
An Anime Summoning System

In a world filled with Dungeon, a young man finds himself able to summon minions from the anime world.

Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Late Stellar tier

"So, you have seen another sub-race." Sora's mother asked softly as she put the ring she was working down, Sora nodded slightly as he sat on her bed, while looking at the red tickets which were popping up every few minutes. Sora had also noticed there was a minute to the number of shards he could get, he could no longer get shards for D rank summons he already has, which confused him slightly

"... well, I guess it will not hurt telling you the history of the human race. although I think it has something to do with your summoning ability." She said calmly as she put the ring down to look at Sora.

"History? humans evolved from monkeys and went on to rule from there." Sora said in slight confusion

"Do you believe there are monkeys on every planet?" She asked with a slight roll of her eyes, the fact there was some number of humans on every planet in their start system and other star systems couldn't mean that monkeys were everywhere or were floating in space, just going around leaving their seeds.

"We humans are not from this galaxy. the one we came from was destroyed; a group of powerful experts used his life to save us from being completely whipped out. we were sent to galaxies all over the universe to spread us out so we could live." She said calmly stunning Sora

"The galaxy we once called human was called milky something, I heard that the technology back then was high. similar to those creations your summons is making, which is why I believe that it has something to do with the past." She said as she looked deeply at Sora

"Those humans who came here were clearly not skilled with technology, but they did your best... what I'm trying to say is that just because you are strong now doesn't mean to get lazily. push yourself, go out here into there and find your calling. stay on this planet... no this star system and those around here are just going to hold you back. you reach just a high strength in such a sort of time, don't get cocky, you never know if this galaxy will just be destroyed out of the blue." She said seriously

"I didn't raise an arrogant child. there is always something or someone better, so don't get so arrogant you can't see what's in front of you. be able to accept a loss and be able to accept that you will not away be the best in some stuff. I have seen many talents almost go crazy upon realizing they were nothing but a frog at the bottom of a well." She said seriously to which Sora nodded in understanding,

Sora and the queen talked for a while before Sora left and returned to his room where he went through his thoughts. in his past life, he hied on a stormy day while waiting for the bus. on that day, an idle game that he had been waiting for, was available for a download, but only the demo.

the idle game was an anime game, one collected shards or tickets to summon different anime characters to get anime characters to fight for them. Sora liked idle games, as it was hard for him to put his full attention into one thing for too long. within a few days or so, he would just stop playing other games, but for idle games, he just played them to kill time. and so on.

Sora was sitting at a bus stop when he downloads the app. he check another app to see when the bus will get there, and seeing it will take move 10 minutes, he sighed as he looked at the heavy rain with some lightning flashing from time to time.

Sora looked back at the downloading app, before noticing his phone was at 10%. not wanting to be on the bus with nothing to do, since he knew this phone will go from 10 to 0% in the blink of an egg, he looked at the store across the street before getting ready to rush towards it.

Sora ran while looking both ways across the streets, his fat ass moved through the rain as if he was the flash. but as he was running, Sora frowned as he noticed his hair began floating up. he frowned as he looked at himself in confusion, why was his hair acting so weird? could be transforming into a Super Saiyan?

He was unhealthy but he was not that far gone that running a few steps was considered breaking his limits or whatever... right?

Lightning suddenly fell from the sky and it hit Sora, Sora froze in the middle of the street as he looked at his burnt skin. he didn't die, but he was in a great deal of pain. he didn't even notice his phone was burning into his skin.


a truck came out of nowhere as it slammed Sora flying. the truck driver who could see due to the heavy rain was shocked feeling how he seemed to have hit something. looking closely, he could see the outline of a human he was about to run over, he quickly moves to avoid hitting Sora which lead to him running into the store Sora was heading towards.

"..." Sora's eyes were blanked as he weakly looked at the sky, he was in a great deal of pain, and so many of his bones were broken. but he did feel a strange energy in his body, which he will soon come to find out, it was called Mana.

Sora was still far away from death's doors, he moved to grab his phone to call for help. but he quickly noticed that his phone had burnt into his skin

'Damn it, mom... I told you to get me the iPhone, not whatever cheap phone you could find.' Sora thought helplessly, this phone didn't even have a brand. the phone pretty much fused with him, and now he was beginning to feel the pain.

Sora's eyes shrink when he saw his hair floating up. but he was laying on the ground, so the chances of the lightning hitting him now were much lower right? there was so many tall stuff the lighting could hit, it couldn't be aiming for him... right?

an even more powerful lightning bolt landed on him this time, causing a small shock wave which caused all the cars which were parked around the streets alarms to be set off. Sora died from the lightning Strick, but when he opened his eyes, he found himself within a huge mansion in a new body.

