
An Anime Summoning System

In a world filled with Dungeon, a young man finds himself able to summon minions from the anime world.

Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

the capital

"About this whole conquest stuff... I got bored after the first city. so, I want to conquer the whole star system before making my dragon ball. so, I already called my father, next week I will crown king." Sora said calmly as he looked at all the summons he had called for the meeting

"Then, should we head out and start clearing every dungeon on the planet?" Bardock asked to which Sora shook his head.

"Crocodile group is doing that, as for all of you. I will unsummon you, of course, if you want to stay in this city, it's up to you." Sora said with a smile,

"... who will be the queen? a king can't rule without a queen right?" Alvida asked with a smile, Sora rubbed his chin slightly before shrugging.

"Who knows. I will resummon you all when I reach the city. so, does anyone wish to remain in this city?" Sora said but everyone shook their heads as they wanted to follow him. Sora nodded slightly as he waved his hand, having them all turn to light which disappeared.

"The carriage is ready; everything has been packed along with the many things your summons created," Saniyah said as she walked toward Sora, Sora nodded as he left with her and entered the carriage. there were two carriages, his mother told him to bring Cadence, and the other 4 he cleared the copper rank dungeon with. so, they were coming with them in another carriage

Saniyah rested her head on Sora's shoulder as she rested, Sora didn't mind, he forced on Kanan who was absorbing a gold rank mana crystal and trying to reach the gold rank

"... is something wrong young master?" Kanan asked softly as she opened her eyes to look at Sora who was looking at her. Sora held his palm out as he placed it on Kanan's head, Kanan froze as she felt a strange power enter her body which unlocked her full Potential, Kanan suddenly broke through to the gold rank, stunning her and Saniyah who was watching this

"The technique I used to unlock your potential doesn't unlock your full potential. I have never seen you cultivate, but you're quite the talent. I also held back as if I awakened any more, you would transform to a male." Sora said with a smile, Kanan's eyes were wide as she looked at her palm

"You know I'm a mermaid?" She asked in shock, to which Sora nodded slightly, he saw the future and saw if he did, she would become a male. mermaids that are females in this world would become males when the energy in their body reaches a current level,

"of course," Sora said as he looked outside the window, enjoying the passing land which would make normal people feel like throwing up.

"... t-thank," Kanan said in a soft voice. Slight jealousy flashed through Saniyah's eyes, but she didn't say anything. She didn't need such things if she was with Sora,

a few hours passed, and soon they arrived in a huge city. the city was more than 10 times the size of the city, filled with millions of people. Sora smiled as he looked at the huge castle in the middle of the city, where the king stayed along with the planet's strongest dungeon.

A dungeon above the silver rank is now known as Gold rank, its split into moon, planet, and Dwarf Star levels. although the dungeon color is still gold, these rankings are changed to measure the boss monster's strength.

a moon rank dungeon would have a dungeon monster with a moon size planet behind the, the battlefield would be on a moon size planet filled with minion monsters ranging from iron to peak gold rank. on these battlefields, that's a trillion of minions, all with different arrange of skills, and a boss monster that has a power capable of destroying the whole moon planet.

the carriage Sora was in quickly landed, upon stepping out of the carriage, Sora saw his mother was waiting for him. She froze slightly upon feeling the aura Sora gave off, an aura worthy of being a king. she was of course proud, she was not affected negatively by the aura as Sora didn't want it, so it didn't.

"Hey mom," Sora said lazily as he looked towards the castle where he sensed his father was sitting on his throne. Sora's father was never the type to show emotion such as love, the only time Sora ever saw him was when he and his mother was alone,

"Greeting," Saniyah said respectfully as she bowed slightly. this was Sora's mother so she couldn't just ignore her or anything. the queen smiled slightly as she nodded at him.

"Sigh, you grew so fast... let's go. there are a lot of things that you have to go over if you wish to become king." She said with a smile, as she entered the castle with Sora, Kanan, and Saniyah following from behind.

"Since your father is going to pass down the throne, he can't just hand down the throne like that, or else the balance on the empire would become unbalanced. So, to pick the best person for the throne, he will create a pocket space. he is currently filling it with monsters, the princes and their most trusted subordinates will enter and kill monsters, with the strongest monster being at the gold rank. there will be a max of 4 subordinates" She said calmly

"So, you see why I had you bring those 4 people? good thing you had trained them for the past few days and had them reach peak iron rank." She asked with a smile as she turned to look at Sora, Sora smiled slightly as he nodded.

