
Chapter 18 : Done Deal

... '' so thoughts? "

'' I like it, it's spacious, great view and the design is wonderful. But I'll have a lot of changes to make if I end up renting or buying it! So, I'll decide after I see the flat. '' I state, my mind already made up.

'' as you wish '' the man nods with a smile and strides to the door with us behind him. Off to the penthouse.

In the car, Elisa is still silent which is odd. All because I said I wouldn't mind being with or dating her! I wonder if she had ever been in a relationship, cause with this behavior, I highly doubt it. Girls are usually happy with this kind of flirty comments.

« Maybe she simply doesn't fancy you »

Yeah right!

Luckily, we’re alone in the car following behind Mr. Peterson's vehicle.

'' I am sorry if my comment earlier made you uncomfortable. I was merely trying to be nice ''

«Way to go buddy, trying to be nice, she'll think you didn't really mean it now and that you're nothing but a player » my inner self notes making me wonder if I have a part of Steven installed in my brain. can't I get a break?!

'' it's fine, I'm ... I just don't know how to respond to such things it all makes me feel weird. I'm glad that you were simply trying to be nice. ''

'' no, I... Never mind. '' I shut myself up before saying something that'll make her run for the hills.

I don't understand though, I am sure people made advances to her all her life. With the way she looks and carries herself, it's hard not too so why the awkwardness.

'' I'm sorry I hope you don't mind me asking ... Have you ever been in a relationship? I'm sure a lot of guys have tried to be with you ... ''

'' erm, no I have never. I know with me being 23, it sounds silly, but I just never saw the point of it when I was in high school and when I got to college I refused to be distracted by anything and anyone. And, yes some tried hhh but after a few awkward rejections word got around, and they stopped asking ''

'' haha, you are funny. So, what about now. You have no college, and you’re your own boss! So, what's stopping you. I mean I'm sure you at least had a crush or two in your life. ''

'' Nothing really, I just don't know how to deal with compliments or advances - as you said -from guys. I get all uncomfortable and shy away'' I swear she is unbelievably cute.

'' it's simple when someone says something just take it as if he is just being friendly smile and say thank you '' I advise smiling and thanking God that she relaxed a bit.

'' I'll try '' she says giggling.

'' So, Elisa, would you have lunch with me’’

'' What '' she says eyeing me with mixed emotions showing through her eyes. A bit of shock and surprise along with shyness and fear maybe.

'' ah ah, remember what I said '' I object reminding her.

'' Thank you '' she says smiling

'' But you didn't answer '' I respond laughing now.

'' You didn't mention anything about answering '' she teases now.

'' Smart, but seriously answer this poor lad's destroyed ego '' I say enjoying the situation and at the same time wondering why am I flirting. It's been a while, and honestly, it all seems like a breath of fresh air. She is a breath of fresh air honestly.

'' Okay, I'll have lunch with you '' she replies blush rising to her cheeks.

'' see, that wasn't so hard '' I mention looking her way.

'' yeah '' she smiles. God, her smile is angelic looking at her is like going into trance, everything starts to go in slow motion.

« okay Romeo, we get it »

We finally get to our destination; we get out of the car and follow jack inside the sky scrapper.

The flat is perfect, it all fits my taste. Big but not too big, the view is fantastic.

'' I'll take it ''

'' great, rent or purchase? '' Jack asks

'' I'll buy it. I love it '' I inform him sure of my decision.

'' fantastic then, the owner is out of the country as we speak, but he'll be back in 2 weeks. Is it okay? ''

'' I mean I guess I just don't want to overstay my welcome '' I say a bit uneasy

'' nonsense, it's okay he'll stay with us in the meantime '' Elisa jumps in.

Reminding me of her father. Like father like daughter, I think to myself.

'' all is set then. Once the owner is back, we'll set up a meeting. And in the meantime, I'll get the paperwork ready for you to sign. '' he announces

'' wonderful then. I'll be waiting for your call ''.

I shake the man's hand and thank him for his help then lead Elisa to the car.

'' So, any idea of where I could take a cute girl to lunch? '' I ask smirking

'' I might have an idea '' she beams smiling shyly.


We make it to a restaurant downtown called '' the corner '' we take our seats at a table near the large windows and order our dishes. While waiting, I decide to make small conversation and get to know her more.

'' This place looks great, you come here often? '' I quiz.

'' kind of, sometimes we gather here for lunch since it's not too far away from the university and their food is delicious. '' she says all excited about the food. That's new. Most girls I know or used to know would rather stick to a green salad and nothing more.

'' you love food, don't you? '' I ask again chuckling. Her eyes widen as she answers '' is that even a question?!! Of course, I do, who doesn't. Food is life''

'' haha, lucky it, you talk about food as if it's your soulmate. '' I mention with teary eyes.

