
An Osmosian in Marvel (MCU Fanfiction)

A man from our world dies and ends up in the MCU with the powers of the Retconned Osmosian from the Ben 10 series Follow his journey as he navigates his new world filled with aliens, monsters, and gods. Note: This story is an AU, since it will not be strictly MCU but will also include the X-men films, the early F4 films, and all of the Spidreman films from Tobey Maguire to Andrew Garfield MC/Laura Kinney/Emma Frost

ArifuretaForever · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 39: Laura Joins The Team

(Roman: POV)

Opening a portal I stepped through it into the abandoned warehouse we had prepped to hold Kilgrave.

The moment I did so I saw Kilgrave's lifeless body, a bullet hole right between his eyes. All of his fingers and toes broken, all of his fingernails and toenails ripped off, almost all of his teeth knocked out and lying on the ground in front of him, his tongue on the ground, as well as his dick, his shirt open with his nipples removed, etc.

It looks like Kilgrave experienced almost every form of human torture you can imagine before his life was ended.

Turning my gaze away from Kilgrave I looked at the person who did that to him.

Reaching up to the helmet of the Red Death suit I made, Emma removed the helmet and shook her hair around.

A refreshed smile on her face.

After she did do she turned in my direction.

"So, it looks like the Red Death suit performed as I expected." I said.

I built it with a closed-loop air system, so whoever is wearing it wouldnt be affected by Kilgrave's virus-based powers.

"Yes dear, it worked exactly as you designed it too." Emma replied.

"Good to know." I said. I then looked at Kilgrave's body. "Go ahead and head back. I can clean up the rest of this shit. After all you must be tired after the long night you've had."

When Emma asked me to be the one to wear the Red Death suit and make Kilgrave experience hell on Earth, before sending him to actuall hell, I was a bit shocked.

As well as worried.

But from the scene it front of me it looks like my worries were for nothing.

"I'm not but thanks for asking." Emma said. "Though I will head back since you offered." She said.

Emma then walked up to me and gave me a quick kiss before stepping through the portal, which leads to my personal lab in the Command Center.

Once she was through I conjured a spell circle with my right land and unleashed a fire spell upon Kilgrave's corpse.

Making sure it burned until there was nothing but ssh left.

Since there is no way I'm risking anyone else ever obtaining Kilgrave's power.

There are just too dangerous powerful.

As well as disgusting in my opinion.

It's why I didn't take them for myself.

When Kilgrave's body was nothing but ash I stopped my fire spell.

I then cast another to clean up the warehouse and remove any and all traces that anyone had ever been in it.

When I was sure everything has been handled I walked back through the portal and closed it.

Glad the world will never had to deal with the Purple Man ever again.


Entering the cafeteria of the Command Center, which is located on its first floor, I rubbed my stomach.

Having worked up quite the appetite after my intense training session.

Getting a plate I started filling it up with food, which I had prepared by restaurants and brought in myself every day, and once I was finished I started heading towards one of the tables.

Only to stop in my tracks when I saw Laura seated and eating at a table.

Which suprised me.

Not that she's eating, but that she's still here at the Command Center.

It's been a week since we took down the Facility so I honestly thought she would've left this place by now.

Though I am very glad she hasn't.

Heading over to the table Laura was seated at I took the one in front of her.

The moment I did so Laura gave me a short glance before returning to her food.

As she did so I started eating mine.

The two of us ate in comfortable silence until we were finished.

When we were I spoke up.

"So I see you're still here." I said.

"Yes, I am. Why? Is that a problem?"

"No, not at all. In fact I would like you to stay longer. Laura, what do you say to joining my organization?"

I had been meaning to ask her this for a while now, and this seems like the perfect chance so I'm taking it.

"You want me to be a part of your team?" She asked.

"Yes." I replied.


"Well many reasons. You're a great fighter, have amazing tracking skills, know the necessity of killing when the times comes, and most of all is because you're my friend and I don't want you living on the streets. Unless you have a place to stay?"

"I don't." Laura said.

"Really. What about the X-mansion?"

"That place... It's not for me." Laura spoke.

"Yeah, I get that. It wasn't the place for me either. Which is why I created this place and if you're willing, I would like you to become a part of it. On that note if you do decide to join us I offer a warm and safe place to live, three square meals a day, and money with a steady paycheck. Along with a few other benefits. But those come only if you should choose to sign up with us." I spoke.

At my words Laura actually laughed.

She laughed.

I think a telepath must be attacking my mind right now since I'm sure I'm hallucinating.

And if I'm not, then Laura has quite the nice laugh.

Her laugh only lasted a few seconds before it died and she put her usual neutral expression back on her face.

Laura then went silent for five minutes straight before speaking again.

"Ok. I'll do it. I'll stay here and join you guys." Laura told me.

"Really. That's great." I said. "I promise you Laura you won't regret this."

She really won't.

"I believe you Roman." Laura said.

She then showed me a smile, which I mirrored.

Though after a few seconds we both let our smiles drop.

I then began discussing with Laura some of the finer points of joining up with our organization.

Whose name I have finally decided upon.

The Guardians.

For we shall guard our home planet Earth and it's people from any and all threats, homegrown or not, by completing destroying the shit out of them.

I'm talking full on purge here.

All those fuckers better get ready.

Because the Guardians are coming for fhem.


A/N: Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

I know a lot of things were unpacked.

First off, Red Death.

Got the idea from DC comics, and it's not the only one I will be using in this fan fic. So look out.

Also the Red Death motif will become pretty prominent in the story so keep a look out.

Next up, Roman not absorbing Kilgrave powers.

I was serious about them being nasty. So I didn't have Roman absorb them.

In addition Roman won't absorb every single power he comes across. He's not simply a power collector. He'll only take the abilties he wants and thinks are useful.

Finally Laura has joined up on the team.


Though the romance between her and Roman will not be rushed. After all Laura has childhood trauma and her emotional growth will need some development before she tries to jump Roman's bones.

Which thankfully for him he'll be able to withstand when the time comes since Laura has an Adamantium skeleton.

If you get my meaning.

Anyway until next chapter.

Keep the power stones and reviews coming. Please and thank you.