
An Osmosian in Marvel (MCU Fanfiction)

A man from our world dies and ends up in the MCU with the powers of the Retconned Osmosian from the Ben 10 series Follow his journey as he navigates his new world filled with aliens, monsters, and gods. Note: This story is an AU, since it will not be strictly MCU but will also include the X-men films, the early F4 films, and all of the Spidreman films from Tobey Maguire to Andrew Garfield MC/Laura Kinney/Emma Frost

ArifuretaForever · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 21: Absolute Idiotic Morons

Exiting the airport I found myself in Miami, Florida.

All refreshed and ready to recruit Maya Hansen to work for Abstero Industries and wipe A.I.M. off the face of the planet. Since they do not live up to their name.

Advanced Idea Mechanics my ass.

In my opinion they should call themselves the Absolutely Idiotic Morons.

Because given their actions that's exactly what I think they are.


Especially their leader Aldrich Killian.

I mean the man found a way to cure himself of his various physical disabilties.

A cure he could've made available to all those like him and more.

Killian could've changed the entire world.

He could've had his name recorded in the history books alongside the likes of Nikola Tesla, Albert Einsten, Abraham Eskrine, etc.

Yet instead he experiments on innocent people, and becomes a terrorist.



Shaking my head I released a short sigh as I recalled Killian's actions.

It only lasted for a moment though before I re-focused on the task at hand.

Since Killian already made his bed and now he has to lie in it.

He brought what's about to happen upon himself.

So I won't show him any mercy.


Inside the mirror dimension I walked through Killians' mansion, which also serves as the headquarters and research facility of AIM.

Ignoring the people around me I searched until I found a lab.

Killian personal lab to be specific.

Based on information ADAM provided me.

Standing outside the door to the lab I knocked it down with a kick from my left foot and then stepped inside the lab.

I then looked around to make sure it was empty.

Once I was sure it was I exited the mirror dimension and then went right over to the nearest computer terminal.

Taking out a flash drive I plugged into the terminal, and then it immediately began running a decryption program on AIM's computer systems. Downloading any and all research data and material along with any other files.

Once the download was completed I removed the flash drive and re-entered the mirror dimension.

Leaving the mansion with no one being the wiser.

Returning to my hotel room I began reviewing the files on my computer.

Finding the results of Killian's personal research into Extremis, along with the video files of his human trials.

Seeing this I smirked.

Because with this phase one of the plan has now come to completion.

Now it's time to move onto to phase two.


(3rd Person: POV)

Stifling a yawn Maya Hansen entered the kitchen of her apartment and made herself a glass of water.

After drinking she got ready to return to her home and go back to bed.

Only to stop in her tracks when she noticed a man sitting in a chair in her living room.

Her eyes going wide Maya prepared to scream.

Only to stop in her tracks when she heard a speak to her.

In her mind.

'Hello Dr. Hansen. Nice to meet you. Please do not scream. I am not here to harm you nor your daughter. I simply wish to have a discussion with you.' Roman thought.

He then turned on the lamp nearest to him and motioned for Maya to take a seat.

Also yes, Maya Hansen has a daughter.

A three-year old little girl named Tessa.

Which shocked Roman when he was informed of her existence.

But what didn't shock Roman was that Tessa resembled Tony Stark quite a bit, and given her age, it was safe to say she is his daughter.

Though given what Roman knew of Tony's lifestyle before he became Iron Man he honestly wonders how there aren't more Stark kids running around the world.

'I guess Tony at least had common sense when it came to those kind of activities.' Roman thought.

He then stopped thinking about such things when he noticed Maya hesitantly take a seat on the couch next to him.

"Thank you." Roman spoke. "Also thank you for not screaming."

"You have one minute to explain why you are in my home or I'm letting loose a scream that will wake up the entire apartment complex." Maya replied.

And Roman knew by the look on her face she wasn't bluffing.

"Right. I'll make this quick then. My name is Roman Maxwell. The founder of Absertgo Industries. And I am here to offer you a job." He spoke.

The moment after Roman finished speaking Maya gave him a confused look.

"A job. You break into my home in the middle of the night all to offer me a job?" Maya questioned.

"Well basically, yes." Roman replied. "I believe your Extremis Serum has the potential to change the world. And that it is being wasted in in the hands of a group like AIM. Do not even get me started on their leader Killian."