So did Sora die and go more than 100 thousand years into the future, it seemed like it. but the galaxy he would have game from seemed to have been destroyed, but the question now... what was the system, and how did he make it to the future? he could guess it had something to do with the game he downloaded, that was not hard to guess. the game pretty much was the system he had now.

Sora sighed as it was pointless to think of such stuff now, he would be able to gain all the information he wants soon. first, he had to go over all the loots his summoned got from destroyed when he set off to this city, to this morning.

Sora took out a scroll. this scroll was a cultivation technique that allowed one to step into the mountain and river tier. it was only a low-grade technique, and it was of the mountain type, just like the dungeon monster of the mood grade dungeon.

with this technique, almost all of his summons could now step into the mountain and river tier. these summonses were all the humans, who had no bloodline. so the marines even though they were on the water pretty much their whole life will still be able to use this technique to evolve to the mountain and river tier. but beings like the androids or Saibamen need something which would fit them.

Sora evolved the marine with a gun to the Mountain and river tier. this cost a lot of gold rank mana crystals and long with 120 of his shards. as to upgrade him to mid-mountain and river tier, Sora frowned as this would cost 1,200 of his shards, plus 1 thousand Planetary grade mana crystals, and 10 earth law crystals

Planetary mana crystals were the mana crystals above gold rank mana crystals. just 1 crystal had enough power to power the earth from his past for years.

as for the law crystals. they were crystals holding the laws which the monster killed had comprehended. of course, a person could just comprehend the law on his own, but it was faster to use the law crystals as you will be able to better sense and understand the said law.

of course, too much use of the law crystal wasn't good, as the monster could have been walking down the wrong path. it's best to just study the knowledge within the law crystals, and not just copy it.

Sora had a deep frown while looking at the cost to improve the summon just to mid-mountain and silver tier. one should know that before improving a summon from low to mid only costed mana crystals, and even shards. the number of shards needed even went from 120 to 1,200. that was too much, right? although he had more than enough, all he was missing was the Planetary shards and the law crystals.

what made him frown was the host to upgrade his higher-ranked summons. what will the host be to improve Bardock and the others? this was going to be a huge pain in the ass,

He can easily farm for this stuff, the stronger the monster the more and better drops it will have. So, it was not impossible. and he was not going to complain or anything.

Sora went on to evolve all the summons to the mountain and river tier. this was something he had to do one by one, which was annoying, but with his speed, to the outside world, it was a blink of an eye, even though for him it took long as hell.

the next step was to look at the tickets he gained. Sora gained a notification a while back that a new function has been added to the summoning options. he went to look and saw a new summoning button has been added, a 100x summon.

By using 100 red summoning tickets, you can summon 100 summons all at once, with at least 25 of them being A rank summons.

this was much better than 10x summons which made sure that at least 1 of the 10 summonses were A rank. using the 10x summon 10 times, will mean that at least 10 of the summonses will a rank.

Sora currently had 101 tickets, he gained this notification upon gaining 100 red summoning tickets, this got him wondering, what will happen if he gets 1,000? so he planned not to use the tickets just yet and planned to wait until every dungeon on this planet was cleared.

there were a little over 5 thousand cities, not adding the sea race land. each city would at least have around 10 dungeons, there was more land in the ocean than there was land, so of course, there will be more cities there. that meant at least 50 thousand dungeons were on this planet.

So, Sora planned to get as many as possible tickets before summoning once more. since he had maxed out the D and C rank summons, he could now only get B and A rank summons, so there will of course going to be a lot of A-rank summons... but why can't he max out the B rank summons shards first, before aiming towers the A rank summons

with that thought, Sora had the summons stop farming A rank shards and turn their attention to gaining as many B rank shards as possible.

the next thing Sora did was look at the A and B rank summon progress in KI and chakra control. among all of his summons, Haku made the most progress, as he was already becoming a master of Ki control.

Haku was the most talented person Sora had, the female-looking guy was also the strongest summon Sora currently had. He was an A rank summon at the peak of the gold rank. he had strength matching a half step late mountain and river tier experts

meaning Haku was halfway there to gain power matching those capable of destroying those huge planets. Haku had gained his full strength a long time ago and the system no longer limited him, in his past life he would be rated around the iron rank. he had gained his full strength long ago and had suppressed it thanks to the system.

one should know, that the earth is only considered average size. there are planets hundreds of times bigger than earth and will of course need more power to destroy. the difference between each level in the mountain and river tier is no shock, from destroying something as small as a moon to something as huge as a Dwarf Star is no simple 10 difference in power, but hundreds of thousands of times difference in power.

