
Chapter 13 : Friendly Introductions

I stood there shocked, paralyzed not knowing what to do. Do I act like I've met him before or pretend the opposite? Why is he here?? Did he figure out who I was and came to tease me??? And he will be staying with us????????? Me and him under the same roof with that character of his, it's gonna be a world war 3 in here!

A lot of questions invaded my brain, but I had to brush away and attempt to be polite.

'' Hey, nice to meet you '' I say with the best smile I can muster given the circumstances .

'' pleasure is all mine miss '' he replies with a wink and a devilish grin.

Well, I'm glad one of us is amused by the situation.

I'm cut off my thoughts by mom hugging the life out of me

'' You are home '' she squeals '' we've missed youuuu, how was the trip? Any gentleman on that island? Tell me everything" she throws a question after another at me and I'm just standing there laughing and shaking my head.

'' it was wonderful mom, gentleman hmm I don't know, some guys were quite the divas! '' I tell her throwing a look at Julien.'' I'll fill you in afterward '' I inform her with a look that says we’re not alone here, luckily she understands it and nods.

'' Everybody, dinner is ready please step into the dining room '' Matilda lets us know then goes her way.

'' sir... '' Julien starts, but dad stops him right away

'' I know what you are going to say, and I won't take no for an answer. Call your friend and tell him Marc will be waiting for him'' my dad declares sternly While Julien nods a bit uncomfortable.

'' Thank you, sir. I mean uncle Hector '' he stutters.

What's with the uncle thing, and he stutters that's new! With his attitude on the island, it's hard to imagine that he actually has a soft, human side.

Sitting at the dinner table, my dad and Julien talk business, and what I understand from their chitchat is that he is here to preside a branch company for his father... And that he will be living in NY. Interesting! My dad then narrated a series of stories about his friendship with Julien's father Richard. Such a small world. Dinner went quietly which was surprising. Although mom kept winking and whispering in my ears how handsome the guy is. Like seriously sometimes it's like she is my daughter and I'm her mom. something that really helped forge my relationship with her is how cool she is. I practically tell her everything, she is like one of the girls.

After dinner, I excuse myself to get to my room. I spend an hour rearranging my dressing and emptying my suitcases. Someone then knocks on my door, I open it to find mom with a tray containing a plate of deliciously looking brownies, a bottle of pineapple juice my favorite, and two glasses.

'' I knew you were gonna show up ''

'' well, of course, we've got a lot of catching up to do '' she states as a matter of fact.

With that, we make ourselves comfortable on my bed and spend the next few hours talking. I filed her in on everything including my encounter with Julien which left her surprised, to say the least. But somehow, she said that she understood his behavior, and when I asked her why she simply explained that it was better if it was him who tells me and that it had something to do with his past. Although, I won't be asking him anytime soon. I don't care.

«You sure » my subconscious teases

-Fine I'm curious, I'll ask Hailee to '' investigate'' him for me-

« See, Hailee was right, one day you'll need her expertise, I guess that day came sooner than we expected »

-Are you my subconscious or my enemy like seriously - I find myself arguing with my inner self

« Nope, I'm just the honest part of you »

Ok bye.

Putting my pride aside, I call Hailee, and thanks to her obsession with her phone she answers on the spot. I swear that girl takes a shower holding her phone but hey, at least she answers quickly whenever I call.

'' Hey girl ''

'' Hey, how are you feeling? " I ask

" Is that even a question? Jet-lagged of course. I didn't get any sleep during the flight, so now I'm paying for it.''

'' well sleep it off then! "

'' I tried to go rest, but they were all so excited when I walked in, so they drowned me in hugs and questions ''

'' hahaha, I know the feeling although you won't believe what was waiting for me, or should I say who ''

'' emmm let’s see... '' she takes her time thinking '' some smoking hot guy your parents want to marry you to??! '' she wonders.

'' Close but no, you know they would never force me to marry someone. but it was a smoking hot guy indeed ''

'' What who?? Details, now " she demanded

'' Well, I don't know much that's why I called you. Remember the guy we met on the island?''

'' We met a lot of guys! Or at least I did, so you'll have to give me more to work with here ''

'' the one I hit with the volleyball where the sun doesn't shine '' I beam remembering that wild day.

'' ooh that one what about him ... WAIT, we were talking about a smoking hot guy waiting for you at home so what brings that guy to the discussion. I mean he is hot very hot especially with that British accent, but we barely know his name was it, Damien? Or Killian I can't remember. But it can’t possibly be him??!’’

'' First, his name is Julien, and it is him '' I spill

'' emm are you gonna explain anytime soon? '' she asks eager

'' I was waiting for your reaction hihi '' I argue then start explaining what I know so far

'' Interesting!.'' she comments

'' so that's why I called you, spying people etc is your thing and I need you to do that for me. I need to know what happened to him. Mom refused

to tell me saying that it's best if he was the one to tell me!! But how do I do that?? I barely know the guy!!''

'' And, why do you NEED to know? You said it yourself you barely know the guy so why so curious?? '' she queries.

'' emm, I don't know I just want to I guess no apparent reason '' I respond

'' Yeah right, something tells me you like this guy, he intrigues you '' she notes laughing

'' Yeah, with all his angry vibes... sure I'm in love ''I respond sarcastically.

'' Anyways I have his full name I'll look it up and give you the details tomorrow morning. I'll fill in the girls otherwise they'll kill both of us and

we'll stop by your house tomorrow morning. That way we can check on your unexpected hot guest " she reveals

'' I'll be waiting, goodnight and thank you ''

'' you seriously thanking me?? '' she asks irritation clear in her tone '' I’ve been waiting for you to ask me to help you out with this kind of stuff for ages so it's a pleasure, plus I'm your bestie you lame ass and what are besties for !! ''

'' awwwnn that's cute, I’ll hug you for this tomorrow.‘’

‘’ you are crazy I swear. Go get some sleep goodnight ‘’

‘’ nighty night spy Hailee” And with that, we finish the call. With how tired I am I fall in deep slumber right away.