
Chapter 25: Spilling the tea

Elisa’s pov

Sunday afternoon.

“home at last” I huff walking into the living room followed by our guests.

“there you are, welcome back, did you guys have fun?” mom queries excited

“yes, it was wonderful” Steven reports with a small smile

Mom looks up my way waiting for me to elaborate but I feel like a corpse.

“I’ll fill you in later mom, I’m spent. I need a long bath, a nap and some food, only then will I be able to function

correctly” I explain while glaring at the two idiots next to me who fail to muffle their laughter. They’ve been teasing me

all morning about my ability to ‘hold my liquor’ ugh!

“ I’m going to my room” I announce and run upstairs.

“ I’ll come get my full report later missy” I hear mom say


A long bath and a nap later …

I woke up just in time for sunset, sitting in the balcony and gazing at the large fiery ball slowly merging with the horizon,