
Chapter 21: Celebration Party!

After a delicious serving, we were able to confirm that this night was a total success. The guests loved the food, the music, and they adored the little samples we handed out at the end of the night, some even asked for a second bag which made us so proud of our work and gave us the motivation to do more.

Once we bid farewell to everyone attending, we were off to our little celebration party at the '' Infinite '' club.

'' are the guys following us? '' Mia asks, sitting in the back seat next to Hailee.

'' I think they are already there. Zayn drove them earlier while we were changing our outfits '' I answer, still focused on the road in front of me. It was almost midnight, and New York's streets were still packed. They don't call it ' the city that never sleeps ' for nothing.

'' they couldn't wait five minutes, really? Unbelievable '' Anna comments

'' I don't think they knew we were changing, when Zayn called, he assumed that we were already at the club. You know how guys are, they don't pay attention to details so don't waste your breath trying to explain that we can't go to a club wearing formal evening dresses." I clarify.

'' oh, they will know the difference once they see us, honey. Just wait and see. I always enjoy watching their jaws dropping '' professes Hailee

'' there or his jaw '' quires Anna, her brows arching.

'' I know, I know you've been wanting to talk about it all night but not now, please. I'll explain it all later.'' mouths Hailee

'' oh, you bet you will, we need details. Speaking of details, who's coming with Zayn?’' chimes in Mia

'' Julien and Steven, I invited them, and of course Carter, he is a part of our team. And one or two of Zayn's friends are joining us later, maybe, not sure. '' I report as I look for a parking spot.

'' have we ever met these friends? I didn't know Zayn had friends.'' utters Anna.

'' he has many. He just never brings them home. They usually meet at his apartment or the gym. And I don't think we ever met them, so we'll see.''

Getting out of the car, we fix our outfits and get one last glance at our reflection on the car’s windows, then off we go.

We make it inside the club and I have to say it's pretty crowded, but it was expected since it's one of the best clubs in town. We locate the guys upstairs sitting in a private area and join them.

'' Finally, you made it, we were starting to think that you forgot about us '' Steven speaks. I was starting to believe that the guy is mute, he barely utters a word.

'' we had to wear something appropriate for this place, something you guys won't understand ‘' replies Anna getting all sassy.

'' well, you girls look astonishing as always '' comes in my brother, his eyes focused on Hailee as he makes a room for her to sit next to him. He notices me staring and thankfully all it takes is one look from me to make him understand that if he messes this up, he is as good as dead.

'' don't worry, talk later ''He mumbles without a voice.

Once we all get settled in, Carter orders two rounds of shots for all of us.

'' I’m not sure if I should drink this much. I don't want to go home drunk. '' I complain.

'' no excuses, you girls earned it. Let us celebrate you and your work and worry about the rest later. Now to you beautiful ladies, the best is yet to come. Cheers ‘‘voices Carter while downing his first shot along with everyone else. Leaving me no choice but to do the same. I guess we'll have to call Marc to drive us home tonight.

A few shots and God knows how many drinks later, I’m officially drunk. What can I say, I really have a low tolerance When it comes to alcohol. I sit there watching couples dancing, or should I say dry humping on the dance floor. I notice Hailee and Zayn looking all cute and bubbly, which makes my heart warm, I’m so happy for them. In the meantime, Anna and Steven are sitting here whispering in each other's ears and laughing like there is no tomorrow. While I’m being ogled by Julien and Carter. Thankfully, Mia is here to save the day, my hero.

'' come on girl, let’s go dance '' she insists

'' you don't have to ask me twice '' I say getting up.

'' Mind if I join you '' jumps in Carter

'' not at all, the more, the merrier. How about you Julien, care to join? '' I ask

'' two left feet remember? '' he reminds me while giving out his sweetest shy smile ever.

'' well, it’s an opportunity to work on that and no one will pay attention here since It’s dark and everyone is too drunk to pay attention '' I apparently convince him. We all walk towards the crowd, squeeze in, and eventually spin and twirl to the rhythm. I take my time teaching Julien how to let go, and I have to admit it looks so funny I can't stop myself from laughing.

