
Chapter 12 : An Unexpected Guest

****** Couple of days later ******

Getting out of the conference room alongside my father, I feel both proud and stressed. Proud because they chose me to be the head of the New York office which is an honor and stressed because that office will not only manage the shops in NY but shop all over the US. Something I just learned during the meeting. So much to do, so little time to prepare.

'' I'm proud of you son for making the right decision. I trust you and know you won't let me down '' my dad declares hugging me and patting on my back.

'' I won't father, you have my word " I assure him.

'' I know you were a bit shocked to hear that you'll be managing the whole US shops and not just New York's '' he admits.

'' shocked is an understatement! You should've warned me"

'' Maybe, but you would've just stressed about it. Your decision wouldn't have changed. I know you too well to know that. '' he says confidently.

Just as I was about to say something, he cuts me off and continues '' think of it as the company you wanted to build yourself when you first graduated. It's true it'll be all set and ready to start once you get there. The building is ready, offices, equipment… everything is set. You will have to recruit people, handle everything related to the shops there and most importantly meetings with partners, which will require you to make some hard decisions.

Now there will be contact between here and there, the clothes will all be shipped from here, so production is off your shoulders. But everything else I do here you'll do there. We'll see each other on occasions and meetings ... If you need help, but I'm sure you'll be just fine on your own. I trust your judgement '' he finishes making my heart warm and my shoulders heavier with the trust he put in me. I cannot fuck this up. I keep thinking to myself.

'' I don't know what to say, but I'll do my absolut best to meet your expectations '' I promise, looking straight into his eyes.

'' I know you will, now off you go. Promotion means new responsibilities '' he chuckles

'' yes sir'' I respond smirking then walk towards my office with a storm of thoughts on my mind. Today is Wednesday which means I'll have to be in NY by Sunday. With that in mind, I close the door to my office and get to business.

Sunday came in light speed. I got so caught up in the preparations I barely paid attention. I prepped everything including myself, Steven, and our assistants who thankfully didn't mind moving to another country. Shocking I know! but I won't overthink it, I'll just accept this blessing and be thankful for it.

We were now in the US airport. After a long night of flying, I was more than ready to get a well-deserved nap, but I simply couldn't. I had to visit one of dad's friends, he is a very well-known businessman here in the US who is supposed to help me recruit trustworthy people since he owns a successful company himself. Getting out of the airport I notice a man in his mid-forties wearing a black suit standing next to a black Audi prologue and holding a card with my name written on it. I walk towards him, greet him then get seated.

''Hello sir, my name is Marc, and. I will be driving you today'' he introduces himself.

I nod my head and smile in response while he turns his eyes towards the road and I avert mine to my phone and start reading and answering emails.

About 45 minutes later, we pull up in front of a beautiful luxurious house. The colors grey and white giving it a certain charm, a charm that is enhanced by a wonderful but simple fountain surrounded by grass and pink flowers and situated in the middle of the alley connecting the house to the principal gate.

Marc opens my door once I step out of the car, he gets back in and takes his leave. I then stride to the front door and ring the bell.

'' Welcome Mr.Gold, Mr.White is expecting you. Please follow me " a middle-aged woman greets me with a warm smile.

'' thank you '' I reply then follow after her.

As I step into the large living room, I get a cozy warm sentiment. It's luxurious but cozy, feels like home. I take my time observing my surroundings until Mr. and Mrs.White walk in. I stand up and shake the man's hand, but he pulls me in for a hug, his wife does the same.

''Welcome Julien, we are very happy to see you. You've grown to be a handsome young man can't believe how much you've changed '' he pauses and looks me up and down joy filling his features '' you might not remember me, but I’ve seen you when you were just a tiny little baby '' he explains, then proceeds on telling me about how I used to be.

One subject led to another, we talked about everything, his time in the UK, how he and father met when they were young, how father helped him through rough times, and how he is the reason he is the man he is today, we also discussed work topics he ended up by giving me a file with all the contacts I would need and offered to help me with everything.

It was now 7 pm and I felt like it was time for me to leave. I still had a lot to do.

'' Mr. White..''

'' I told you to call me Hector '' he cuts me off

'' Uncle Hector, I'm afraid I have to take my leave'' I announce

'' No way, you are having dinner with us'' he states not taking a no for an answer.

''Maybe another time, I still have a lot to do, I haven't even checked in to my Hotel yet... '' I explain

'' You are staying at a hotel?? Over my dead body, you are staying here, at least until you find an apartment''

'' I really appreciate your hospitality, but I'm afraid I can't accept it, sir. I came here with a friend of mine who's also my business partner, and it'll be bad of me to leave him alone '' I argument feeling embarrassed.

'' He is welcome here as well. This mansion is big enough to fit a small army. And I am not taking no for an answer so save your energy. After all your father has done for me when I first came to the UK, it's only fitting that I return the kindness. So, son call your friend, and tell him to come here and cancel the hotel reservation. ''

I was about to object, but he stood up with a huge grin on his face, looking towards the opening of the living room opening his arms as if waiting for a hug.

'' here she is my little treasure, we've missed you''

Before I had the chance to actually see the girl's face she rushed into Hector's embrace, her face buried in his chest.

'' I’ve missed you all very much'' the girl says and something tells me I've heard that voice before, and before I can think it through she turns around.

Elisa’s pov

Our vacation came to an end sooner than we had thought, we had so much fun. The people were very welcoming and friendly, the view just astonishing and the activities freaking amusing. All this made it hard for us to say goodbye, although we promised each other we'll make it back here sooner or later.

It was Sunday night, and we were back in New York and on our way home. Marc drops each of the girls at their homes then heads towards ours. As we pull up I practically jump out of the car and run to the front door. Matilda opens the door and hugs me tightly. She used to be my nanny when I was a child, and now, she is our estate manager, thanks to her and mom everything stays in order.

'' How was the trip dear '' she asks excitement clear in her voice

'' Fabulous, the white sandy beaches and crystal clear water were nothing short of perfect'' I respond happily

'' Well, I'm glad you had fun, now go say hi to your parents they've missed you a lot, we all did''

'' I missed you all too, we should really go there all together. I will personally take care of that '' I inform her then make my way to the living room, seeing my dad's face lit up I rush towards him and hug him ignoring the guest who was just behind me '' here she is my little treasure, we've missed you '' my dad declares while holding me

'' I've missed you all very much '' I say back then I turn around to greet dad's guest only to see the last person I could’ve expected.

I keep staring at his face eyes wide in shock, trying to process why in the world he is here.

'' Elisa my daughter'' he introduces '' Darling, this is Julien Gold, his father and I are dear friends, and he will be staying with us for a while '' my dad finishes leaving me astonished.

What? Why? When? How???!!!