
Chapter 10: He's Not that bad

Elisa ‘s pov

After last night's party, waking up today was an impossible mission. It took all my efforts to separate from my dear soft pillow. Crawling out of bed, I dragged myself to the bathroom, got ready, threw on some comfy shorts, A t-shirt, and got down to the kitchen. After a quick cereal breakfast, I wrote a note to girls letting them know that I'll be at the beach to clear my head. It was 9:00 am, so I doubt they'll wake up and read it. I'll be back before that.

Arriving at the beach, I sit on a rock near the water and gaze at the sight in front of me. Waves of water dancing only to crash on the sandy shores sending little drops of water everywhere. The horizon in the back creating a beautiful illusion. I could spend my life on this island and never get bored. With that thought in mind, I take my phone and snap a few pictures.

Looking around me, I check if the area is empty, and indeed it is. I take the opportunity to play some ballet music with my phone and dance to the rhythm.

There is nothing more poetic than dancing ballet on a beach. Somehow, my movements seem in sync with the waves. I lose myself in the moment with a series of jumps, spins, and stretches until I have my fill.

On my way home, I notice a long alley forming a triangle of bungalows built on water and decide to check them out. But before, I bring out my phone in order to take more pictures. I then scroll to check all the pictures I took

this morning and I have to say they are exquisite.

I'm sure mom will adore ....

Before I can finish my thought I am hit by something, which makes me lose my balance and fall along with my phone on the hardwood forming the alley. I quickly gather my phone and look up trying to see what caused this only to find the most annoying but handsome guy I have ever met. I press against the wooden surface with the palm of my hands attempting to get up, but my effort goes in vain and instead I am welcomed by an infuriating pain in my right ankle. I eye my leg, and put my hand on the source of the pain in reflex to find it scratched all the way down to what appears to be cut and bloody ankle.

''hey '' I hear the man say, and it brings me back to reality. God, I forgot he was here. Why did it have to be him? Or did he do it on purpose to get revenge for what happened yesterday??

'' sorry I wasn't looking I got distracted by that idiot are you okay can you stand?'' he asks stopping my train of questions.

'' hey don't throw the blame on me" his friend exclaims.

I roll my eyes at their childish behavior and demand in a rough voice

'' Is this some kind of revenge ???!!!''

'' No, I promise you it's not. You must have seen me I had my head turned back. I didn't even see you coming '' he answers seeming honest

'' I actually didn't see you either, I was too focused on my phone '' I admit truthfully

'' Ermm '' he hums and stays quiet for a few seconds. Probably thinking!

''anyways we were both distracted. Now let me help you stand up. '' he voices giving me his hand.

I keep staring at his hand for a moment frozen. Why is he being nice? All he did was yell at me yesterday. Weird. I brush the thought of and take his hand as a support and try to stand up only to get hit by waves of pain!

'' what's wrong? '' he more like demands in a surprisingly worried tone.

'' dude I think it's her ankle, it looks reddish and swollen. Maybe it's twisted ‘’his friend explains.

'' yeah, I can't stand on it'' I agree '' I had enough injuries in ballet to know that it needs ice, a nice massage, and a band to hold it together. With a little rest, I'll be fine in a couple of days.'' I finish knowing that at the end of the day it will get better. Hopefully.

'' Okay then let's try and get you to the hotel. Where are you staying exactly? " He asks

'' I’m staying at one of the villas '' I reply still holding my ankle in pain.

I see his eyes staring at my injured leg for a second then he asks both me and his friend.

'' Well, first we'll have to wipe the blood off of you. And put something over it. Do you have a cloth or a clean scarf?? '' I shake my head no.

'' okay '' he shrugs taking off his shirt in a swift movement HOT! And uses it to wipe my leg '' just stay still '' he instructs then rips the t-shirt (hotter !) to make a bandage, wrap it then tie it around the cut. '' that's better now'' he says standing up then giving me his hand to get up. I use his hand as a support and stand up mouthing a

''thank you''. But I’m still astonished. I have a hard time believing his attitude today, especially since he spent yesterday shouting at me. Weird but I'll take his help for now.

