
Chapter 19: First DanceS, part1.

3rd person’s pov

Saturday, finally a long-awaited weekend for both Elisa and Julien. It has been a long week for both of them.

Julien struggling between running and building the company, and getting used to the New York lifestyle.

Mr. And Mrs. white did their ultimate best to make him feel at home, and he appreciated that very much. But he didn't want to be a burden. ‘Men and their pride'. He even went and bought a car, an Audi of course! Just to avoid taking Hector's every day. Although the man didn't mind, seeing that he had many others to choose from.

As for Elisa, the poor soul was torn between the lab work, adjusting to being the head of her own company, prepping the factory for production, and organizing an opening party for tonight. All that aside, she had to take time to recruit competent engineers. As a matter of fact, that handsome man Hailee was crazy about was made for the job.

His name was Carter he was 27 y.o, smart, and good at what he does. The man already had a job but wanted to make a change. He had olive green eyes and beautiful dark brown hair. Which made Elisa wonder, 'what was it with guys and green eyes? She didn't know, but she enjoyed getting lost in them every once in a while.

And Carter didn't mind it. He was actually infatuated by Elisa. Her looks, her personality, but mostly her brains. You'd think a pretty girl wouldn't be smart, but damn she was, and he found it sexy. He was even considering asking her out, he just had to find the perfect moment. Maybe at tonight's opening party? Or leave it till the after-party, where she'll be less stressed about all the important businessmen attending the event. Yes, that sounds like a better idea, he thought to himself while standing in his closet imagining how the whole scenario would happen.

In the meantime, Elisa was on the phone with the event's coordinator, checking if everything was on point for the hundredth time. She was nervous and wanted everything to be fabulous, so she simply made sure it was. While she was dealing with that, the girls were on her sofa reviewing the details for the after-party, which will be held in a pretty famous nightclub downtown called '' infinite ''.

'' Time to get ready people, everything is set at the palace, and we need to be there early to welcome the guests so chop-chop. '' orders Elisa after ending her phone call.

'' This is going to be one hell of a night; I can feel it '' comments Hailee while grabbing her makeup bag.

'' to tonight '' comes in Anna handing each of the girls a vodka shot.

'' don't you think it's a little bit early for this, it’s going to be a long night and with the after-party I doubt, we will get any sleep and I don't want to start the evening drunk ‘’ asks Elisa worryingly

‘’ you’ll be fine, you need to relax. Don’t worry, I’ll keep an eye on you ‘’ assures Mia.

‘’ Okay then, cheers to tonight. Let’s get to it ‘’.


By 7 pm, the girls were all set, each in her position ready to welcome their oncoming guests .and it has to be said, they looked breathtakingly magnificent. Anna with a simple yet elegant off-shoulder black dress with a high front slit that fit her like a glove. Hailee with her shimmering metallic gray evening dress which had a wonderful sleek bodice. Not forgetting Mia who wore an ultra-chic burgundy lace dress with a romantic off-shoulder neckline. It hugged her figure beautifully, showcasing her hourglass shape and attractive neck. And finally, Elisa wearing a majestic beaded Arabic nude pink dress that was simply perfect.

As the first guests made their way into the luxurious palace where the event was being held, they were welcomed by the four charming young ladies and then led to a vast room where a professional small orchestra was playing soft music and waiters were serving fancy champagne. Little by little the guests flooded the room, but still, Elisa saw no sign of Julien and his friend. Where could they be, she worried.

Elisa's pov.

I scan the room looking for Julien and Steven, but in vain. Where are they? I look at Mia questioningly from the other corner of the room, and thankfully she gets me but still shakes her head no. Just as I'm about to go ask dad, my phone rings. It's him.


'' Hi, where are you? Everyone is here already "

'' I'm afraid we got lost! "

'' see, you should have followed the plan and let Marc drive you!''

'' well, it's a bit too late for that. Just remind me of the name of the palace, and we'll be there shortly '' he says ever so calmly.

I spell the name out to him just in case and hang up. Ten minutes later, they arrive safely. I look towards him to give him a reproaching look, but his eyes are rather occupied scanning me up and down which makes my cheeks burn. The minute our eyes meet I revert my gaze and suddenly the bar looks interesting. I need to calm my nerves.

Anna notices my discomfort and makes her way towards me.