"There will be a few other stuff, I'm sure you remember all 12 languages on this planet right?" She said calmly as she arrived before a huge door which she opened with a slight push, and arrived before her room which was pretty much a whole house.

"... I only remember 8," Sora said as he rubbed his head, the queen shook her head helplessly as before she sat on her bed.

"Your father should have given your that stupid book. give it to me." She said confusing Sora who took out the book his father gave him and handed it to her. Flames appeared on the queen's palm before she burned the book to ashes. Sora's eyes widened at this, he haven't fully understood his father's teaching and she just destroyed it like that

"Snort." The queen snorted seeing the disbelieving look in Sora's eyes, she pulled an old-looking book from her storage bag before throwing it towards Sora.

"that's the first and original book your father made. I tried to destroy it but I kept it as I thought it was cute. don't tell him I still have it." She said with a smile, stunning Sora who went through the old book.

this book told a story of a young man who fell in love upon seeing a woman, but he had no skills to catch the hearts of women. he tried but the woman turned him down without a second thought, so he went on to become an expert in catching the hearts of females. he created this book to note his learning, and after 200 years of hard training, he return to that same woman once more. but his skills turned out to be pointless before her.

"... where is the last page?" Sora asked as the book suddenly ended there, the queen shrugged as she didn't say. Sora frowned slightly, but this book was more detailed than that book his father gave him, it was filled with his father's mistakes, things to avoid, and many more. but Sora was curious about how his father caught his mother's heart, if everything turned out to be pointless, what did he do next?

"Go and get ready... competition for the crown will begin next week, but it could take months for a person to be picked." She said as Sora nodded slightly before leaving to return to his room with Saniyah who was still following him.

Sora's room was not far from his mother's, the whole castle could house thousands of people, so many powerful people of the royal family stayed there. Sora returned to his room and began studying the teaching from his father, trying to understand why he made some mistakes here and there, and why some succussed in other places.

Saniyah didn't say anything and just cultivated; she still hasn't perfected any of the skills she had. if she could master them, even while still at mid gold rank, she could gain the strength to match an early mountain and river tier expert.

soon a knock came on Sora's door, Sora went to open it and saw it was a beautiful maid, the maid bowed slightly before speaking

"The second prince, lord Vile has asked for the young prince if you could come to his room." The maid said respectfully, Sora smiled at the maid's words. his elder brother Vile. Sora nodded as he left with the maid and went to go see him.

when he arrived at his elder brother's door, he opened the door without knocking which slightly displeased the maid, but she said nothing. Sora entered the throne room and ignored his elder white-haired young man who was in bed with 2 women.

"Sora, one second." He said as not as he looked towards Sora, not berthing to stop in his actions as the moans of the females sounded. the maid quickly closed the door as she stood at the side, while calmly looking at his scene

Sora shrugged as he looked at the females for a second while controlling his little brother not to make any wild movements before walking over to a table. where he calmly waited,

"Alright... why are you here? oh yeah, I called you." Vile said as he stood butt naked while searching for his clothing.

"what for?" Sora asked calmly as he looked at him, Vile put his clothes on while having the females he was just in bed get out of his room along with the maid. leaving just him and Sora.

"There are some people that came from Prorus Empire here who will be throwing this huge party. you want to go and see how those of another empire get down? I heard they even have different kinds of humans, ones that are dark skin. I have seen an image of them..." He asked softly as he imaged something which made his little brother who had fallen asleep awaken.

"You know mom doesn't let me go to these kinds of stuff," Sora said calmly as he looked calmly at him

"you're saying you don't want to see a new subspecies of humans? or even how they pretty, a whole new way of life is before you and you are saying no? if the queen is the problem, just sneak out with me. I promise if you're with me. you will never get caught." He said as he slammed his chest, Sora hesitated for a moment before nodding. he too wanted to see how other people lived their life, and he wasn't scared that his mother to find out.

"You promise you will not regret it... just look at this." She said as she pulled out a picture which had a dark skin woman, she had long black hair which was braided, her eyes were enchanting even in a picture, it drew a person's deepest desire out. but this didn't affect Sora who didn't even notice it, the Vile was stunned seeing how Sora was not affected. but he didn't show it.

