
An Osmosian in Marvel (MCU Fanfiction)

A man from our world dies and ends up in the MCU with the powers of the Retconned Osmosian from the Ben 10 series Follow his journey as he navigates his new world filled with aliens, monsters, and gods. Note: This story is an AU, since it will not be strictly MCU but will also include the X-men films, the early F4 films, and all of the Spidreman films from Tobey Maguire to Andrew Garfield MC/Laura Kinney/Emma Frost

ArifuretaForever · Anime & Comics
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96 Chs

Chapter 38: Kilgrave

Arriving in the conference room I took my seat.

The second after I did Emma and Domino arrived and took their own seats.

"What's the emergency Roman?" Emma asked me.

"Yeah, what's going on boss?" Domino asked me.

"ADAM has just reported to me he has a location of a highly dangerous individual. Who we are going to eliminate immediately with extreme prejudice." I explained. "ADAM."

The second after I said his name ADAM projected a holographic image of Kevin Thompson, also known as Kilgrave, for all of us to see.

[Insert an image of MCU Kilgrave here]

Who to my great disappoint looks exactly like the actor who portrayed him in the Jessica Jones series, David Tennant.

I loved him as the Doctor in the Doctor Who television series, and now here I am about to end his life.

But given who he is in this world I don't have a choice.

I am going to purge Kilgrave from the face of this planet.

Not just for Jessica but for all his past and future victims.

For them I will be vengance!

"This man you see calls himself Kilgrave. Though that's just an alias. His real name is Kevin Thompson." I said.

I then began explaining everything about Kilgrave to Emma and Domino.

His past, his powers, how he lives his life, etc.

By the time I was down both of them had looks of anger and disgust visibly displayed on their faces.

Exactly as I hoped they would.

"Boss, what's the plan to eliminate this piece of shit wearing human skin?" Domino asked in a cold voice.

"I'm glad you asked." I said.

Putting a devilish smirk on my face after I did.

I then explained to the two of them how we were going go eliminate Kilgrave.

Once I finished doing do we left the conference room and went to complete our preparations.

The moment they were completed we began the operation.

It's time to exterminate.


(3rd Person:POV)

Lounging on a couch in a high-rise New York apartment Kevin Thompson, who goes By the name Kilgrave, watched a soccer match on television.

While the residence of the home, a couple were making him dinner in the kitchen.

Being mind controlled to do so of course.

Thirty minutes passed before the couple completed dinner.

The moment it was done the woman went to inform Kilgrave of this fact.

Arriving at his side she spoke to him. "Dinners ready."

"Excellent. Excellent. I am quite famished." Kilgrave replied.

Getting up from the couch as he did so.

But before Kilgrave could take his seat at the dinner table a small portal opened up by his neck, and a hand reached through it with a syringe and jab him in the neck.

The hand then pushed down on the top of the syringe, injecting Kilgrave with Sufentanil before he could even react.

A few seconds after the drugs were injected into Kilgrave they took effect.

Passing out he fell to the ground.

Right as this happened the hand that came through the portal pulled itself back in and the portal closed shut.

Right after this happened a human-sized portal opened up and Roman, Emma, and Domino stepoed through it into the apartment.

Right after they did Emma took control of the minds of the couple in the apartment.

Since Roman had informed her how Kilgrave loved to put contengiency plans in place in case he was ever in danger of capture or actually captured.

Though none of Kilgraves plan ever accounted for magic.

Which is going to be his downfall.

Picking up Kilgrave Domino walked back through the portal.

While she did this Roman moved through the home and started removing any trace Kilgrave had ever been there. While Emma erased the couple's experience under the control of Kilgrave from their minds.

Emma also erased any orders Kilgrave had given the couple from their minds.

Overall it took Emma and Roman ten minutes to get the apartment back fo how it was before Kilgrave had taken it for himself.

The moment the couple was done they stepped back through the portal and if closed behind him.

The couple in the apartment being none the wiser they had been under the control of a sociopathic man-child with parental issues.