She quickly orders two glasses of god knows what she simply said, and I quote '' something strong ''.

I sip on the drink and pray that I don't get drunk tonight.

'' is it him or the party? '' Anna asks curiously

'' a little bit of both I'm afraid '' I reply, catching my breath.

'' I see, well get it together girl, and don't freak out, but they are heading towards us. ''

''oh god '' I look up and stare at them marching through the crowd, being greeted by most of the men and eyed like candy by most women.

I have to admit Julien looks quite delicious tonight wearing a fancy black tux and a bowtie how elegant.

''stop staring, you look like you're going to devour the guy '' Anna whispers jokingly in my ear.

'' I might actually '' I tease, making her eyes open wide in shock.

'' Who are you and what have you done to our sweet sweet Elisa?''

I don't get the chance to answer as Julien and his friend stand in front of us.

'' Ladies ''

'' Gentlemen ''

'' you look ravishing tonight '' Julien says while Steven nods his head and admires my girl. Someone has a crush.

'' thank you, you guys look handsome as well '' I compliment back.

‘’ I’m going to say hi to a friend over there, Steven will you come with me ‘’ Anna asks demandingly not giving the poor guy a chance to answer.

'' so how are you, how are things at the lab... We were both so caught up this week that we barely had the time to talk. ''says Julien, reverting my attention back to him.

'' I know. I'm good, everything is going great, thankfully we made a lot of progress this week. How about you? '' I ask.

'' so far so good, it's a bit hard to get used to New-York, but I'm getting the hang of it ''

'' so, I heard you finally decided on the brand's name ''

'' oh yes we did, it'll be called REINA '' a makeup fit for a queen '' we think it's simple yet elegant '' I explain

'' well, it is indeed, congratulations and good luck. Not that you need it '' he says, flashing me his taunting smile.

*get a grip*

'' thank you, good luck to you too " I mutter smiling

After a few minutes of chit-chat, my father joins us.

'' sweetie, you look... '' my father looks at me adoringly, not finding the words. I simply hug him warmly.

'' Julien son, I'm afraid I'll have to steal this gem away from you as she has a speech to deliver. ''

'' sure sir '' Julien nods politely. And with that, I walk with my father towards the small stage.

He first gives a short introduction, then calls me up.

I’m always nervous when it comes to giving speeches, so today, I made sure to keep it short and sweet but nonetheless informative. So I simply talked about how the idea to build the company came to us, what it took, the people who helped .. my father being one of them. Then I went ahead and explained our future plans with regard to production and branching out all over the US and why not the world .... And finally, I resumed my speech by thanking the guests for their time and my friends and family for their help and support.

After getting off the stage, I spend time socializing with guests and possible clients, as well as a few celebrities who could be good friends in the field.

'' May I have this dance? '' I hear and turn to see Carter extending his hand to me as a new song begins. Kiss me by Ed Sheeran.

'' hmm, sure yeah, I reply hesitantly as he takes my hand in his and leads us to the dance floor next to a few dancing couples. There I find Anna swaying with Steven lost in the moment. I'm going to enjoy teasing her later.

I take my attention back to my dance partner as we get into position and let our bodies follow the rhythm. I try to be as relaxed as possible in order to enjoy the dance but I can't help but feel a bit nervous, I mean who wouldn't be in front of those green orbs of his. So, penetrating not to mention his confidence, something I find so attractive.

This makes focusing on my steps a bit hard. Thankfully he starts talking, and small talk can be a nice distraction in some cases.

''You're good at this, a natural“ he comments on my dancing skills.

'' thank you, I’ve been a ballerina since I was three, so I guess dancing is in my blood '' I explain

'' Wow, that’s amazing. I didn't know. I never took you for a dancer. I always thought you were a nerd slash book warm '' he says jokingly

'' hahaha not offended at all '' I answer him laughing

'' But yeah, I am that too, I focus a lot on studies and work, but I always find the time to do what I enjoy '' I continue.

'' I see, I envy you for that, you see I barely have the time for work and gym ''

'' well, nothing a good timetable can't fix. I'll help you with it next week you'll see '' I state sure of my organizing skills.

'' Well thank you'' he answers

‘’ Oh, don’t thank me, it’s in my interest as well. As you work for and with me, I need you to be as organized as it gets.’’ I explain laughing.

After the song ends, we resume our dancing and join the girls besides the bar.