So, was Haku powerful. yes, although with chakra alone he didn't have the destructive power to destroy planets, with Ki he gained that destructive power. but Haku was not the powerful attacker type, he was skilled with ice release, and forced and quick attacks.

the next strongest summon Sora had was Android 16. being an android he of course could process information faster than normal humans. the only reason he was weaker than Haku was that he haven't regained his full strength yet and the system was suppressing his strength down to mid-mountain and river tier. but Android 16 had something no other of Sora summons had, infinite energy.

Android 16 didn't get tired and could fight none stop. his body also improved each time the system improved him, the system will get off his back once he reaches the Stellar level, but that was a long away

below that was his other A rank summons, followed by the D rank summons, then the other rest. Sora looked at Haku's process and was amazed slightly. one should know, as one strength improve so would their comprehension speed since one could think faster.

So for a hard question, Sora could have years to go over it, while to the outside world it would seem like Sora just thought for a moment before coming up with an answer.

Haku spent his time standing under a waterfall while training with his clones. with Sora's teaching and such hard work, he was putting In, in just a few months Haku might be able to fuse those two energies. although it will not be a perfect fusion, it will be something that will allow him to show more of his power.

as for Sora's power, Sora found that the system measured his power and not just the system. above the Stellar tier, was a tier known as the star system tier. A stellar person just forms a star, starting from a Dwarf Star, up to a huge star, with the size, power, and brightness of the star being able to tell you and others the stage you at

at the Star system tier, you began to do that all over again but this time you make more than 1 star. when you have 2 stars, you will of course be more than twice as strong as when you had 1 star. when you have 4 stars, your power would have more than doubled than when you had 2 stars and so forth.

in this star system tier, a person's power isn't measured by how many stars a person has. It's measured by the power they lunch out. a person can have only 100 stars, yet his power will hold power equal to a thousand stars.

Sora currently had the power of Late Stellar tier, that's in base form. or Kaikan. you guys can do the math, with the wrathful state, Sora's power is increased by 10 times... oh wait, thanks to the improvement to his bloodline, it's now 15 times. and with the Kaio-ken which can boost his power by 20 times added together. the boost is not 35 times. they are their own suppurate techniques, so Sora's power will increase by 15 times, and increase by another 20 times.

one can't also forget how Sora has the sharingan, and his is stronger than normal sharingan. one also has to take in the fact that Sora can heal from anything, so long as his head isn't destroyed or has enough energy. so, how strong is Sora?

there was still more to take into account while looking at his power, for one the fact a Saiyan grows while in battle. Sora never got to experience that, or how a Saiyan grows stronger the more damage he takes, or how thanks to the combination of the Saiyan bloodline which makes a person hunger battle, and the Uchiha bloodline might end up making him awaken something... oh knows.

anyways, Sora calmly looked at everything before looking towards Saniyah who was cultivating, he looked at her for a while before frowning.

"You should stop cultivating," Sora said stunning Saniyah awake who looked at him in confusion,

"why? is something wrong?" She asked softly, to which Sora shook his head as he slowly stood up and had her lay down on the bed.

"I believe you have the golden crow bloodline right?" Sora asked calmly to which Sora nodded. the dungeon on her planet had the golden crow, although the golden crow didn't have a pure bloodline, her great-great-grandparents killed it and gain the drop of blood from it. when they absorbed that drop of blood and gained the golden crow bloodline, so their offspring had that bloodline and were able to gain the golden crow bloodline without even having to gain and master the skill from killing the golden crow within the dungeon

"I don't know much about the golden crow, but I can tell you that its averment must be hot," Sora said to which Sanyiah nodded as Sora was right. the planet she is from is really close to the sun, so all the dungeons there are all firebases. there is zero to no water, but through killing dungeon monsters they gained skills that allowed their body to not need water for some time. after which they simply formed a barrier around the planet and began bringing water to their planet.

"Your body and blood are firebases, yet you spent most of your time in the void of space and now you are on this planet which I guess is many times cooler than yours," Sora said calmly to which Sanyiah's eyes widened in sudden realization.

"The more you cultivate, the more you are crippling's yourself. we are so far from the sun, I bet you've been feeling as if you were freezing this whole time." Sora said as he placed his palm on her forehead and sent chakra into her body which transform into flames which she absorbed.

"..." Sora calmly watched her absorbing that energy while he went to sit down while in deep through. he gave Kanan a hit of Ki when unlocking her full potential, and Sanyiah just was given Chakra, he wanted to see what will happen to the two. will they gain the said energy, or will they just convent it to mana and move on with their life?