
The story of Zayn and Hailee

Hailee's pov

Standing at the bar alongside Mia, we couldn't help but make a bet on carter asking Elisa out.

'' I don't think he will, I mean she is technically his boss. It would be unprofessional of him. '' Mia chimes in

'' he already asked her to dance! And look at how he is looking at her so adoringly while she is oblivious. He'll ask her out by the end of the week if not tonight you'll see '' I assure her

As the song ends and the couples resume their dancing, we are soon joined by Elisa and anna and their dance buddies. We spend a few minutes talking business until Elisa’s parents join us.

'' ladies enough business for tonight, enjoy your evening. You'll have enough time for business talk Monday morning. '' Mr. White voices ending our conversation

'' Elisa, care to dance with your old man '' he then addresses Elisa who agrees immediately with a broad smile. They are soon followed by Elisa’s mum and Julien then anna and Steven. Leaving both me and Mia once again at the bar.

'' I'm going to go check the song selection with the DJ once again... Make a few changes '' she announces leaving me there scanning the room for possible clients I still haven't addressed.

Just as I'm about to leave the bar and head towards the guests, I am startled by a breathtaking but nonetheless uncomfortable Zayn.

'' hey you, what's wrong you look stressed out '' I question

'' who? Me? No, I'm not... I'm fine, great even. You Look dashing '' he blurts out one word after another making me worry about his alcohol consumption or maybe he is just sick? The weather has been unstable lately this minute it's sunny and the next it's all windy and freezing. I could say he is nervous but it's freaking Zayn, I've known him for five years and his cocky confident attitude is always taking the lead. I snap out of my daze realizing that I haven't responded to his sweet compliment.

'' awn thank you, you look handsome but a bit weird. Are you ill? Or maybe you have a fever? '' I ask, reaching out to touch his forehead. He slightly jumps at the contact, making me snatch back my hand quickly while mentally slapping myself. What the hell was I thinking?!

'' you’re giving me fever. you have no idea what you're doing to me do you? '' he asks his light brown orbs boring into mine, pupils dilated, I am so lost in them ... confused trying to find the meaning behind his words...

'' come with me '' he so suddenly orders holding my hand and dragging me with him in a swift but gentle move giving me no choice but to oblige.

Once we reach a secluded hallway, he grabs a hold of my other hand while taking a deep breath like if he is about to bungee jump then he finally speaks.

“ I have something to tell you … I’ve kept it in for years thinking it was nothing serious, a mere crush that would vanish with time …. But then it didn’t, no matter how much I fooled around, no matter how much I tried to convince myself that I’m not good for you that you deserve better than a player I just couldn’t shake the feeling. Every time I see you I feel like a teenager with a crush all shy and timid stealing glances at you from afar and you know I’m nothing like that but something about you brings out these unprecedented traits in me. You make me want to commit-don't freak out-, you make me want to be the best version of myself possible, you make me want to deserve you ….you’re probably wondering how the hell I can feel this way towards you when we rarely talk … “ he pauses searching my eyes for answers while I just stare at him dumbfounded I always liked Zayn physically speaking I knew he was a good guy good-hearted, cares deeply about his family and a beast when it came to business... but all that aside, I also knew he was a womanizer it really wasn’t a secret everybody knows and that stopped me from daydreaming about him. To me, he was my best friend’s hot but dangerous brother.

“ Hailee …”he whispers to my ear sending shivers down my spine “ it might surprise you how well I know you … and of course I’m not asking you to marry me.. YET or saying that I’m head over heels in love with you YET. All I’m saying is that I’m …. I don’t know what it is I just want to be with you in ways I haven’t been in with anyone before. I want you to be mine and only mine, I want to be able to tell off anyone who stares at you more than necessary and show them you are mine. and I want to be yours, yours alone.” he finishes

“you mean you want to be in a relationship with me? “

“yes, that’s exactly it “

“why?” I ask lost in a sea of questions

“ I told you, I’m into you. I can’t explain it otherwise. I tried to keep it in seeing that you’re my sister’s friend and that I don’t have the best track record when it comes to dating add to that the fact that Elisa might kill me if I even think of hurting you etc.… but I just can’t hold it in me anymore so here I am telling you hoping that you’ll agree to give me … us a chance at a relationship where I’ll be the best loyal partner ever. I promise. but if you don’t agree … I’ll have no choice but to charm you into agreeing and you know me enough to know that I don’t give up easily. “ he teases devilishly

“oh yeah? give it a try and we’ll see if it works “ I taunt playing his game

“you don’t believe me? “

“honestly, I don’t think you can do it “ I say defiantly my eyes never leaving his and before I realize it I’m pushed against the nearest wall his arms circled around my back and waist holding me tightly close to his tall and well-built frame leaving me imprisoned with no way to escape bathing in the warmth emanating from his body. I meet his gaze to find a fiery look of victory matched with a mocking grin displaying his pearly white teeth.