"What do you mean? Killian is the reason my research into Extremis has progressed as far as it has." Maya spoke.

"That may well be true, but I am sorry to tell you Maya Killian is not the man you think he is." Roman said.

He then conjured a small portal and pulled a laptop out from the other side before closing it.

Seeing this Maya got a shocked expression on her face. "What was that just now?"

"Magic." Roman replied.

A smirk on his face.

But it only lasted for a moment before he put a serious expression on it.

Roman then opened the laptop and turned it in Maya's direction.

One of the video files of Killian's human Extfemis trials pulled up.

Pressing play Roman said nothing as Maya watched the video.

Getting a horrified expression on his face as she did so.

When it ended Maya looked at Roman once more. "That...What...I don't understand." Maya stuttered.

"I know it's a lot to take in but it's the truth I'm afraid." Roman spoke. " As you just saw in the video Aldrich Killian thinks nothing of sacrificing others to achieve his goals. And if that wasn't enough for you I have plenty more videos where that came from. Dozens of vets, used as nothing more than guinea pigs. There lives ripped from them by your boss. Even though he knows how dangerous and unstable Extremis is."

"Why? Why is Killian doing this?" Maya asked.

"Well from what I've been able to find out the soldiers who manage to survive the prcoess become part of a personal army Killian is building." Roman explained.

Which is a bold-faced lie.

Killian isn't building an army of Extremis soliders.

But since he will in the future Roman has no issue using said information to his advantage right now.

"He's obviously let the power go to his head." Roman said.

"I...I can't believe this." Maya spoke.

She then stayed silent for a few moments before turning her full attention back to Roman.

"So you found out all of this, and now you are here speaking with me. Why?"

"Like I told you before Dr. Hansen, I am here to offer you a job at my company Absertgo Industries. I want to see your creation Extremis become what it was meant too. A tool to help others. Not the abomination Aldrich Killian is attempting to turn it into."

"And whose to say you aren't the same as Killian, simply trying to take the power of Extremis for yourself." Maya spoke.

"Dr. Hansen I am not lying when I say the power of Extremis holds no interest to me except from a scientific standpoint." Roman spoke.

Looking Maya directly in her eyes as she did so.

Since it was the truth.

Given all the abilties and powers he already has access too he could rip an Extremis enhanced individual apart easily.

So the power of the serum was meaningless to him.

But to other members of his organization that Roman planned to recruit, well that's a different story.

But Maya doesn't need to know that at the moment.

Staring into Roman's eyes Maya felt he was telling the truth.

Yet there was also this nagging feeling she got Roman wasn't telling her everything.

Yet given the calm expression on his face she isn't getting anything from him.

It is frustrating for Maya to be honest.

The same with this entire situation.

"What if I refuse to come and work for you? What will you do?" Maya decided to ask.

"I will simply leave and you'll never hear from me again." Roman replied.

"Really?" Maya questioned.

"Really." Roman replied. "But then your plans for Extremis would go down the drain as well."

"How do you figure that?" Maya asked.

"Well I'm certain you won't continue working for Killian after what I've just shown you. But given all you know about him and his operations he simply won't let you leave. Thus you'll need assistance in doing so. Most likely from the government. And once they see what Extremis can do, do you really think they'll simply let you work on it as you have been?"

Maya wanted to retort. But what Roman was saying was making perfect sense.

She knew how some scientists had their work seized by the government.

It's one reason why she had never worked on Extremis in an official government facility.

"I see what you mean. But won't it be the same if I work for you?" Maya spoke.

"Not at all." Roman replied. "You see the goal of my company is quite literally to make the world a safer place. And allowing to use Extremis as intended is line with those goals. Which is why I came to hire you in the first place Dr. Hansen. So, what do you say?"

Maya went silent for over a minute as she thought over Roman's offer.

Until eventually she came to a decision.

"Ok. I'll do it. I'll come work for you. But I have conditions." Maya spoke.

"Sure. I expected as much." Roman replied.

He and Maya then went over several details of her employment at Abstergo Industries before finalizing the deal.

Thus allowing Roman to complete phase two of his plan to recruit Maya.

Now it was time for the final act to begin.

Phase Three was now officially a go.