
Chapter 17 : Apartment Search

Julien’s pov

It is Tuesday morning, and I'm near the car waiting for Elisa's arrival. I sent the driver away politely since I wanted to drive today it helps me clear my mind, and it'll also help me memories the city.

Elisa shows up at the door right on time. Hmm, punctual, I'm impressed and curious, to say the least. I want to know more about her but I don't know how to start.

« Ehm ehm, have you thought about asking questions? »


'' good morning ''she greets her lips spread into a beautiful smile.

'' good morning to you too '' I wanted to compliment her looks and say something like you look Stunning but it seemed.... Flirty.

'' Shall we '' I asked opening the door for her.

'' Sure, where is Marc? '' she inquired looking around her.

'' I gave him a break, I want to drive today if you don't mind that is ''

'' Oh no not at all, it'll help you recognize and remember the streets better.''

'' that's exactly what I thought'' I agree, help her into the car, close the door and place myself in the driver's seat.

The car ride was mostly silent, we only talked when I needed direction and with the GPS and Elisa's help, we arrived at the company on time. We made our way to my office to get some files then off to the conference room.

'' Here, sit here and observe '' I mention to a seat at the table near mine.

'' Thanks,'' she whispers.


During the staff meeting, noticed how focused she was on the situation wanting to know it all. Of course, there were moments where she gave me an ‘are you serious’ look, mostly when I was threatening of firing someone. There were some moments where I found myself staring at her taking in her presence and trying to figure out what’s going on in her mind and in those exact moments she’d Look up and caught me gawking at her and gulp in her seat like a nervous teenager. I never had fun in a reunion as much as I did today. I should bring her with me more often. Her weird faces and reactions are entertaining.

Once the realtor showed up, I was informed by Marie who then led him to my office.

'' Mr. Peterson is here '' I alert Elisa who was still sitting at the conference room's table reading her notes. Her head juts up as she absorbed what I said.

'' oh okay, well let's not keep him waiting '' she says standing up.

'' too eager to find me a place and get me out of your house, aren't you? '' I ask playfully smirking at her

'' Me, no, why would I do so? If I didn't enjoy you being in our home, I’d simply lock myself in my bedroom '' she

answers simply.

'' I don't know. You barely know me, so you might think I'm a creep, and you're scared I might sneak into your bedroom at night and watch you sleep.'' I joke as I trap her between the large table and myself enjoying the look of shock on her face.

'' Relax, I was just kidding, trying to lighten the mood. We're gonna spend the whole day together, so we might as well break the ice. '' I hurry and say before the poor girl has a heart attack.

'' hmm, you scared me there for a second. Although you don't seem like a creep '' she remarks

'' Oh, and what do I look like? " I question standing confidently and fixing my suit waiting for the compliments to roll off her tongue. But instead, she rolls her eyes at me and mumbles an. '' you’re unbelievable '' making her way out of the conference room

'' After you ''

In the confines of my bureau, we notice a grey-haired man wearing a classy royal blue suit matched with a white shirt. He is elegant, his appearance spoke nobility. He may be around 50 or 53, but he was in a good shape, sharp. Once he noticed our presence, he stood up to shake our hands.

''Mr. Peterson, what a pleasure to see you again '' Elisa speaks clearly familiar with the gentleman.

''sweet Elisa, you've grown to be a such beautiful young woman '' he compliments making her cheeks blush slightly then, he addresses me.

'' you must be Julien, Hector told me so much about you ''

'' Hopefully all good things '' I joke shaking his hand

''of course, he also specified that you need a place to call home here in New York, and I am here to help you find it


'' Thank you for taking the time to meet us on such short notice Mr. Peterson ''

'' nonsense, Hector is family and so you are now, so, let's drop the formalities son call me Jack ''

'' sure '' I reply with a warm smile.

'' let’s get to it now, shall we? "

'' of course, let's sit here we'll be more comfortable’’ I mention to the couch in the corner of the office. ‘‘ and where are my manners !! Would you fancy anything to drink’’

‘‘ your assistant already offered to, thank you’’ he pauses then gets into business immediately.

'' So, I already did my research and brought with me some pictures and information about a few houses that I’m sure you'll like '' he informs us taking out a file from his black leather business suitcase and handing it to me and Elisa. I open the file and scatter the papers on the table in front of me and scan them carefully.

With each picture I or Elisa held, Jack would give us a detailed description of the place, its neighborhood, how close to town... I have to admit the man is good at what he does. Elisa was mostly quiet she only expressed her opinion or rather liking to a few places.

After almost an hour we ended up torn between a duplex penthouse and a full-floor apartment both in strategic places in the heart of the city.

'' let's go get a closer look, and then you can decide. What do you think? " Suggested Jack

'' let's go ''

''So, you will be viewing the duplex penthouse first. It has 5 bedrooms as you know and 7 bathrooms, it's pretty large for a couple but would be the perfect place to start a family '' says jack opening the door to the house and letting us in confused. I look at Elisa and saw a horrified look on her face. That made me somehow smile and a bit sad. Sad that she is horrified by the idea of us being a couple! I have never felt so rejected.

« well at least you know she doesn't want your money, see not all girls are evil »

Thanks, buddy.

'' Oh no Mr. Peterson... I mean jack '' she corrects when he gives her a look then continues'' we … I mean Julien and I are not a couple '' she states while I simply smile and look at the man with my lips straight.

'' I apologize, I just assumed .... And you'd make a great couple. You look like you are made for each other. I'm sorry if I'm bothering you it's just that I say what I feel. Again, my apologies to both of you '' the man mutters a little bit uncomfortable.

'' it's really fine. If anything, I’d be delighted to have Elisa as my partner.'' I express without thinking. Well, now I’ve made the situation weirder! Why did I even say that??

« Maybe someone is falling under the pretty girl's charms » it's way too soon! Maybe I got a little carried away with my teasing. I shake my head at my unbelievable subconscious and look up to see Elisa staring at me with a petrified look. Oh my lord, what have I done?

''Ehm, I'll let you check out the house and if you have any questions I'll be here '' Jack informs giving us some space sensing that we will want to talk.

'' sure '' I answer looking around me. After Jack disappears, I feel a tap on my shoulder!!

'' What was that?? '' she asks in all seriousness I’d even say she is angry.

'' sorry if I made you feel uneasy, I don't know what came over me. Maybe I just got a little bit carried away with teasing you... ''

'' So, you didn't mean any of it '' she asks. I would really love to say she is curious to know my answer, but I don't know it seems like she is relieved.

'' what if I was serious? Would that be a problem?? " I ask dodging the question with another one.

'' yes, it would, I barely know you and you barely know me! All I've seen from you so far is a cocky, overly confident businessman from London with anger issues, and I doubt I'll ever have a good relationship with a partner like you. '' she expresses fuming, and surprisingly, I'm enjoying her attitude. It's cute.

'' okay, you're wrong there. I actually know quite a lot about you. You are 23 graduated this year with honors, specialized in chemistry. Soon to launch a beauty product company with your friends. You're a talented ballet dancer judging by the trophies in your room, you also play the piano according to the pictures and the professional Yamaha piano in the large sitting room at your house. What else? I think that's all I've got for now " I say smiling with triumph.

'' Still, I know nothing about you. Hell, I barely know you ''

'' well get to know me dear '' why am I trying so hard? I wonder starting to get angry at myself.

'' not interested '' she replies leaving the room.


'' we will see about that '' I whisper to myself as I move to another room