
Chapter 20: First DanceS, part 2

After the song ends, we resume our dancing and join the girls besides the bar. We spend a few minutes talking about the discussions we had with our guests and discussing who might be a possible face of our brand...

'' ladies enough business for tonight, enjoy your evening. You'll have enough time for business talk Monday morning. '' dad says, interrupting our little meeting.

He then let go of mom's hand and reaches out for mine '' Elisa care to dance with your old man ''

'' it would be my honor '' I answer smiling as we stride towards the dancing area followed by mum who apparently chose Julien as her dance partner. As she notices me looking her way, she gives a playful smirk followed by a wink. I swear to God, she is crazy. I simply shake my head at her and return my attention back to dad. As another Ed Sheeran’s song starts "perfect».

Soon enough it’s like the whole room is dancing, every person is holding on to their partner and slow dancing. Mia did a good job with her song selection, I got to give her that. As I remind myself to tell her later, I’m cut off guard as dad spins me so quickly then pushes me towards another couple, I don't understand what's happening as my eyes were squeezed shut expecting a crash. I slowly open them wide when I realize that I am held in someone else's arms. That someone being none other than Julien. I quickly readdress myself and try to catch up with the steps. I turn towards my parents to see them dancing all smiley and giddy while looking at us. I roll my eyes at their playfulness and return my focus to the music.

'' hello there, partner '' says Julien

'' hi '' I mutter, finally conscious of the fact that he is sooo close, too close actually I can feel his body heat radiating through his skin and smell his cologne brushing against my nostrils like a love potion. God, he smells so good. Suddenly the room feels too hot, I feel too hot.

'' just to let you know I have two left feet so be patient with me, will you. I guess your mom couldn't bear it that's why she fled to the safety of your father’s arms '' he explains laughing getting me out of my head.

'' hahaha don't worry, I can handle it. You should've told me beforehand; I would've given you private dancing lessons '' yeah right private dancing lessons! I don't think I can handle being this close to him. Why him? Why do I always have the tendency to lose my tongue, my breath, and my brain when I'm near him, why?

« I don't know, maybe because you really really like him as in have a crush on him and if he asked you out you'd scream out yeess »

Oh shut up!

« She scolds her inner thought not ready to face her true feelings. Well take your time honey, I know the truth which means you know the truth which means that it’s only a matter of time before you admit it. So, I’m going to sit back and enjoy the flirting game until one of you two love birds decides to ask the other one out »

'' Hmm, you're talking like if you actually had the time. But yeah, sure, I'll keep your offer in mind for any future occasion,'' he says, snapping me out of my sea of thoughts.

'' sure '' I simply answer.

Once the dance comes to end, Anna pops out of nowhere and drags me to the side.

'' excuse me, Julien, I need her, I'll get her back to you in no time '' she says in a rushed tone breathless.

'' okay take a deep breath first, we all know how much you love to dance, but breathing is necessary ‘' I remind her.

'' don't worry about me, I'm fine, just too excited. Steven is amazing '' she states sweetly. Someone is falling in love.

'' I saw that, when do I start planning the wedding? '' I ask jokingly

'' haha, well I don't know but ask Hailee maybe you'll end up planning hers '' she teases mentioning for me to look towards the couples dancing. I turn my head to see Hailee and my dear old brother slow dancing intimately, both smiling from ear to ear. It's the cutest thing I've seen today. I knew they talked every now and then and that Zayn had a crush on her for a while now, but I never thought that he would act on it. But good for both of them, he better treat her right like a princess or I'll have to murder him.

'' earth to Elisa, where did you go '' wonders Anna while shaking me out of my daze.

'' I've been thinking about ways to kill or castrate my brother if he ever thinks of hurting Hailee '' I announce in a serious tone.

" oookay, we'll talk to him tonight once we’re done. By the way, what's left in tonight's program? ''

'' not much there is dinner, then we'll distribute the sample gift bags and that's it.''

'' great then. Now go back to your partner, he has been eying you all night like a lion watches his prey and I'm not even talking about how he looked when you were dancing with Carter. If looks could kill.'' the little minx teases and leaves me there standing in shock.

'' wait... '' I try to stop her, but she vanished.

It's not possible, she was just messing with me, right? I mean Julien?! He doesn't care. Why would he? He barely knows me. And let's not forget all the messy fights we had on the island. Even if all of that is left behind now, there is not much going on. Our talks are normal, he tries to poke fun at me or joke once in a while and that's it. I think.

And me, well, I’m attracted to him, obviously. He is handsome! who wouldn't be! But besides his face, he is funny, a tease but in a good way, overall nice... Ookay I better stop. I'm talking to myself in an important event in front of influential people. They will seriously think I lost my mind.

I order a glass of red wine at the bar and join my family at the dinner table as the meal is being served.