
Chapitre 4.

The emptiness of space 'can' be a bit maddening for a green skin.

Now, put a lot of them in flying boxes, steal the promissed fight from them...

<And 3 here am i ,Currently hidden in the deph of a cargo transport with my stooges, still looking at me ressentment when big I won battle, know no one care but still.< p>

Boss took my eyes and ate them, so uncalled for. But it arnt all bad. 

My head is so big i now need fixes just to support it and new optics, with an added glass scanner that explode over 9000. 

Don't ask me, i don't know, seem useless but make some cool noise so everyone like it, i made dem for all my guyz who survive a month as our band tags.

We choose da name : Zah Cold Heads commando! I choosed Cold cuz my head's too hot.

We Growin'some grots to send us good parts and made a 'hidden' workshop there. As hidden as in,eat anything approaching,if they not tasty add them to the army...anyway, that's how assassin do it.

I remember this saying pretty accurately.But... absolutly no regret.

It could have gone so wrong that they should be happy i didnt explode with all of dem on the spot.

How would one descript it objectively ?

Anticlimatic?The outcome is, with certainty. Now,the process?

A clusterfuck of probability? or an inevitability caused by a lazyness proper to Ork, in a context where it should not appear ever wherever and whenever a green humanoid is involved,commonly known as a big krump by this race, maybe the only thing ever hold sacred by one of them?

When a big head decided to ask a thumb up from the two brutal and cunning brothers, or was it cunning and brutal? Is it his fault if someone respond ? How would he know that pushing a bit on the biofield would do something so brutal?

All i did was ask right? A ship colliding an other one and terminating its course right over the majority of the ennemies force, i know my green brothers cryed foul when the ship was pinpointing the guy with an armor and the weird guy in robes.

Even if i asked for it, it feel too much,so low, so cunning, so refreshing...Worth it.

only Gork-or Mork- can judge me now.

For now, the warband is a small fleet of 12 ships, and i work on mekk. me love mekk, me doing big mekk ! 3xbiggaa ! 3xLoudah! That's what i want to do but the cargo too small so i just make mega armor for the little one. Dem krump be funny den.>

"Yish...boss ok? He doesnt move but his eyes are weird..."

"Yesh...must be a thinggy with the head....using it?"

"Naway, How can he use it without moving it?" 


Confused, the three's look toward their boss changed a bit.

<So i need a bigger ship urgenty...Enough, let's work-Hm? what's wrong with 'em?> 

"What's wrong ?"

"""Notin' boss!!!"""" The 3 left hand of the boss straightened and forgot what happened.

"...We know what ship is good?"

"Yish Boss ! Just have to push the button and we ram in their back!"

"Yosh boss! Our guy krumped the back guns, all ready!"

"Wahaha, so a weirdcapt'n, good good ! Let's krump!"

"""Krump!!!""" Yelled the trio, hands in the air !

 "Prepare for the attaque !!"

"""Prepare !!!" Hands in the air again.




<facepalm >

"...move your green ass, call for the krump, get equiped, push dah damned button then join me on dah deck for the krump !Move !"


The alarm sounded sound enough and the ship was an hive of activity.

An army of gretchling over equipped for a suprise take over was soon ready, fullspeed right ahead in their clinging cargo ship.

In the biggest ship of the fleet.

"Boss ! Big head made his move. We kill him? We havnt krumped for so long cuz of him,there's only scraps !"

"Took his time...nah, he good with weird power and idea. Let'em be. I dont like that capt'n."

"We can krump him firs-" <Crunchh >

A sickening noise of an exploding melon later and the boss was left alone.

The boss sometime felt a foreign feeling that contradicted with all that he was since he met Big head, but it didnt feel 'wrong'. He wasnt so mad at him for stealing the fight in contrast of most of the others orcs, the ennemies didnt even seem to offer that good of a fight but he couldnt test what he though about with his boyz to krump better, it made him a bit angry, just a bit and that was the most surprising for him.

The boss was watching his screen with one eye as a small cargo ramed right into their prey.

"Waaaaaaaaaaaagh" <DraaRaaaraRaraaaaaRaaaaa >

"Wahahaha ! Look boyz, they onl-" <Wrrrriiiiiiiiing > A head flew !

"Only grots and they came to get kru!-" <Fwooosh >

The merry band of assailed orc were having fun for the first in a long time, mocking while dying without a care in the world.

Nothing was easier for our cold headed commandoes Big Head to infi...nevermind,who am i kidding, he was a prime target, he used a weird skill to reflect bullets to their senders and the boyz just stopped targetting him, it just wasnt fun and all were orcs so who cared?

The boss fight ended under a minute.

<Bang! > 

A kick to the door leading to the capt'n's room and 3 megagrots and Big Head had to dodge a green shockwave right away. Who would think it would be Big Head who would be ejected to where he came from, life not endengered due to his shield and armor. Shamefully, one of his headsupport was crooked and his head hang a bit low to the side..On the other side, the shockwave exploded part of the wall, destroying about any cover the dumbass had, the trio let their power of brotherhood speak itself and crossfired him to hell. Maybe the noise hurted him more, those were mighty Dakka from the boss !

A bit of spray shooting and the ex capt'n was swiss cheese, whatever it was.

"Ha, at least your boss's deader than deFu!"<Bang! > : Were his last words, seeing the boss coming back from a far.

"Pfff,yeesh right !"

"Smooth job guyz ! Got a new ship !!"






"Read the mood dude."

"Yiish...want to shoot more dakka..."