
Chapter 14 : Business is Business

Waking up this morning, I had a lot on my mind between meeting with the girls and introducing Julien to them which I am sure will make them tease me for a while, and meeting with dad at his company to discuss the launching of my own.

Before I graduated dad wanted to help me start my project, but I refused to be daddy's little girl and let him give me everything on a gold platter instead, I suggested he invests in my company. He'll be an investor, monetize it all and in return get a share of the income, and once I can do it all on my own, I'll buy his shares back. For today, we'll both sign the contract and few papers here and there, set up the lab materials and meet with the packaging designer who'll be in charge of creating some unique beauty products packages for us.

And since the girls will be a part of my company, they will be present at this meeting, yes you read right. We all met in class, we have the same degrees and together we create magic, so when I told them that I'll be launching a beauty product line and starting my own company, they all wanted in, and seriously I couldn't have pictured a better team. Especially since we knew each other well and worked together on several projects during university.

Once ready, I make my way downstairs. At the dining table, I see my parents, a smirking Julien staring at me and a baffled Steven. I greet them all and sit on my usual chair which is ironically placed in front of Julien's! Perfect !

'' sweety, what's that scar on your leg? '' my Dad asks worried.

Just then Julien starts coughing and Steven patting his back, the poor soul chocked on his food. He makes eye contact with me and I can see the fear in his eyes. Oh! Not so cocky now are we?! I look at him amused my lips spreading into a playful smirk and brows arching defying him.

''well... '' I start answering my dad but taking my time enjoying the worried look on the guy's faces '' one morning I went out alone to check out the island and some boy on a bike ran into me! Neither of us paid attention to the other as he was racing his buddy and looking back, and I was looking at some pictures I had just taken '' I explain sticking to the true story without reviling names.

'' I see... '' my dad starts and right before he finishes, Zayn makes his appearance.

'' good morning everyone '' he greets then stops for a second to handshake our guests

'' you must be Julien '' he guesses making me wonder how does he know him? I'm sure they never met before and as if reading my mind, Zayn continues smiling '' you look better in person compared to business magazine covers ''

'' thank you, although I am sure we all look better in reality ''

'' Indeed'' my dad joins in and that starts another conversation about the business magazine which eventually led to business talk...

Hearing the doorbell ring I excuse myself and get up to answer it. As I do just that, the girls walk in all cheerful oh boy.

'' where is he?? " Asks Mia way too excited

'' good morning to you too '' I respond sarcastically

'' She has been like this since I told them '' says Hailee annoyed.

'' Did he bring his friend with him? '' questions Anna now

'' well why don't you find out '' I reply gesturing to the dining room, and they don't waste time running towards it.

'' Oh girls we've missed you here, how was the trip? '' mom asks hugging them one by one.

'' it was amazing, I'm sure Elisa told you all about it '' answers Anna

'' she diiid'' mom informs looking at Julien who looks back at her slightly uncomfortable. Oopss

The girls then greeted my dad, followed by Zayn then obviously the person they've been interested in all along.

The greeting was somehow awkward and fun to watch since most of our encounters with Julien on the island ended badly it was hard to be really friendly instead, they chose to fake it a bit which made things weird.

Afterward, we retreated to my room and dived into our normal girl’s talk, then we agreed on ideas to present during the meeting with the package designer later this afternoon. During our talk, the girls wouldn't stop teasing me about the possibilities of what could happen with me and Julien being under the same roof. I was somewhere between embarrassed, angry, and interested. But of course, I would never admit that last part to anyone.

Once our little meeting was over, they left to get ready for this afternoon leaving me to my appointment with dad. I got dressed and decided to drive myself to the company today, it's been a while since I drove my little red ruby (a jaguar F-TYPE).

In exactly twenty-six minutes, I was in my father's office awaiting his arrival. Moments later he came in along with the attorney that will be handling all legal matters concerning my project.

'' hello miss white, my name is Alan Clark your father’s and hopefully your attorney'' the forty-something years old man says extending his hand for me to shake, which I did while smiling politely.

'' Pleasure to meet you. I trust my father's choices so you will of course be my attorney as well.'' I confirmed

'' Great, Now let's cut to the chase and see the contracts'' my dad demands knowing that we still have a lot to go through today and time is of the essence.

Alan obliges and gets the paperwork out of his case handing it to us while explaining the clauses it contains. We take our time reading everything carefully before finally signing in agreement.

The whole meeting went smoothly, I guess because it was with my father. If it was up to him, he would have just giving me access to his bank account and told me to take what I needed. But I insisted on making him a shareholder/ investor. I refuse to take easy money when it comes to this, I want to earn it or in this case pay for it.

Once our assembly was over, my dad's secretary alarmed us that the designer was here as well as the girls.

We headed to the conference room and started the reunion. By the end of the day, everything was settled. We agreed on the forms of the packages, signed contracts, and assisted in the setting of the lab materials. Everything came together. Beautifully. Now, all we had to do was work on the formulas of our first collection.

It's around six in the afternoon, and I am driving home followed by my father's car. The girls left the lab a little early leaving me to check on the rest of the company including my office.... Funny that I didn't even think about it before. Being a lab freak, all I cared about was seeing how it turned out to be and check out the ''toys'' I felt like a kid in a candy store. But all that pushed away the fact that I'll have an entire company from my mind. A company that will include employers and offices and different kinds of materials... Something that my dad was happy to help with. But still, I already arranged on taking some management classes. Of course, I'll take whatever help my father can provide, and I'll learn from him as much as I can, but I can't rely on him forever.