
An Accident That Made Me Reincarnate

(Panting) "Huft..huft..!" I'm running out of breath. 'Am I going to die here?' This can't be happening. I'm too young to die. "Ugh, it hurts!" Roro cried out in pain. The pain is unbearable. I can't take it anymore. Roro had an accident at that time, she was hit by a passing car and then died in pain. However, instead of entering the afterlife that we are familiar with, Roro found herself born in another strange world. The story is about a woman who dies in a tragic accident, and is then given a second life in another world. *********************************************** Hi, author here. In this novel, I want to create a female character who will be reborn as a baby. I want to create a female character who is good at fighting, smart, and not naive. She will be involved in difficult internal family problems and then get missions that make her difficult. If you like this novel, please join my Win-Win, and leave a comment too. Best regards, author. Note : English is not my first language

Luwly · Fantasy
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87 Chs

Magic 2

"To perform this magic, you must utter the following incantation clearly and loudly: 'Ventus ex palma.' This incantation signifies 'wind from the palm' in the ancient language. You should also sway your palm in the direction you desire while pronouncing this incantation. This will help channel your mana into your palm and conjure a gust of wind," Zian continued.

"Alright, I understand. So, I need to say 'Ventus ex palma' while swaying my palm in the direction I want, correct?" Genevieve inquired to confirm.

"Exactly. Now, attempt this spell. I will evaluate the results," Zian said, closing the book and placing it on the table.

Genevieve nodded and readied herself to cast the wind spell. She took a deep breath, once again gathering her mana within her. She felt the strong and warm pulse in her heart.

Genevieve raised her right hand and swung it towards a vase of flowers in the corner of the study room. She opened her mouth and pronounced the incantation clearly and loudly.

"Ventus ex palma!"

As Genevieve recited the incantation, she sensed the flow of her mana from her chest to her arm, then her hand, and finally to her palm. A cool and refreshing sensation enveloped her palm.

Suddenly, a strong wind emanated from her palm. The wind swept toward the vase of flowers, causing it to sway. The vase was propelled by the wind and toppled off the table, shattering into fragments on the floor with a resounding "crash." Genevieve was taken aback and felt remorseful upon witnessing the outcome of her spell.

"Oops! I did it!" Genevieve exclaimed with concern.

"Very well done, Genevieve! You've successfully executed the wind spell! Your accomplishment is remarkable," Zian praised with a chuckle.

"Thank you, teacher. However, I feel guilty for breaking your vase," Genevieve expressed remorse.

"Don't worry, Genevieve. The vase holds no significance for me. I am more concerned about your capabilities as a Mage. You've demonstrated your ability to summon wind using ancient magic. That's an impressive feat," Zian reassured, raising her right hand.

"But, teacher, I couldn't control the wind's direction and intensity that I generated. I simply swung my hand without direction. I didn't comprehend what I was doing," Genevieve confessed honestly.

"That's alright, Genevieve. You're just starting to learn wind magic. Gaining proper control over the wind requires extensive practice. This is a part of the learning process for ancient magic. Learning from your errors and improving is essential," Zian explained, opening her right hand.

"On my right palm, there is a radiant blue ring. This ring was bestowed upon me by my mentor when I was a student. It's a ring of ancient magic designed to store mana in the form of wind. I will lend you this ring to aid you in practicing wind magic," Zian continued, removing the ring from her finger and offering it to Genevieve.

"To employ this ring, you must articulate the following incantation distinctly and audibly: 'Ventus in anulo.' This incantation translates to 'wind in the ring' in the ancient language. Additionally, you should press the ring against your palm while reciting the incantation. This will facilitate the flow of your mana into the ring and store it as wind," Zian elucidated.

"Alright, understood. So, I need to say 'Ventus in anulo' while pressing the ring against my palm, correct?" Genevieve sought clarification.

"That's correct. Now, try executing this spell. I will assess the outcome," Zian said, closing the book and placing it on the table.

Genevieve nodded and prepared to cast the wind storage spell. She took a deep breath and concentrated her mana within her once more. She felt the strong and warm pulse in her heart.

Genevieve raised her right hand and pressed the blue ring against her palm. She enunciated the incantation distinctly and audibly.

"Ventus in anulo!"

As Genevieve recited the incantation, she felt the flow of her mana from her chest to her arm, then her hand, and finally into the ring. A cool and refreshing sensation enveloped her palm.

Suddenly, a robust wind emanated from her palm into the ring. The wind entered the ring and became stored within it. The ring shimmered more brightly as more wind accumulated. Genevieve was awestruck and elated by the result of her spell.

"Wow! I did it!" Genevieve exclaimed joyfully.

"Excellent, Genevieve! You've successfully executed the wind storage spell! Your mana is also potent and robust. Your pronunciation of the incantation is consistently accurate and clear," Zian praised proudly.

"Thank you, teacher. I'm pleased to have made you proud," Genevieve expressed with respect.

"There's no need to thank me, Genevieve. Isn't it customary for a teacher to commend their student?" Zian responded sincerely.

"Thank you, teacher. I value your guidance and support," Genevieve acknowledged with respect.

"You truly deserve it, Genevieve. I foresee that in the future, you will become a remarkable mage!" Zian expressed optimistically.

"I hope so, teacher. I aspire to be a Mage who can assist people and enhance the world," Genevieve declared enthusiastically.

"I have faith that you can achieve it, Genevieve. Your heart is noble and strong. You are also accompanied by friends who will stand by you. You're not alone in your journey as a Mage," Zian affirmed warmly.

"I'm grateful to have you as a teacher and my friends as companions, teacher. I won't let you or them down," Genevieve affirmed earnestly.

"You won't disappoint anyone, Genevieve. You'll make everyone proud. You embody the hope and future of ancient magic and the Arcduke family," Zian concluded proudly.

"I will strive to the best of my ability, teacher. I will diligently study ancient magic and develop my abilities to the fullest extent," Genevieve declared with determination.

"Very well, let's continue our lesson. The fourth spell we will learn is water magic. This spell allows you to conjure water from your palm. It's useful for dampening or cleansing objects. To execute this spell, you must articulate the following incantation distinctly and audibly: 'Aqua ex palma.' This incantation signifies 'water from the palm' in the ancient language. Additionally, you should grip your palm tightly while reciting the incantation. This will facilitate the flow of your mana into your palm and generate water," Zian explained, reopening the book once more.