
An Osmosian in Marvel (MCU Fanfiction)

A man from our world dies and ends up in the MCU with the powers of the Retconned Osmosian from the Ben 10 series Follow his journey as he navigates his new world filled with aliens, monsters, and gods. Note: This story is an AU, since it will not be strictly MCU but will also include the X-men films, the early F4 films, and all of the Spidreman films from Tobey Maguire to Andrew Garfield MC/Laura Kinney/Emma Frost

ArifuretaForever · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 22: A.I.M. Meets A Fiery End

(Roman: POV)

The following day after my little chat with Maya I found myself in the mirror dimension, inside of Killians' mansion once more.

Specifically inside of Maya's personal lab.

Which is the basement.

Just like it was in the Iron Man 3 film.

Sitting in a chair I waited until I saw Maya and Killian enter.

It's showtime.' I thought.

As the two of them started going over some data I opened up a portal and exited the mirror dimension right behind Killian.

Then before he could even turn around I forced his body to the ground using my telekinesis while simultaneously beginning to attack his mind using my telepathic powers.

Even so, he didn't go down right away.

"Whoever you are you won't get away with th-"

Before Killian could finish his cliche villain threat I kicked him square in the head.

Which combined with my other attacks on his body and mind finally caused him to pass out.

The moment he did so I stopped my attacks. I then blasted his entire body with ice until he was encased under several layers of it.

Since there is no way I'm falling for the classic trope of leaving an enemy unrestrained, even though they are passed out, only for them to suddenly wake up and attack me.

Yeah, no. Not today or ever.

Once I was sure Killian wasn't going to be sn issue I turned towards Maya. "Quickly now, gather all the research data and any materials you think are important. There's no telling how long Killian is going to be out."

Simply nodding her head at my words Maya began moving, collecting any data and research materials.

While she did that I kept a lookout.

Ten minutes passed before I felt a tap on my shoulder.

When I did I turned towards Maya.

"I've got everything I need." She spoke.

"Okay." I replied.

I then opened up a portal into her living room apartment which Maya stepped through.

Then as soon as she did I closed it.

Since I had work to do here in the mansion.

Namely blowing it, Killian, and all his fire-breathing soldiers to Kingdom come.

Since as I said before there is no way I'm letting these guys surivve.

That is just asking for trouble.

Not to mention dealing with these guys was part of the conditions in the deal Maya and I made last night.

In exchange for her coming to work at Abstergo Industries I am to protect her and her daughter from any retaliation attempts made by Killian and AIM due to her leaving them and coming fo work for me.

Which I am going to do.

By blowing it too smithereens.

Because sometimes the simplest solution really is just to blow shit up.

Moving on.

Creating another small portal I reached into it and pulled a briefcase through before closing it.

Smiling as I did.

Portal magic really is the best.' I thought.

It makes things like blowing up enemies so much easier.

Cracking open the briefcase I reached inside for one of the C4 charges and then placed it in the center of the room.

I then opened a portal into the mirror dimension and began quickly traversing the mansion and placed the C4 charges at specific points in the real world.

Knocking out any enemies I came across.

While also checking to see if Trevor Slattery was around.

Since besides Maya he is the only other innocent person working for AIM in my eyes.

Sure he has issues, but he definitely doesn't deserve to die.

Especially since he hasn't start impersonating the Mandarin yet.

After searching the mansion and finding so sign of Trevor I concluded Killian hadn't come into contact with him yet.

Breathing a sigh of relief at this I opened a portal to my hotel room and stepped through it.

Once on the other side I stuck my hand wirh the remote to activate the C4 charges back through the portal and pressed the button to trigger with any hesitation.

After I did so I pulled my hand back through the portal and waited for the explosions to go off.

The moment I heard and saw them I slammed the portal shut.

I then re-entered the mirror dimension and made my way to the mansion using it.

Upon arrival I began inspecting the blast site for any survivors.

Making sure that if I found any I would finish them off.

Since I will not fall for another classic trope of not checking if your enemy is dead just because you assumed your first attack worked.

Once I was sure there were no survivors I opened a portal to Maya's apartment and stepped through it.

As I shut it behind me I found her and Tessa staring at me.

The little three-year old looking at me with stars in her eyes.

"So cool mister." She said.

"Thanks." I replied.

Feeling good that AIM had met there fiery end just as I planned.

Now the mission was truly complete.


Sitting in front of my computer monitors I typed away on the keyboard until I heard my phone ringing.

Stopping my work I picked it up. "Yes. Hello?"

"The job is done. AIM and Killian are history and I'm on my way back with Maya and her daughter." My own voice spoke to me from the other side of the line.

Because he is a duplicate I created using the powers I absorbed from Madrox.

"Okay. Great work." I said.

Feeling awkward giving a compliment to what is basically myself.

But considering I live in a Marvel universe I'll just go with it, since I am sure this won't be the weirdest thing I ever do in my life.

Not by a long shot.

"Right." My duplicate replied.

We then ended the call.

Once we did so I went back to typing.

Finishing my work soon after.

Leaning back in my chair I nodded to myself since I just completed the prep work for three projects I want to get up and running as soon as possible.

Project Final Frontier.

Project Demeter.

Finally Project Orichalcum.

I did a bit more work before clocking out for the door.

Glad that everything worked out in Florida and that that hothead Killian has his flames snuffed out permanently.

All in a day's work.