
An Anime Summoning System

In a world filled with Dungeon, a young man finds himself able to summon minions from the anime world.

Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Nothing is more important than family

(I have changed mc strength down to late Stellar tier, I was thinking of something else with that 10 stars)

time went by and Sora the day for the crown to be handed down got closer. Sora had released almost every summons and had them do their own thing or go to clear the dungeons. with king kai, they would not clear the same dungeon again.

Sora also ran into more of his sibling and run into some assassination attempts while out for a walk in the city, but Sora didn't even have to make a move as Tashigi or his other personal guards would move on his behalf.

Sora also gave his father and mother some mountain and river tier mana crystals and law crystals, with a simple bast Sora, can kill the countless amount of mountain and river tier monsters, which would drop such things. So, his parent's strength raises improved during this time,

Soon the day arrived, and Sora and his other sibling, all but Vile and Emilee stood before his father who was standing before a man-made gate. their 5 chosen followers stood behind them, each in gear that greatly boosted their power.

a person at the mountain and river tier could create pocket spaces, but the energy needed for such things was not simple. just a house size space would be draining, the space made also might not be stable so it couldn't be rushed. his father and the few mountain and river tier experts came together to form this space, and within the time of 7 days, they could create a space the size of a whole small continent, enough for them to fill it with thousands of monsters.

"There are 10 thousand monsters within this gate. you will gain 1 point for every copper rank monster killed. 10 points for every iron rank monster killed, 50 for every silver rank monster skilled, and 1,000 for killing the 1 gold rank monster within. you will stay within until all monsters are killed, those who are killed will instantly be sent out of the space, so don't hold back if you run into each other." the King said calmly as he stepped also, allowing them all to enter.

there were special forms of insects that were sent into the gate, those insects will act as cameras as they would broadcast everything, they see across those land under the king's rule. this was just to show off the skills of the princes, showing the world that they had an eye for talent, good leading skills, and the capability to show the world that under their rule, one talent would raise

Sora rubbed his head as he looked at his team, he never bothered to actually teach them but just let the silver rank experts do the work. when he arrived in the capital he gave them some skills, and his mother took over their teaching while he did his own thing.

"Enter, keep those wristbands on your arms, do go ahead and lose them." the king said calmly, everyone had a wristband on their arm which of course was not normal. it's because of these wristbands that one could leave the pocket space if killed.

everyone nodded before entering one at a time with their own team. Sora was the last to enter, and upon entering he and his team appeared in a snowing region

"Well, I will leave everything to you guys, show me what you gained in these few days," Sora said with a smile as he calmly looked around this space. Cadence, Jenny, Troy, Donny, and Tom looked at each other before nodding seriously at each other, they already had 100% loyalty to Sora, and they wanted nothing more than to show off their full capability to Sora.

they had all reached med Iron rank, a huge improvement within such a short time. and they all had amazing armor given to them by the queen, so they were strong enough to even take on a peak iron rank experts one on one, but as a teacher, they could even match those at mid or peal silver rank experts. of course, for monsters, they would at most be able to handle a mid-rank expert.

Sora calmly looked at the snow-type monsters heading their way. like the last time Sora was with them, Cadence was the first to make a move as she used the last amount of mana among them while killing monsters,

she had a wider arrange of skills now, no longer just the water sword art, but other forms of sword techniques, lightning sword arts, fire sword art, and many more. although she hasn't mastered most of them to the same level as the water sword art, it gave her a wider arrange of skills.

Sora didn't do anything as he calmly followed them while they killed monsters like it was nothing, as they got closer to the center of the snow region, they ran into more and more powerful monsters, the boss of this region was just a peak silver rank monster. the monster was a 3 headed yeti,

".. Tom aim for its moth even ever it opens it. as for you all, just follow my orders and this will be simple work," Sora said calmly, everyone nodded before they move. just as one yeti was about to open its mouth, Tom shot a blazing fire arrow at it, forcing the yeti to dodge and stop trying to use the skill it was about to use,

Sora calmly told them what to do, allow them to make the best attacks at the best time, dodge at the perfect time, or where to attack when an attack too powerful to dodge or block was lunch at them, to ether snow the attack down or stop the yeti from using said attack.

As Sora spoke, he slowly stopped as he saw how they no longer needed his words. he smiled slightly as he rubbed his chin, he didn't expect them to learn so quick. he of course knew this was because of the sovereign aura, they wanted to impress him, so they pushed themselves to reach that goal. since they had complete loyalty in sora, they, of course, would not half-ass this, but put in everything they have, if they didn't then it would not be complete loyalty.

about 30 minutes later, Sora watched the 3 headed yeti fall to the ground with Cadence and the other breathing heavily.

"Amazing work, I'm shocked at your improvements," Sora said with a smile, which made Cadence and the other's eyes brighten hearing his words.

