
Chapter 24: The Aftermath

Elisa ’s pov

“ ughhh, oh my Goooood my head hurts” I grunt feeling like If I was hit by a train.

I slowly will my eyes open while trying to make sense of my surroundings . First thing I notice is I am in an unknown bedroom, next to the bed I’m currently in is none other than Julien sound asleep in an uncomfortable looking position.

Why though? Where is everyone …? I scan the room and myself …. I’m in a baggy shirt who the hell changed my clothes, please don’t let it be him …

<< I don’t see the problem though, he has seen you in a bikini before so nothing new sweety, chill >>


My headache hits again and nausea creeps into my guts , I take the bed covers off of me and slowly get out of bed without making much noise , God knows how long the man was here looking after me I’m not going to deprive him of…

“Aahh ouch” and before I finish my thought I trip over the covers and Julien’s leg and fall on my ass. “Classy” and in the process wake up my ‘babysitter’.