
Chapter 3 : Vacation

***16 hours later ***

We finally arrive at our destination, we stride to the beach resort’s reception, and I let Steven do the talking since I practically know nothing about this trip, after few minutes we are being led to our beach villa. It's pretty big, with a large living room, two spacious bedrooms with their own bathrooms, a fully equipped kitchen, and a Jacuzzi in front of one of the bedrooms. It’s built within the beach resort surrounded by restaurants and a few shops for tourists... Once I was done checking the house, I picked a room and immediately went to shower leaving a sleepy Steven on the couch. A few minutes later I came out of the shower and went to bed being too tired since it was 2 in the morning.

The next day I woke up with Steven yelling over my head, " rise and shine sleeping beauty " he sings opening the curtains to let some light in

"Maaaan, it's still early “I note putting a pillow over my head.

"It's 10 am you slept enough. Look at you becoming all lazy, it's actually good. This way you won't overwork yourself, seems like me and your dad's plan is working " he says standing over my bed. And that did the trick I got up quickly and made my way to the bathroom.

“that's the spirit, don't take too long we have a lot to do today " he lets me know, smirking.

"What are we doing exactly? " I ask him popping my head out of the bathroom.

"Well, we have to eat. So, breakfast first then we'll take a walk around the island and explore a bit, Afterward, we can relax at the beach, and then maybe I can kick your arse playing beach tennis " he replies in a cocky tone

" hahaha don't be so sure, do I have to remind you of what happens every time you challenge me in any sport, not just Tennis.’’ I state proudly

"Yeah, you always win right, but things changed and I’m not so sure you still have it in you being held up in work all the time…, but by any means, I would like to see you try"

" fine just remember you asked for it, don't come crying when I embarrass your arse in front of some girls at the beach "I warn him smirking.

" Yeah, we'll see about that " he mocks ending the conversation.

A few minutes later we leave the villa planning on taking a tour of the island. I have to admit the place is wonderful and has a Zen effect. I haven't felt this relaxed in a long time. The sky is clear same as the water. Their color is a calming clear sky-blue. A little distance away from our beach house we find a long alley of bungalows built on water. Its design speaks creativity with its triangular shape. I find myself wondering why the hell I have never visited this place before. I make a mental note to travel more in the future it's refreshing. I spread my lips into a smile realizing that Steven and my dad's plan is working just how they wanted it. And for the first time in a long time, I think they are right.

Once we arrive at the reception of a local restaurant inside the resort, we take a seat and order our breakfast

"thank you" I mumble in a low tone

Steven stares at me eyes wide " did I hear that right? The all-mighty Julien thanking me? What for? " He asks shocked

" yes, you heard right, thank you for this little vacation you and dad I didn't realize how much I actually needed it till now " I answer with a serious tone

" Well, no need to mate, that's what best friends are for. You seemed so consumed by work since the… incident. At first, we were trying to give you space, let you deal with it all on your own without pressuring you. But it's been almost two years and nothing has changed. You became a prisoner of a boring and unhealthy routine and you didn’t even realize it, so we had to do something about it. It was either you come here willingly or we would've been forced to kidnap you " he says chuckling.

For a moment I didn't know what to say. I was just reflecting on the last two years of my life.

" I know, but I had no other solution, work seemed like a good escape, it took all my focus and attention and thanks to that I didn't have to think about what she put me through. Whenever I went to a party, girls were trying to seduce me or whatever and after everything that happened, I couldn't trust any of them I still can't so I avoided partying. Whenever I went home mum would bring the subject up and try to fix me like I’m some broken toy, hell even the streets were dangerous with the reporters following me everywhere trying to figure out what happened. Work was the only place where people didn't ask questions at least not to my face. They respected my privacy and that was what I needed the most. I needed to focus on something else take my mind off of things and work did that it kept me sharp, busy and in control, it somehow became my safe haven. Plus, all that served the company pretty well, and honestly, I can't be prouder. “ I admitted proudly “still with that being said, I did stop living and I hadn't realized it until now. I miss traveling for fun and not just business trips, beating your arse in games and sports all the time. Having fun and letting go of everything. I just hadn't had time to breathe or relax. once I got on working-beast mode it was hard to stop, and now that I did, I feel free. " I finished sighing.

"Happy that you are happy mate, now that that is solved let's move to problem number 2 " he states smirking

"And what would that be Mister I’m on a mission to fix my best friend’s life? " I inquire feeling like I’m in some kind of intervention, <<God give me patience not to kill this idiot>> I pray internally.

"Hahaha funny you should be thankful that I care. Now back to our problem number 2 which is ... Drum roll...GIRLS. We should get your smarty pants out there meet girls go on dates "

" Nope, not happening " I say interrupting him " I’m not ready for relationships and I don't want to force anything or endure the pain of dating and girls throwing themselves at me Ah-Ah" I add shaking my head no.

" Stop being a scared little brat and get it together. Eventually, you will have to go back out there again. besides, not all women are the same and you know damn well I’m right. I'm not saying jump on the first girl you see and propose to her! no, just make small talks about something other than work ALRIGHT!! " he yells at my face

Just then our food is served, saved by the buttery tasty-looking crab, we thank the waiter and dig in without a second word.

Afterward, we take a tour of the island and all I can say is that it's magnificent I’m just blown away by its beauty. Later we visit a few shops I take the opportunity to buy gifts for mum and dad, as well as some beach tennis equipment. Eventually, we find ourselves at the beach and that's when I turn my head to Steven and smirk devilishly.

" Ready to lose mate ?? “