'' Yeah, go ahead and make fun of me ''

'' sorry I can't help it '' I reply still laughing.

'' well, I’m happy it makes you laugh '' he shouts a bit louder so that I can hear him over the loud music.

Suddenly I lose my balance, but thankfully Julien caught me just in time.

'' be careful there, I think you've had a bit too much to drink. You're starting to lose your dancing abilities.'' he


'' yope '' I answer popping the p. oh my God I knew I shouldn't have consumed that much vodka.’’ and you sir are enjoying it '' I note, noticing the large smile on his handsome figure.

'' well, I can't help it, it's funny and somehow cute. You're a cute drunk " he expresses laughing hard '' besides, it makes your dancing as terrible as mine now.'' he continues

'' I'll pretend I didn't hear that. I think I’ll go get some air and freshen up. ‘'

'' sure, do you want me to come along? ‘'

'' Nah, I’ll be fine, but thanks '' I say as I retreat outside the club. The loud music was starting to give me a headache, and being drunk isn't helping either. Instead of standing here in the chilly weather with my not-so-long dress and high heels, I decide to take refuge in my red jewel.

Getting comfortable in my driver's seat, I take the time to scan the surrounding neighborhood. It must be around 3 or 4 am since the streets are quiet. The only noise I hear is the one coming from inside the club. I check my phone and confirm my guess, it is 3:45 am. I wonder when we will go home, we can't even drive ourselves now, seeing how much alcohol we all consumed. We can always call Marc but I couldn’t bear waking him up from a good night's sleep and making him drive all the way here at such an hour. Is it even appropriate to go home this late and this drunk? As I'm lost in thoughts, my eyes roam around the long street in front of me only to stop at what appears to be a hotel a good eighty meters away. Problem solved, I guess. I take a mental note to talk to Zayn about it once I get the chance.

As I’m organizing my thoughts someone knocks on my window, I turn my head towards the passenger seat's window and notice the three musketeers half-drunk which makes me giggle a bit. I open the doors and let them in.

'' Why are you sitting here all alone? Something wrong? '' Anna asks in her motherly voice.

'' No, all is good the music is too loud inside, I needed a break. '' I answer, massaging my temples.

'' Guys I think I’m drunk '' Mia announces groaning while holding her head between her hands.

'' Yeah, I kind of noticed, I lost count of how many shots you had. Here, drink some water.'' says Anna handing her a bottle of water from the front.

'' Maybe you should take a nap, stay here, and rest and we'll come and get you when we're out '' I suggest

'' Why come and get her? We'll simply drive her home so she can just sleep until we arrive. '' Anna chimes in

'' I don't think any of us can drive Anna, we are all buzzed. I thought about calling Marc but at such an hour it seems inappropriate. As well as getting back home. So instead, we can stay the night at that hotel. It looks fancy. I was thinking about checking it out, but before I have to talk to Zayn. '' I explain seriously

'' you have it all figured out you control freak don't you '' she queries laughing

'' yopee '' , say with a toothy grin.

'' ehm ehm, someone is too silent back there '' I tease, looking at a surprisingly quiet Hailee through the rearview mirror.

''here we go... I knew the questions were coming my way so ask away let’s get it over and done with '' she blurts out a bit frustrated.

'' slow down, girl, we’re just worried about you. We all know Zayn, he is my brother. I love him, but he is a player and the last thing I want is for him to hurt you. I'd literally castrate him and I will have a serious talk with him ''

'' So you are not against us being together? '' she asks, a bit relieved. ''

'' Why would I be? One of my best friends and my brother, I wouldn't ask for anything or anyone better for both of you. I know you won't hurt him and he better not hurt you, otherwise, he is as good as dead! "

'' awn, thank you sweetie I was worried you'll be mad or something ''

I roll my eyes at her silly ideas and ask '' enough nonsense now spill the details ''

'' and leave nothing out '' adds Anna eagerly.

'' Okay, so it started like this I was …