
Chapter 4 :Girls Trip part 1

Elisa’s pov

After hanging out in our garden for a few hours we all went up to my bedroom to get ready for our trip. And since we are leaving tonight, we had to hurry up. It was five o'clock in the afternoon and our departure was set to be at eight. The girls' luggage was already here waiting by the door all we had to do was get my suitcases down too, change our outfits for something more comfortable and head out. Getting into my bedroom I went to the dressing to get my suitcases, unfortunately, they were too heavy to lift.

Sighing I stare at them and back at the girls.

" Can't your brother help you out with them? " Mia proposes

" of course, how can I forget " I answer walking to my brother's bedroom

" wait just stay here finish packing and get ready we all know you take forever to do so I'll go and call Zayn" says Hailee getting up from my bed.

"Okay thank you girl, now what do I wear " I wonder turning to look at Anna who gives me an are you serious look

###Zayn's pov ###

Coming back home from Elisa's graduation, I join my parent's and Elisa's girlfriend's parents in a small family celebration. During that I can't help but eye Hailee from time to time stealing glances like a teenager with a crush. I don't know why I feel this way towards her it's weird is it her smile or her nerdy behavior mixed with that sassy attitude. Am I attracted or just as usual looking for someone new?

I just can't put my finger on what's drawing me towards her.

After the little celebration ended the girl’s parents left and everyone else went to their own rooms. Getting into mine I went straight to the shower. Going out I heard a knock on my door, opening it I come face to face with the last person I expected. Freaking HAILEE here at my door with me shirtless wearing nothing but a towel around my waist. This has to be my lucky day. I already feel happy and giddy and I wanna jump and... Okay dude get a hold of yourself you sound like a 15 y.o girl! My dear subconscious reminds me.

I keep staring at Hailee while she is glued to the door a rosy blush tinting her cheeks, her eyes trying to look anywhere but at me or my gorgeous body. Finally, I break the awkward silence.

''Ehm ehm, hi Hailee may I help you? If you need ANYTHING all you have to do is ask '' I state holding back a chuckle. Damn she is too cute when she acts all shy. I've never seen this side of her before well I guess she has never seen this side of me either so ...

"what?? I haven't had the time to think it through " I state innocently.

She takes a moment to recompose herself and stare me straight in the eyes ''no I’m fine thank you I don't need anything, but Elisa does. Her suitcases are too heavy, and she needs you to take them downstairs"

Ladies and gentleman sassy Hailee is back.

'' oh okay, I'll proceed to get them in a second" I reply a little bit disappointed. But seriously what was I expecting.

"Okay thanks" she mutters before disappearing into the stairs.

Elisa’s pov

By the time Hailee came back, I was fully dressed and ready to depart the girls helped me choose a White short dress printed in rosy flowers matched with a jacket of the same color, a pair of short flat brown boots, and a brown shoulder bag. The girls were also ready and were now touching up their makeup. Zayn then knocks at my door '' hey, I was told you need help '' he says glancing at my suitcases '' wow, how long will you be staying there A month? '' he inquires stupefied by the size of both suitcases.

-"hahaha funny, we'll stay there for two weeks and a girl never has enough clothes. So, could You stop judging and help me please?"

"fine but you owe me a favor, I might need something from you in the near future and you dear sister will be helping me okay? "He informs leaving me both intrigued and scared.

"ay, ay captain" I agree praying that whatever he wants from me will be something actually reasonable and with that, he carries my baggage downstairs.

********* one hour and a half later *******

It was now seven and a half, and we were already on the plane. We decided to sleep through the flight since it was going to last longer than 17hours and so that we can have fun once we land.

An eternity later we landed safely.

" Omg I have never been on a plane for this long“ Anna complains getting out of the plane.

Checking my phone I see that it’s 2 in the afternoon in New York time which makes it here 11 at night with 9 hours in difference, that being said we are not feeling jet-lagged at all. We spent a good time sleeping on the plane and the rest of it chatting and planning what we were going to do these next two weeks. Now first things first we need to get settled in our beach villa.

Pulling up in front of the resort, we walk towards the reception to check-in and get the keys to the villa where we will be staying.

Once in front of it, the girls and I find ourselves staring at each other with wide smiles curving our lips and then back at the villa before running up the stairs and straight into the bedrooms all excited. We take our time to check the place, settle, rest and shower. Once finished, I move straight to the kitchen fully equipped thank God.

"Girls, who's hungry?"