Slowly but surely Kilgrave opened his eyes.

The moment he did do he looked around and found himself in some sort of warehouse.

His body in chains, and his arms suspended in the air by the chains attached to them.

"Hello. Get me out of here right now!" Kilgrave angrily shouted.

But no one came.

After a few seconds Kilgrave was about to shout again, but before he could a voice spoke up.

"Ah, you're finally awake."

Hearing the voice made Kilgrave pause.

"Whose there? Show yourself!" Kilgrave shouted.

Then a moment after he did do he heard the sound of footsteps.

*Step Step Step*

The sound of slowly and steady footsteps filled Kilgrave's ears.

Turning his gaze in the direction of the footsteps Kilgrave soon saw what was making them.

It was an individual wearing a full black and red suit of some kind.

[Image Here]

Staring at the person in the suit Kilgrave felt a shiver run down his spine.

Since he got an ominous feeling as he stared at the invidual in front of him.

But that feeling quickly went away, replaced by confidence.

"You there. Free me this instant." Kilgrave commanded.

But the individual standing in front of Kilgrave did not move an inch from where they were standing.

Seeing this Kilgrave got a confused expression on his face.

"Why are you just standing there? I said free me." Kilgrave spoke once more.

Yet the figure still didn't move from the spot they were standing in.

'What the hell is going on here?!' Kilgrave thought.

For as long as he'd had his powers no one he'd met had been able to refuse any of his commands.

Not his parents, not the people he's force to take care of him, not the woman he took for himself.

No one.

Yet now here Kilgrave was, facing a person his power was utterly useless on.

"Finally starting to realize your situation, Kevin?" The figure spoke.

Their voice distorted.

So no one can tell if a man or a woman is behind the mask.

"What?!" Kilgrave exclaimed. "How do you know that name?! Who are you?!' He roared.

Because Kilgrave had worked very hard to erase his past and make sure no one knew his true name.

Yet the figure in front of him just used it casually.

This caused a feeling Kilgrave hadn't felt in years to stir within him.

The feeling was fear.

Ignoring Kilgrave's question the figure instead began laughing.

A deep ominous laugh.


Hearing the figure laugh made the fear inside of Kilgrave slowly grow stronger.

Stopping their laughter after a minute the figure looked Kilgrave directly in his eyes.

Once they did do they started walking forward and slowly closed the distance.

Until theirs and Kilgrave face were only a few inches apart.

The second after this happened the figure let loose a punch with their left hand directly into the left side of Kilgrave's face.


A cracking sound echoed through the warehouse as the punch connected.

The force of the blow not only knocked out two of Kilgrave's teeth but also caused the man's lip to split open.

Kilgrave got ready to scream due to the punch, but before he could the figure delivered another punch to his face.

This time on the right side using their right fist.

A cracking sound echoed through the warehouse once again when the second punch connected.

The moment it ended the figure roughly grabbed Kilgraves' hair with their left hand and forced him to stare at their face.

"You want to know who I am? Well then Kevin allow me to tell you. I am the phantom in the shadows. I am one who executes those the law will not. I am the embodiment of vengance. I am the Red Death!" The figure exclaimed. "And now I have come for you."

"No, wait. Pl-Aghh!!!!"

Kilgrave screamed in agony as Red Death grabbed the pinky finger of his right hand with his own right hand and snapped it clean in two.

"Begging are we? Just like some of your victims must've begged you not to control them, not to abuse them for your own sick pleasure, not to make them kill themselves are you were done using them!!!" Red Death exclaimed.

Choosing to break Kilgrave's ringer finger on his right hand next.

Which caused the man to scream in agony once more.


The sound of Kilgrave's screams was music to Red Death's ears.

A sound which they listened to all night, inflicting such incredible pain and torture on Kilgrave but making sure the man never died.

Until sunrise came that is.

For when the new day dawned Red Death put a gun right between Kilgrave's eyes and pulled the trigger without any hesitation.

Finally ridding the world of the Purple Man forever.