'Their teamwork is impressive. their talent is also improving slightly, is this also the effect of the sovereign? a person who set their heart to something can do almost anything. with the mid-set to it, their talent will improve slightly. but by how much? I will keep them close to study.' Sora through as he watched them recovering, before throwing gold mana crystals at them to absorb too quickly restore their energy

slowly Cadence and the others recovered their energy before they moved and headed towards another the next region. from just clearing the first region they had gained over 70 thousand points,

the pocket space was large, so it took some time for them to reach other regions, but upon entering another region they ran into the second princess. the second princess was a black-haired woman in her late 20s. she was a beauty of her own. she had emotionless eyes, as if nothing in this world could move her.

"you're going to leave on your own or what?" She asked calmly, Sora smiled slightly as he just looked at her without saying anything. his relationships with his siblings were compacted. for one he and Vile could have been said to be cool with each other, Vile was the cool elder brother.

Emilee was his gentle elder sister who spoiled him like hell. but the second princess was the cold elder sister who kept to herself and didn't bother others. she never was rude to Sora, but she was never nice. she was just there, and just minding her own business while quietly building her forces from the shadow.

She named Zahra. she was born with a special talent known as Icy Word; this ability allowed her to control ice as if it was a part of her. she was a master with ice abilities, and those she had put together were all at the peak of iron rank, stronger than Sora own teammate

"... leave." She said coldly, as the ground began freezing, Sora watched as ice covered the ground while rushing towards Sora's group. the air froze as a spear grew towards Sora's teammates, Cadence and the others moved to block, but the force from the ice sent them flying.

If Zahra wanted to kill, then they would have died. Sora calmly looked at Zahra, though she hid her emotions, he can clearly tell that she didn't want to kill them. if she could avoid battle, then it would be for the best. of course, this was mostly because Sora was just a cripple. she didn't want to kill this cripple brother of hers, but if Sora forced her then Sora will die

Sora looked at the ice, it had power watching those at mid-silver rank. this, of course, was just a simple attack, if she were to go all out, she could match Vile in combat and might even win. Vile strongest attack could match those at mid gold rank, although, at the peak of the gold rank, she could match those two stages above her own.

this mental she had talent equal to Sora B rank summons. but Sora who had the portal to unlock a person's talent could see this was just the tip of her talent. she might be able to match those A rank summons.

Zahra coldly looked at Sora waiting for him to retreat, but Sora just looked at her. Sora sighed as he tapped his foot on the ground, causing a huge earthquake that caused the world to shake, Sora's sovereign aura exploded out making Zahra's eyes shrank.

"... is the prince Sora?" a few citizens who were looking at the images on the screen showing the princes within the pocket space asked in shock. with just a tap of his foot, the world shook, this some something even mid gold rank experts couldn't do, maybe with a stump, but a tap, that was not passable.

even though the screen, the effect of Sora's aura could be felt. they all felt that Sora was some mighty sovereign. they were shocked as even the king didn't give them such a feeling; just what changes happened to Sora?

"He must be cheating." some said in shock, his words instantly gain many approvals. but with weaker minds who had already begun seeing Sora as some mighty being began defending Sora, it was mostly young females who fell for Sora upon first sight.

"knee" Sora said calmly. Zahra's teammates which were only at the low silver rank heart shook as they slowly kneed before Sora. Zahra's frowned as she took a few steps back while resisting the aura. Sora calmly looked at her, before looking at those who had already kneed before him

"You want to go against me?" Sora asked with narrowed eyes, Zahra frowned deeply as she looked at Sora. Sora sighed as he threw turned and left, stunning Zahra as the aura left

"If you are smart, you will be able to see how this will end. by the end of this, if you're not kneeling then you're against me. that's your only warning." Sora said as he turned to look at her before he left, he used Telekinesis to have Cadence and the other float up while he walked off.

Zahra was not dumb enough to try and stop Sora, so she just wanted him to leave while looking at her teammates who were sweating heavily. they didn't dare to go against Sora's orders, although they didn't completely gain complete loyalty to Sora, they felt that a god was giving them orders. they didn't dare to disobey. of course, if Sora was to order them to kill themselves, they would resist, but for some as simple as kneeling

they slowly stood up as they didn't dare to look at Zahra, they pretty much betrayed her at that moment. but Zahra didn't blame them, she had to take a few steps back almost returning to the forest which was a few hundred of meters away just so Sora's aura would weaken.

"... let's leave." She said coldly as she left the pocket space, she didn't see anyone other than Sora team coming on top. she didn't want to run into Sora, and she wanted to go over the options Sora gave her.

meanwhile, Sora healed the 5 restoring them to their peaks, while also boosting their cultivation to the peak of the iron rank. they went on to enter another region while killing monsters, at knight time they stopped to rest.