“No need too. I’m the one who put you in this mess in the first place. So, it’s my duty to help you, miss....’’ he states but stops mid-sentence searching for my name probably.

“Elisa” I introduce myself

“I’m Julien, and this is Steven” he established then progresses to help me move forward. We take a few steps, but the pain is awful. I try to keep it in and not be a cry baby, but he notices.

'' How are you feeling?'' he asks scanning my face for any sign of pain.

'' I’m fine, thank you '' I assure, putting on a brave face with a fake smile.

'' You sure? Cause I keep seeing your face scrunch " He notes.

I ignore him and try to take another step forward quickly only to have pain shot through me intensely!

''That's it. I'm carrying you. '' he announces and starts lifting me off the floor. At that moment, my heart literally skips a beat, feeling shy, nervous, a bit uncomfortable cause he is a stranger after all, a hot one that is, which is making my insides melt and my temperature rise.

'' What no put me down '' I yell at him thinking that being carried by someone is kind of intimate!

'' Just stay still, your ankle is hurt badly, and if you try to walk on it, you'll end up hurting yourself even more " he somehow orders me, and I just huff and let him carry me remembering my inability to walk at the moment! Perfect!

« Oh, stop acting like you are not enjoying it even a little » and my subconscious joins the party!!

Not the time girl, not now!!

Getting back to reality and accepting the situation that I’m in, I cling to the guy for dear life, to prevent myself from falling and making matters worse.

With one hand around his neck and the other settled on his chest while my head is resting on his shoulder to avoid hitting trees and branches from the side. This position is making me all hot and sweaty. My hands are moist, and I’m ready to bet that my face is as red as a tomato right now! God let us reach the villa quick, or I might faint in his arms.

To make myself relax, I get busy and give him the directions towards where I’m staying. Although he seems like he knows the road pretty well too. A few minutes and we reach our destination.

'' What a funny coincidence, we are staying in the villa next door " his friend Steven I think comments.

'' small island '' I say giving him a small smile.

I knock at the door and Hailee opens it.

'' What happened to you?? " She questions staring at my leg with wide eyes. '' did you hurt her you bastard, cause I swear to God, I'll destroy you '' she continues.

'' Hailee '' I say in a calm voice '' this man and his friend helped me, can we go in now? I'll fill you in later ''

She steps from the door, I look at Julien waiting for him to put me down but instead, he walks inside and puts me on the couch in front of the TV.

'' Thank you '' I mumble.

'' No need to '' he responds then turns towards Hailee '' got a first aid kit?? '' he asks her

'' hold on a second I'll go check '' she replies running upstairs leaving me with them alone.

'' thank you for helping me really, but I can handle it from here, no need to waste your time, I’m sure you have a lot to do ''

'' No, I insist. I hurt you, it's my job to fix it "

'' We got it from here, it's fine. Thank you for bringing her back here '' Anna cuts in a serious tone coming down

the stairs. Once she sees Steven, her eyes go wide, but she quickly recomposes herself.


'' okay then '' Julien says getting up and looking at me '' get well soon '' he tells me then walks out the door followed by his friend who waves us goodbye with a goofy smile plastered on his face.

Surprisingly, I look at Anna, and she is waving back at him smiling shyly

''Ehm ehm, what was that '' I ask her cocking my head to the side.

''Nothing'' she denies

''That wasn't nothing ''

'' okay fine, we crossed paths last night at the party, we talked, it was nice, details later. Now, what happened to


She changes the subject, but we'll talk about it again.

I told her and the girls what happened to me. They helped me take care of my ankle, and I spent the rest of the day at home reading and watching movies. The girls stayed with me, but I kicked them out and sent them to have fun.

In a few days, my ankle was perfectly recovered. The scratch of course was still there, same as the cut. But I kept it all bandaged.

We spent the following days of our stay on the island enjoying different activities on the beach or inside the resort during the morning, while at night we had fun at parties or special nights organized by the resort.

Two weeks of pure blast.