"Tonight, we will leave. I will come to pick you up." He said with a smile, Sora nodded as he left, Vile looking at the picture once Sora left but undressed as he went on to play with himself.

later that night, Vile and Sora left to go to the pretty. Vile was shocked seeing Sora could fly, and would not stop asking questions none stop along the way. soon they arrived at a huge mansion where they entered, upon stepping in Sora felt the ground shake from the music which was being played

"See. such loud music, yet it makes you want to move." Vile said with a smile as he looked at the countless people who were partying. Sora nodded as he was feeling it as well, he looked towards the dark skin man who was playing the loud music, the man looked at him for a second before ignoring him.

Sora walked around while trying to find a place to shit, he didn't know how to dance and didn't feel like trying, he just wanted to enjoy it with a nice drink in his hands.

"Alright, alright. people of the Decan empire. I believe none of you here know how we of the Prorus empire party." a male aged man said with a smile as the music stopped playing, Sora calmly watched as 5 people wanted onto the stage, 2 males and 3 females,

"I know you all don't know the language of our planet, but you don't need to know the words to enjoy music. hit it," he yelled as a middle-aged man who was light skin started singing in the Prorus empire language, with the other man and females acting as dancers.

'Twerking...' Sora thought seeing the females shaking their asses to the man singing, although Sora didn't understand what they were saying, he felt like dancing as well. Sora noticed how those who were listening were also dancing to the music

"hey, why are you doing all by yourself?" a sweet voice sounded behind Sora, when Sora turned to see who it was he saw it was the dark skin girl Vile showed him. she had a warm smile as she looked at Sora

"I'm not the partying type." She said with a smile as he looked at her,

"... you able to translate the music?" Sora asked with a smile, she smiled slightly as she sat next to Sora and nodded slightly

"Alright, what does Nishushe Mwanza nyegezi Eh nyege nyege mean? did I say that right?" Sor asked seeing the weird look that appeared on her face once he said those words. the woman had some sweat appear on her face as she looked at Sora

those worlds were not so simple, thanks to Sora's aura she almost did what he asked and knocked him over and began doing some unspeakable stuff. why did Sora have to pick that line out of the whole song? Did Sora also have an enchanting skill like her?

"... cough. this song is a bit..." She coughed slightly not knowing how to explain the song was made by two horny guys. she quickly said her body as she left, their plans had failed before they even began,

Sora stretched his head in confusion, he only asked to learn the new language what's with the reaction? he shook his head as he returned to enjoy the party while studying the unique dance. those hips' movements were so smooth.

Just when Sora wanted to go and dance with some females, the music stopped and the party was over. although Sora was disappointed slightly, he returned home with Vile who was looking at him from time to time without saying anything

"So, you joined forces with the Prorus empire?" Sora asked calmly as he looked at his elder brother, his elder brother froze upon hearing Sora's words. Sora calmly stopped as he turned to look at him

"you know you knew father would pull the strings to have me become king, the fact that the crown is being handed down so quickly shows he is confident I will gain the crown. so the best thing now is to have the Prorus empire control me in some way, or kill me. I'm guessing they tried to do that at the party, but now will turn their next move to kill me." Sora said calmly as he crossed his hands to look at his elder brother. his brother's eyes turned cold as a spear appeared in his hands before he shot towards Sora, flames exploded on the spear as power matching a mid gold rank expert hit Sora's chest.

Vile eyes widened upon seeing that the spear bent and was broken as if it hit something strong, looking at Sora. not even Sora's clothes were injured in the slightest, Sora calmly held his palm out with faced Vile.

"So... should I kill you, or should i just have you locked up?" Sora asked with a smile as he unleashed his aura, which made Vile eyes shrank. Vile at his moment felt as if he was standing before a mighty emperor whose words were law.

"... y-you not Sora." He said in horror as he felt how he wanted to submit to him, Sora smiled slightly as he grabbed Vile face,

"Tell me where those from the Prorus empire are hiding," Sora asked with a smile

"They are... no I will never... they... i... no..." Vile was having a mental battle as he struggled against the aura effect, but he should break as he told Sora everything Sora wanted to know. Sora nodded slightly as he took Vile back to the castle and had him be locked up before he summoned an Ambu to go clan up the rats hiding in his city.

while he was at it, he summoned Bardock and a few others to go clear dungeons within the capital, starting with the moon rank dungeon which had a mountain and river tier boss monster.