing it to Anna who sends it towards Hailee who then passes it to me ...and it goes like that.

''Girls the sun is hitting me right in the eyes I need to get my sunglasses '' I say blinded by the sun rays

'' just bear with it, for now, we already started, once this round is finished go get them and bring me mine too please '' Hailee says

I sigh, throw the ball in the air, and smash it, although instead of ending up on Mia and Anna's side it lands on some guy's groin. A really handsome yet angry guy may I add. Oops sowwy. I’m done. Wish the earth would swallow me right now.