
Chapter 16 : Scheduling

'' yeah sure, I'll come with '' I agree, making my father smile proudly.

The rest of our meal went smoothly, filled with jokes and of course business talk.

On my way back to the confines of my room, I'm held back by a hand, stopping me dead in my tracks. I turn around, already knowing who it might be. Feeling the heat of his skin touching mine, I quickly get my hand out of his hold.

'' Can I help you?” I ask, my brows raised.

'' Yes actually, I thought that since we are going out together tomorrow, we should schedule it all. I'll have to be at the office at some point during the day, and I'm sure you do too ''

'' Yes, you're right, follow me '' I say mentioning to my room. He does as he is told, but I can sense his reluctance.

'' will your parents be okay with this? '' he asks, making my heart warm. Him being this considerate is sweet and a bit unusual to be frank. From what I've seen, guys don't usually think too much about what parents might have to say regarding this kind of situations. But then again, he is a few years older and our fathers are close friends, so it makes senses that he'll be careful not to overstep his boundaries and I appreciate that.

'' yeah, don't worry about it. Plus, we’re not doing anything wrong, so it should be fine ''

< anything wrong huh, not yet anyways and I wouldn't call it wrong >

'' sure '' he replies and stand next to the door

'' make yourself comfortable, I'll bring my schedule ''

'Okay deep breaths he just wants to schedule tomorrow let's not make a big deal out of it, deep breaths ' I chant to myself once I disappear inside my dressing. 'The way he looks me in the eyes with those green orbs! Oh God, I'm sweating. ... Oookay missy get a grip ' I scold myself, grab my agenda and place myself next to him on the couch making sure to leave some space between us.

'' So, what do you have tomorrow? '' he asks, looking at his own schedule.

'' Normally I should be at the lab from 8 am to 6 pm, to get started on the first line of cosmetics. But it's fine the girls will be there, so they'll start without me, and I'll check on them at 4 or 5 pm. What about you? ''

'' I have to be in the office from 8 to 9 am. I have a meeting with the employees and I can't trust Steven to handle it '' he says, smiling

'' How so? " I wonder curious.

'' he is way too nice and funny and even when he tries to be though, he is gentle, and I need the employer to fear the boss and respect him only that will make them do their job properly '' he explains confidently

'' hmm, and you're good at being rough... Excuse me I meant tough '' great Lisa just great.

He stares at me with a glint in his eyes coupled with a devilish smirk and my heart starts beating like crazy, I'm afraid he can hear it.

'' I am good at everything '' he states

'' And you are cocky too '' I mention, my brows lifting

'' And you have a smart mouth '' he throws back while staring at my lips, making me gulp in the process.

« Sweety, you should be around men more often. You are acting like a teenager. One would say you grew up as a nun. »


I collect myself quickly and speak, getting his attention back to my eyes.

''Okay, so that means I'll see you tomorrow at 9 am, your office? '' I question changing the subject.

'' if that's what you want, or you could come with me and observe how things go. Your father mentioned that you have some difficulties with management... How you are more focused on the labs and your toys, forgetting that you'll need to be a CEO while being a scientist ''

'' Sure, I'll come with, but never say toys again. It's called lab equipment "

'' Noted, so see you tomorrow morning, we'll go apartment hunting then maybe grab lunch, and then I could take you to your office? '' he suggests standing up.

'' Sure, it's a date.... I mean, not a date. You know... It's set '' I mumble nervously

'' don't worry about it '' he reassures, making his way to my bedroom door. '' good night Elisa '' he pronounces my name ever so sweetly with that accent of his, oh God I'm melting.

'' good night, Julien '' I manage to say back, trying my best not to make a fool of myself.

What is happening to me? Why am I acting like a teenager with uncontrollable hormones? I seriously need a shower.

Julien’s pov

When I approached her on the stairs, I never thought she'd invite me to her room. Wasn't a girl's room private or something. We got in, and she disappeared for a while, which gave me the opportunity to take in my surroundings.

Her taste is classy, I give her that. Light pink, white, and champagne-colored furniture mixed with a bit of gold. All giving it a girly but classy appearance.

Lifting my head up, I notice a series of pictures and trophies placed on a high shelf. Two pictures caught my attention the most. One of her sitting in front of a piano lost in the moment, eyes closed, she looks relaxed. The other picture showcases her in her ballet attire standing on one leg on point while the other leg is lifted. The more days I spend here, the more I'm amazed by her! First, she is smart, obviously pretty, and now talented. Seems too good to be true.

I snap back into reality once she makes her way to the sofa and sits next to me.

'' So, what do you have tomorrow? '' I question, staring at my planning

'' Normally I should be at the lab from 8 am to 6 pm, to get started on the first line of cosmetics. But it's fine the girls will be there, so they'll start without me, and I'll check on them at 4 or 5 pm. What about you? ''

'' I have to be in the office from 8 to 9 am. I have a meeting with the employees and I can't trust Steven to handle it '' I answer, trying not to look like an arse who doesn’t trust his best friend.

'' How so? " She wonders curiously

'' He is way too nice and funny and even when he tries to be though, he is gentle, and I need the employers to fear the boss and respect him only that will make them do their job properly '' I explain confidently

'' hmm, and you’re good at being rough... Excuse me, I meant tough '' I almost fall off the couch wondering if I heard right.

« Rough, she said ? Oh, you can be rough alright » I ignore my subconscious who sounds like Steven right now and keep staring at her wondering what to say next.

''I am good at everything ''

'' And you’re cocky too'' she notes

'' And you have a smart mouth '' I comment focusing my attention on her fluffy lips clearly making her uncomfortable, one would say she has never been kissed.

She suddenly put me out of my daze and speaks.

''Okay, so that means I'll see you tomorrow at 9 am, your office?”

'' If that's what you want, or you could come with me and observe how things go. Your father mentioned that you have some difficulties with management... How you are more focused on the labs and your toys, forgetting that you'll need to be a CEO while being a scientist '' I suggest remembering what her father told me.

'' Sure, I'll come with, but never say toys again. It's called lab equipment" that smart mouth strikes again.

'' Noted, so see you tomorrow morning, we'll go apartment hunting then maybe grab lunch, and then I could take you to your office? '' I propose standing up.

'' Sure, it's a date... I mean, not a date. You know... It's set! '' she mutters and oh my Lord I’m enjoying this. It’s cute and funny and seriously refreshing. Most girls lately throw themselves at guys and are not shy about it. But this one is a whole different story.

'' Don't worry about it '' I reassure her, not wanting to make her more uncomfortable than she already is. '' good night Elisa ‘’ I say, making my way to the door.

'' Good night, Julien ''