
An Average Chad from Ostdeutschland

Erich is not your average Joe having been killed by immigrants, making him turn a villain in his next life, with a love for both football and politics he'll become a master in this field and prevent refugees from coming in the future, But that doesn't stop him from sleeping with Turkish hoes ( I know it's terribly written

Marin_Margarine · Others
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6 Chs

Chapter 4:

Erich then wake up, to see his mother still sleeping peacefully. He decided not to wake her up and went straight to the kitchen to prepare his breakfast.

'Controlling my mother yesterday night took a huge toll on my energy, guess I'll have to do it less at this age and let myself grow, though I can always use my Dads body as a vessel to vent my pent up sexual tension.' Erich thought 'Speaking of dad, I'm gonna check how's business is doing'

Pankraz (POV with Erich watching)

Than Uyen, North Vietnam, July 8, 1967

Selling arms to our fellow communist comrades here in Southeast Asia has always been difficult due to its muddy terrain, and the strong presence of the United States, especially since they are fighting a war here in Vietnam.

'Im currently gonna be discussing arms trade with comrade Ho Chi Minh, to help him become victorious in this war'

A few minutes passed by and Ho Chi Minh has arrived in the meeting place at Than Uyen from Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh then offered a hand and greeted him "A pleasure to meet you comrade Pankraz"

"The pleasure is mine comrade, its an honor to help a fellow communist to succeed" responded by Pankraz

Both of them then sat at a table and began discussing business. Ho Chi Minh began to inquire on the weapons "If you don't mind comrade what weapons can East Germany supply us with?"

Pankraz then took out a paper that contains a list and said "Well my side is willing to provide your army with 36 BMP-1, 80,000 AKM rifles with 6 Million bullets, 40 BRDM-1, 12 BTR-70, and 70 122mm D-30 Howitzer. Aside from that we'll offer to train your soldiers in using these weapons"

How Chi Minh analyzed the offer carefully before placing it down and asking "This offer seems too good to be true, I wonder what your country wants in exchange?"

Pankraz stared at him for a moment before saying "Well to be honest we do expect something in return, what we want is a half ton of gold, and our country is trying to increase population so we would like to hire atleast 20,000 surrogates here in Vietnam."

Ho Chi Minh thought for a moment before saying "We can do the latter, but I don't think we can afford to pay with gold at the moment"

"Our friends can always pay later, winning this war is the priority, we don't expect a one time payment as our allies you can pay in installment for a period of 5 years after victory" explained by Pankraz

Ho Chi Minh seeming satisfied with the offer then reached an arm and said "Happy cooperation"

"Happy cooperation"

Back at Turin

After witnessing the success of the negotiation, I then saw my mother leaving and immediately greeted her "Good morning mom! How was sleep?"

Mom then greeted me back "Morning Erich, to answer your question sleep feels surprisingly good last night"

'Well good thing I erased her memories of what happened last night, or this woulda been an awkward situation' Erich thought

I then smiled at her and said "Thats great to hear, anyways I'm heading for school now" picking up my bag and putting on my shoes, I then glanced at her and said "Ciao! Take care"

She then went to the door and responded "Have fun and make sure to behave at school!"

Hearing what my mother said I then looked back and responded "I will!!"


Listening to my teacher lectures about fractions is pretty much boring me to death as I already learned this in my previous life. Instead of focusing on my class, I instead shifted my attention to making money by writing.. I mean Plagiarizing books from the future.

'After thinking about the books I'm gonna plagiarize, I decided to start with Harry Potter or should I change it to Harry Muller? Nah let's stick to Potter' I then grabbed a pen and an empty notebook and began writing the draft for Harry Potters first book 'the philosophers stone' with the help of my quantum Chatbot in my brain I could rewrite the whole book word for word and even adding a bit of new elements like character development.

After writing for more than half an hour my teacher signore Agosti approached me without me noticing him, and then asked me a question "What are you writing Mr.Himmler in the middle of my class?"

Hearing his question I then stopped what I was doing and told him "I was practicing some practice problems about fractions sir"

Not believing what I said he then replied "Oh really? It's kinda hard for me to believe that you are listening to my lectures, but only 1 way to find out. What is 2/3 × 2/4?"

Hearing the math proble I immediately answered "That would be 1/3 sir, because when you multiply 2/3 by 2/4, you multiply the numerators (2 * 2) to get 4, and the denominators (3 * 4) to get 12. So, the result is 4/12, which can be simplified to 1/3 by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor, which is 4."

Satisfied with my answer signore Agosti immediately resumed his class and finally left me alone.

'Man what a troublesome guy, it takes a certain level of explanation to impress Italian teachers'thought by Erich

I then resumed my writing until the end of class, by midnight I'm gonna Finnish this first book and might publish it in a week.

School ends

I then walked my way home, and while walking, I decided to pay a visit to the library. While scrolling through some books I found something shining in a cabinet, and it seems to be a 20 lire gold coins! 'Fuckkk I'm rich using my matter printer I'm gonna print a lot of these and melt it to a gold bar to avoid suspicion' knowing what I just discovered I immediately put it in my storage of infinity, and I'm gonna print a lot of it inside my room tonight, I'll probably need to control mom to help me make them to a gold bar. 'Now I can finally use this opportunity to build a hidden base and training ground for my mercenary groups, I should probably set my training ground in a private island to avoid spies.'

End of Chapter

(Where should he place his private training ground? Any suggestions? I don't want it in Europe though cause American Spy satellite and plane would probably notice the construction ruining the secrecy of it)