
Chapter 11 : Moving Away

Julien’s pov


After a week on the mesmerizing St. Regis island in the Maldives, I feel more than ready to get back to work.

Getting into the company's entry, I'm greeted by the usual doorman, I return his greeting and make my way up to my father's office.

I find his door slightly ajar but knock on it still then walk in.

'' Good morning father ''

'' Good morning son '' he says looking at me with a smile on his lips.

'' How was your vacation? Tell me everything ''

I sat down and narrated the past week to him mentioning all the activities we participated in, and all the fun we had... And I could see it through his eyes how happy he was for me and somehow relieved that I was in a good state of mind.

'' See, I knew you'd enjoy it '' he states happily

'' Yes father, you were right. Thank you and I'm sorry for being a strong-headed bull '' I admit my lips curving into a small smile.

'' Now now now, back to business. This company is not going to run itself. ''

'' Of course. What do you have for me father? ''

'' Well, everything you had to do before the trip you finished, so not much really, for this week at least. Few meetings here and there and that would be it. Although I have two important meetings, and you'll have to attend with me. ''

'' Okay, with whom? '' I question to get an idea and be prepared.

'' One with the board members, we will be discussing the opening of the new shop of the clothing brand 'Angel' in New York. We already talked about the subject this last week, so we'll mostly talk about financing the operation and opening an office for the company there in New York to make matters easier. We already have 14 shops of the brand in the US and managing it from here is no longer convenient, so we need an office in the big apple and someone trustworthy to run it. And just to let you know, we are thinking of sending you!''

'' What?? Why? I mean, get it, it's a privilege but why?? '' I question startled

'' Son, me and the board, we need someone we can trust there, and you are that person without a doubt. You won't betray me as I am your father so, we thought of you. What do you think? "

I sit there, mouth agape, staring at my father, not knowing what to say.

'' I don't know what to think. It's a good opportunity for sure. But my life is here"

'' Son, your life can be anywhere. You are not married, and you have no girlfriend nor friends besides Steven. And don't worry if you are to go, you'll be taking him with you. Both of you are bachelors, so I doubt you'll have a problem. As for me and your mom, well, the jet is one call away from you. Ask for it, and it'll bring you to us immediately. ''

'' Okay, I'll think about it. Now, what about the second meeting? "

'' The second meeting will be with the designers of the brand. Claudia and her team, will present the next collection to us board members and give us a report on the budget spent to create the prototypes, then the funds needed to start the fabrication etc etc... You'll need to be in both meetings to get as much information as you can on the ' angel ' brand. There will of course be other meetings concerning the production factory, and the sports brand... But I got that covered. Now that you know it all, chop-chop, to your office you have no time to waste, the meeting will be held tomorrow at 9 am ''

‘’I’ll be there at 8 sharp.’’ I say firmly then stride to my office. Once there, I call Steven, and he shows up immediately.

‘’ Already on your work beast mood I see ‘’ he scoffs taking a seat in front of my Mahogany desk.

'' Yes, we have no time to waste buddy. ''

'' WE?? Why am I included here?? He inquires confused

'' I just talked to my father, you know about the new ‘’angel'’ shop we want to open in New York? ''

'' Well duuh, we've been working on that project for a while now.''

'' Well, the board had a meeting last week, and they are taking action''

'' Really, that's wonderful. But why are we concerned? We did our job right??! We studied every little detail and handed them everything before traveling! Now all they have to do is finance it and launch the whole thing ''

'' well not exactly. You see they are opening an office there too. They have a hard time controlling all the NY shops from here, so an office there seemed like a good solution and with that, they need someone to take charge there, someone they trust.''

'' .... And, what does that have to do with us? '' he asks again his brows meeting at the center of his forehead.

'' They want me to be the head of the company there, and you are going with me.'' I announce rather quickly then sit there watching him think.

'' so that means we will have to move to the big apple and leave our lives in here''

'' correct ''

'' I don't know if I should be happy or sad, it is an extraordinary opportunity for sure. But leaving London for good sounds a bit rough''

'' That's how I felt exactly. Father then said that we were both single and only had each other, no friends no wives or kids, so it would be easy for us and that if we missed here, the jet will be at our service ‘’ I explain and let him think About it for a second.

'' hmmm'' he hums

'' Okay, let's do it '' he lets out after a moment.

'' What? Just like that, let's do it!! You can't be serious" I exclaim surprised.

'' No, actually I am. We've spent our whole lives here in London. And I don't think it's going to get any better. New York seems like a good opportunity for change and growth to both of us. Plus like your father said, nothing is holding us here. Soooo why not? We've got nothing to lose '' he responds, and I have to admit what he said sounded logical, something I didn't think Steven was capable of.

'' you may be right ''

'' Oh, I gotta record this please say it again'' he mocks

'' I said you may!! And I still have to think about it, I don't like making reckless decisions !! "

'' yeah right! Pack your bags buddy, we're going to NY city. Now the only thing we'll have a problem with is our assistants.''

'' See and that's only the beginning! More problems will show up you'll see. But for now, we gotta start looking for new assistants in NY, or just ask ours if they can Live in NY. You never know. If they agree we'll help with their settling process.'' I order

''Sure, I'm on it! '' he announces and steps out of my office.