«wishing you were a pizza buddy? »

'' Well, it could be '' she simply answers her lips spreading into a beautiful smile.

'' you're crazy and different in a good way '' I note lost in my thoughts.

'' Crazy I understand, you haven't seen yet. But different?! How so? ''

'' well, first you have that shy side of yours and unwillingness to accept compliments and date invites ... which is unusual. Most girls would be happy, giddy and showing it, you don't it makes you uncomfortable ...'' I don't finish my sentence, and she cuts in disagreeing

'' hey, I'm here having lunch with you aren't I ?! "

'' Well, I had to tell you how to respond, but we'll take it as one step forward. And I'm not saying that these things

in you are bad, on the contrary, it's refreshing. I like it. '' I explain

'' hmm thank you " she mutters bashfully.

'' I'm not done yet, so another thing that makes you let’s say divergent. '' I wanted to say unique but didn't want to look like if I'm head over heels! I got lost in my thoughts for a moment thinking of why was I being so nice to her, a girl, when I spent the last couple of years doing the opposite?!

«well, there is nothing to dislike in her aaand she rejected you! »

Oh that!

I come back to my senses and realize I still haven't finished my answer " sorry I got lost in my thoughts, so I was saying ... Yes, it's the fact that you love food, you eat what you want.... Girls your age would stick to green salads only and starve themselves to an unhealthy point. I mean eating healthy is good but surviving on lettuce is torture

'' I finish.

'' again, thank you '' she beams the continues '' and I must agree with you. I never believed in diets. I eat what I want but do it carefully I don't overstep my boundaries and even if I do, I get rid of it all in the gym. I spend 2 hours 3 days a week all by myself dancing and training.... It's relaxing. I should show you around it someday it's in the basement. ''

'' Oh that'll be great, I look forward to it ''

We spend the rest of our meal talking about nothing and everything food, training, friends, and of course work.

Half an hour later, we are on our way to her company. Upon arriving we get in I can tell the place is brand new very few employees for now as she told me she still had to recruit people ... We make our way to a secluded door, and she accesses it with a fingerprint and an ID badge. I suppose it's the lab. I follow behind her and scan the room. I see her friends all in white blouses focused on the solutions and materials in front of them. One of them Hailee I think looks up and notices us.

'' Hi boss '' she greets Elisa first,

'' Hello, Julien '' she then turns to me I simply nod my head at her then at the other girls.

'' Julien, you've already met the girls before this is Hailee, this is Mia and this is Anna '' she introduces reminding me of their names.

'' nice seeing you again ladies ''

''So how was today any progress?? '' Elisa asks putting her bossy work pants on. I like that.

'' Yes, at this rate we'll finish the whole collection in two or three weeks tops '' Mia declares

'' that's perfect ''

'' We know, by the way, your brother is here in your office. Your dad sent him to handle a chunk of the job interviews... He picked most of the accounting staff, security and cleaning team, marketing employees ....and left some of the major decisions for you to make. Concerning the team that will be working on the production in the factory. Here are some files of possible recruits. Few of these people are engineers with experience in the field. Check this one he is supper cute '' Hailee finishes looking at the picture of the candidate adoringly. Elisa shakes her head at her friend's silliness and looks over at me with an embarrassed look.

'' seriously Hailee you lost your mind. ''

'' The guy is qualified for the job don't worry, I'm sure you'll like his resume. Him being cute is a plus that's all ''

'' we'll see. Anyways you seriously don't need me here today? '' she asks

'' Nope, just go we'll be fine. We’re almost done anyways. And we'll see you tomorrow '' Anna reassures.

'' Okay, I'll check on Zayn and then leave. Love you girls and behave '' she orders pointing her finger at Hailee.

'' She is a troublemaker I take '' I comment

'' haha yes a wild one, but I love her, love them all ''

'' I see that, you guys are like sisters. Cherish that it's rare these days. '' I advise

'' I can say the same for you and Steven Although you seem like Tom and Jerry. You act like brothers ''

She voices making me smirk '' we are, we practically grew up together ''

'' that's sweet '' she utters before opening the door to her office.

There we find Zayn sitting at a large mahogany desk, lost in a huge pile of paperwork. (I feel you buddy). Once he sees us, he shifts from his seat deciding to take a well-deserved break. After having a cup of coffee, He quickly updates Elisa on the new recruits assuring her that everything is on point and in less than a week the company will be set and ready to go. While the factory will take a little bit more time seeing that some machines are still yet to arrive.

'' home? " I ask her once in the car.

'' aren't you going to stop by the company? '' she questions.

'' I called Steven, everything is under control.''

'' Okay then, home it is. ''

'' thank you for today, leaving your work and being my personal tour guide... I appreciate that ''

'' it's fine, you needn't thank me really, it was a pleasure '' she replies grinning.