As we get into a sort of starring contest, he inches his head towards my own and mouths his lips dangerously close to mine.

''' what about now? ''

'' what now? " I barely utter finding it hard to swallow my own saliva. I knew I was playing with fire but I thought I would last at least a few days.

'' sweetheart, drop the act. The minute I got close to you your breath hitched, your cheeks are now tinted pink and I can feel you vibrate by the mere touch of my hand on your cheek '' he says caressing my face leaving me startled.

'' denying that I have an effect on you is pointless '' he continues while I stand there mute!

What can I possibly say?! He obviously has some kind of effect on me whether I knew it or not, now I know for sure! but WHY?!

« ehm ehm, you did admit that you find him attractive and if I recall you used the word 'Hot' so maybe that's why »

Okay, I reason with myself then wonder why is he affecting me now?! Why not before! What changed?!

« well for starters he did confess his love or should I say crush to you. He did say he wants to commit bla bla bla which is probably why you're affected now cause the danger is gone! The only thing that was stopping you from foreseeing a relationship with him was his player persona. Now that that has changed ' according to him ' you might have taken the etiquette off and dating him became a possibility now. There you have it, you're welcome »

When I take a moment to analyze everything it actually makes sense! Now what?!

'' you look so adorable when you're overthinking '' he says stopping my train of thoughts

'' stop looking at me like that '' I scold averting my eyes from his piercing ones in an awkward gesture.

'' like what? " he asks mockingly denying his actions

'' you know exactly what I’m referring to. Stop with the puppy eyes and the I want to stare at your soul look! ''

'' fine, but only if you dance with me '' I hesitate a bit taking my time to think but he cuts me off again

'' I won't eat you, not tonight anyway ''

'' you're incorrigible '' I reproach withholding a tiny smile.

'' and you like it, you like me '' he states confidently.

'' you wish '' I scoff moving past him but he quickly catches up and puts a hand on my waist leading me towards the dancing area. On our way, he makes a quick stop at the DJ’s booth and whispers something in his ear.

(A.N: song name: wanted - Hunter Hayes)

As the song starts and we begin to sway to its beat, I focus on the lyrics and I have to admit it's so romantic and sweet. Surprising coming from Zayn.

'' I didn't take you for a cheese ball'' I joke

“well, I’m not or was not I guess, I told you your presence alone makes me do things I’m not used to. It all comes naturally I suppose”

“uhm , maybe” I hum and focus back on my steps distracting myself from the feeling of his hand lightly squeezing my waist and silently praying that I’m not blushing again. As the dance progresses, we get more comfortable around each other. I look up at his face shyly only to find him eyeing me adoringly which makes me heat up and hide my face is the crook of his neck like a turtle hiding inside its shell.

“Sooo..” he starts “…what’s your answer?”

“to what” I ask playing dummy but the smartass sees right through me

“Hailee” he says like father reproaching his little kid

“baby steps Zayn baby steps “

“so you’ll go out on a date with me?” he questions excited

“how about we get to know each other more, talk more …. I wanna believe you, but given your track record, I'll be an idiot not to have doubts- no offense- so the best thing I can think of is for us to get to know each other the way we would get to know a stranger “I suggest

“well yeah that’s what dates are for and besides we know a lot about each other it’s not like if are strangers “ he arguments

“dates are too formal, casual is comfier… and yes we do know stuff about each other but most of them are basic or general information and not things you’d share with a partner ..’’ I explain

“Okay, then princess whatever makes you feel comfortable. Luckily for us, the night is young and we will be together probably till morning so we might as well make the most of it “he announces with a broad smile so contagious that my lips spread on their own accord matching his while my eyes look into his and my face heats up shyly at his choice of words. who knew that New York city’s number one player could be sweet?