
Chapter 15 : Rumour Has it

Arriving home, I snap out of my thoughts and make my way inside. Matilda is the first to hug me.

'' Welcome home dear, how was your day? ''

'' Pretty busy, how was yours? "

'' not really different, your mom and I have been planning for dinner all day then preparing a feast for the guest and of course making their bedrooms as comfortable as possible since last night we barely had the time to.''

'' Oh Oh, I guess my day was not so busy after all " I say smirking.

Matilda gives me a knowing smile '' Go get changed and shower if you want then get downstairs, dinner will be set in a few ''

'' Aye Aye captain '' I answer still smiling and walk the stairs.

While changing I realize that I completely forgot about Julien and his friend today. I still don't know how I feel about the situation. Do I like him or not? I mean he is handsome to say the least but personality wise, I don't know. Aaaandd it hit me!

'' dammit '' I forgot to ask Hailee about what she found out about him today. With the girls throwing questions every way, and all the things I had on my mind I completely forgot.

With that, I look for my phone. I dial her number and wait.

'' Hey girl, miss me already '' she answers

''Yeah, you wish. I just need your spying skills. I forgot to ask you this morning about what you found out ....'' I'm not even done talking, and she says.

'' Check our group chat, I'll send everything there in a sec''

''Ookay, hold on ''

I open the chat on my laptop and check the conversation. There I find a screenshot of a magazine article featuring Julien and a blond beautiful girl with a picture split in two which usually refers to a breakup. I then move to the text and start reading. There I understand.

'' O.M.G, what is this '' Mia sends through the chat

'' Is that who I think it is '' Anna comes in.

'' Yoope '' I respond simply

'' According to this he was engaged, but she broke his heart rumor has it he found out she was in for the money only so he broke it off '' Hailee says then continues '' but, that's not all really, I did some digging on her, she is a model. She was famous at some point but is not anymore, also I found a lot of pictures of her with several men in not so innocent situations all at a time when she was engaged to Julien. All the men she has been with are filthy rich. That’s the only thing they have in common. Some are super old, some really young I think it was illegal. ‘’

she finishes leaving me astonished.

I’m simultaneously angry and sad for Julien and what he had to go through. I can't even imagine it, falling for someone so hard to the point of wanting to marry them only to find out they want your money and nothing else! What kind of person is she ???

I answer the girls quickly and get downstairs. Walking past Julien's room, I feel a certain need to check up on him. Reluctantly, I knock on his door and wait.

''for the first time ever, you are actually on time '' he says opening the door while checking his phone. I quickly forget the phone in his hands and everything else and focus on his broad shirtless chest covered in droplets of water falling from his wet sexy hair my eyes trail down his body and notice that he only has a towel on. OMG, the girls will seriously be all giddy hearing this which is why I'm not saying a word.

Shaking my head, I wake myself up from trance and turn my attention back to his face. Yes! less distracting.

< uhhmm, not really >

Not the time you devil shut up.

Once our eyes meet, he gives me a devilish smirk realizing that I was gawking which made me feel uneasy and a bit shy. I hope I'm not blushing.

Thankfully, he breaks the awkwardness and speaks.

'' you are not Steven '' he notes obviously

''Emmm, no as you see... I just came to check up on you... Do you have everything you need, comfortable in here...

'' I say making it all up, like seriously what brought me here in the first place? I scold myself.

'' ooh, thank you, and yes everything is on point here, thank you for your hospitality''

"oh no need to really it's a pleasure anyways dinner will be set shortly, see you downstairs '' I say with a warm smile, and prepare to leave

'' Yes, Matilda informed us a while ago, we'll be there shortly'' he replies with his British accent that makes my heart melt.

< Ohh get a grip young lady >

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At the dinner table, the atmosphere is calm and cozy, the whole family talking and laughing even Julien and Steven are a bit more relaxed which is a breath of fresh air.

''So, Julien, how was your day at the company? '' dad asks him. He really has to talk business at some point.

'' Wonderful actually, a bit busy. Thankfully everything was already set prior to our arrival, so we only had to handle a few minor tasks'' he informs with his businessmogul persona serious and strict.

''Well glad to hear that son, and I'll say it again if you need any help, I am one call away '' dad reminds him

'' as a matter of fact, I do need your help. As you know I can't live here forever as much as I appreciate your company and welcome... I need to find an apartment or a penthouse, and I was wondering if you have any advice for me or a place to start looking '' Julien inquires politely.

<leaving so soon, silly me I was thinking of how good it felt to be under the same roof and all the fun we could've had >

Seriously, does my mind ever shut up, it feels like one of the girls is invading my brain.

'' I have a friend who's a real estate agent, Mr. Peterson I'm sure he can help you. '' father starts

'' if you want, I'll arrange you a meeting with him and Elisa can accompany you, give you a tour of the city... are you free tomorrow? '' dad continues asking both of us.

What?? Is all I'm thinking right now my brain froze literally. I'm sitting there waiting for him to object but nothing comes out of his mouth he simply agrees with a nod of his head. My father then turns to me. Well, I can't say no right?! or can I?!