"... who brought food?" Cadence asked after she made the campfire, but everyone shook their head as they thought Cadence was the other bringing food. Cadence frowned, what will Sora eat then? Sora who was resting on the ground while looking at the fake stars in the sky suddenly frowned when he felt hungry, now that they brought food up. he was hungry. he of course didn't bring any food,

Sora rubbed his forehead as he fell into deep thought, he needed a personal chef. he opened the system as he looked at the words, before landing in the world of Food War. His mouth watered just thinking of the food from that, this world was just a low-grade word so he could get it. plus, he could even get all the D to B rank summons within this world within a few days.

but he chose not to add the system, not yet. he wanted to wait until he had enough tickets before doing anything. Sora also wanted to see how many charisma points he could gain from every planet within the star system.

Sora calmly rubbed his stomach, he was hungry. he frowned as the one weakness of the Saiyan bloodline was the hunger, even with cultivation this hunger didn't lessen, only when at the mountain and river tier when he could draw energy from a planet could he not need food. of course, such things will lead to the slow death of the planet and would need one to absorb energy to restore the used energy

of course, one could use mana crystals to replace food, but that would be a waste and wasn't the same as eating food. food had befits which improved a person's health, and body and could even improve a person's lifespan, strength, and even talent.

"Absorb mana crystals if hungry," Sora said calmly as he took out moon-grade mana crystals and began absorbing them. the number of calories Sora needed was a lot, he usually relays on mana crystals when he needed to feed himself and eats normal food to feed his tastebuds.

the next day, Sora and the others ran into the 4th prince.

"a cripple like you is still alive?" the 4th prince laughed mockingly upon running into Sora, the 4th prince had no good impression of Sora. he would bully Sora from time to time, but never died to go too far.

"let's see... yeah, I don't like you," Sora said as he actived his sharingan and place the 4th prince under an illusion, before going on to have him cripple himself.

"What did you do." the 4th prince yelled in horror as he felt his cultivation which was at mid silver rank had disappeared.

"I thought you would love to live the rest of your sad life as a cripple. don't think me, I know how much you loved cripples. it's all I ever hear from you." Sora said coldly as he held his palm out, sending a red energy ball out which killed him along with his subordinates. although Sora killed them, they all reappeared outside the dungeon the next moment, but the 4th prince being a cripple is something that waistband couldn't fix.

was Sora going too far with that? a person cultivating to the silver rank was no simple act. for the 4th prince to be under 30 and reach that level showed how much hard work he put into his cultivation. Sora's actions were destroying over 20 years of hard work, cultivation was also boring so that made it even worse for a person to do all that just to have it disappear before their eyes.

to go from having such power to dropping to a cripple. that was something which was worse than death, something which was extremely curled. but did Sora care? not even a little bit,

this he was a kid that guy was a complete dick. yes, he was a cripple, he didn't need to hear it every fucking second. it was annoying growing up knowing at most you will live to be only a little over 100 at best, knowing how everything around you had to be adjected to handle your mortal level strength. or how people didn't dare to touch you out of fear of accidentally killing you,

life was hard enough for him, he didn't need someone just going around remaining him of how sad his life was. So, Sora didn't mind allowing the 4th prince to spend the rest of his life as a cripple. as for if Sora wanted the prince to learn anything, he will forget about him in a day. he could care less what will happen to him than

anyways, Sora and the other moved on killing monsters and running into Sora's other siblings. Sora would release the aura to those he didn't dislike, Sora didn't have many siblings that hated him, the one that hated him the most was the crown prince. he was the oldest and had always had the king's full attention, yet the moment Sora was born, he was thrown to the side. so how could he not hate Sora to the bone?

the fact that Sora was even a cripple, and they cared more about him made his hatred only grow. Sora was just a cripple, and he was an understanding talent that had mastered not just every technique within the treasury. he even reaches half-step gold rank by the age of 28. which was unheard of.

was he the one who tried to kill Sora? of course, such a good chance when he had the least number of guards, he of course had to make a move to kill the cripple. with Sora out of the picture then everything will be all about him. and since the queen had enough trouble just giving birth to a cripple, he didn't have to worry about anything else.

"..." Sora calmly looked at his eldest sister who was calmly looking at him. She was a pink-haired woman, and at the peak of the silver rank, she was in her late 20s and was quite the beauty.

"I got news of what you did to 4th brother." She said with a frown, Sora nodded slightly

"You know nothing is more important than family. we should stay strong and not hurt each other, so he was a dick, but that was his way of trying to be your friend." She said seriously, the eldest sister was a heroic one. she saw the good in almost everything. Sora didn't dislike this elder sister, she was nice to him and the 4th prince never dared to let her see him actually bullying Sora. as kind she was, she would turn into a demon if enraged.

that is not a joke, she was born with a unique skill that allowed her to take on the form of a powerful demon. she had no control of that form and would enter it when her emotions were out of control. her mother was from this planet before humans arrived and did what humans do

Her mother was from a special space known as a demon race, a race said to have come from a different world known as hell, she was only 1% demon, and 99% human, but Sora's eldest sister was able to awaken this ability thanks to that 1%.

She valued family, as she was not born in the royal family but instead outside. she was all alone until Sora's father found out about her existence. All she ever dreamed of was a family and she now got that dream, so she wanted to protect it.