
An Accident That Made Me Reincarnate

(Panting) "Huft..huft..!" I'm running out of breath. 'Am I going to die here?' This can't be happening. I'm too young to die. "Ugh, it hurts!" Roro cried out in pain. The pain is unbearable. I can't take it anymore. Roro had an accident at that time, she was hit by a passing car and then died in pain. However, instead of entering the afterlife that we are familiar with, Roro found herself born in another strange world. The story is about a woman who dies in a tragic accident, and is then given a second life in another world. *********************************************** Hi, author here. In this novel, I want to create a female character who will be reborn as a baby. I want to create a female character who is good at fighting, smart, and not naive. She will be involved in difficult internal family problems and then get missions that make her difficult. If you like this novel, please join my Win-Win, and leave a comment too. Best regards, author. Note : English is not my first language

Luwly · Fantasy
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87 Chs

Magic 1

{21 Bado Mulud 832}

Genevieve is currently in the study hall with her magic teacher, Zian.

Genevieve sat at a study table filled with thick books in ancient languages. She gazed intently at the glittering writing on the pages. She tried to remember the meaning of every word and symbol she had learned over the past month.

She had worked hard to learn the ancient language used by ancient mages. She didn't want to disappoint her magic teacher, Zian, who had patiently taught her. She also didn't want to waste the memory booster potion given by her alchemy teacher, Goun, which was very expensive and rare.

She knew that ancient languages were the key to understanding true magic. Magic that relies not only on mana, but also on knowledge and understanding. Magic that relies not only on simple spells, but also on complex formulas and logic.

She wanted there to be no one who would belittle and insult her. She wanted to make the people who loved her proud. She wanted to make herself extremely powerful.

"Genevieve, are you ready?" Zian's voice came from behind the study door.

"Yes, teacher. I'm ready." Genevieve replied in a loud voice.

"Alright, let's start today's lesson." Zian said as she opened the door and entered the study room.

Zian approached Genevieve's study table and looked at the books on it. She smiled with satisfaction at her student's progress.

"You have made me proud, Genevieve. You have learned the ancient language quickly and thoroughly. You have shown great talent and determination." Zian praised.

"Thank you, teacher. I tried my best." Genevieve said respectfully.

"But don't be satisfied with what you've achieved now. You still have much more to learn. The ancient language is just a tool to learn ancient magic. You still have to practice ancient magic yourself." Zian continued.

"Yes, teacher. I understand." Genevieve replied.

"Alright, today I'm going to teach you some simple magic that you can perform using an ancient language. These magics will be useful for everyday life or emergency situations." Zian said as she took a thin book from her bag.

"This book contains some basic magic that you can easily learn. I will explain how to perform these magics one by one. You must follow my instructions carefully and thoroughly." Zian continued as she opened the book to the first page.

"Yes, teacher." Genevieve said as she looked at the book enthusiastically.

"Alright, the first magic we're going to learn is light magic. This magic can make light appear from your fingertips. It's useful for lighting up dark places or signaling to others." Zian explained.

"To perform this magic, you must say the following incantation clearly and loudly: 'Lumen ex digito'. This spell means 'light from the finger' in the ancient language. You should also move your finger upwards quickly while chanting this magic. This will help flow your man into your finger and make the light appear." Zian continued.

"Okay, I got it. So, I should say 'Lumen ex digito' while moving my finger upwards, yes?" Genevieve asked for confirmation.

"That's right. Now, try performing this magic. I'll judge the results." Zian said as she closed the book and placed it on the table.

Genevieve nodded and got ready to perform the light magic. She took a deep breath and gathered her manas inside her chest. She felt a strong, warm pulse in her heart.

She raised her right hand and pointed her finger towards the ceiling of the study room. He opened her mouth and chanted clearly and loudly.

"Lumen ex digito!"

As she chanted the incantation, she felt her semen flow from her chest to her arm, then to her hand, and finally to her finger. She felt a tingly and hot sensation on her fingertips.

Suddenly, a bright white light emerged from her fingertips. The light shone brightly in the entire study room. Genevieve was surprised and delighted to see the results of her magic.

"Wow! I did it!" Genevieve exclaimed happily.

"Well done, Genevieve! You performed your light magic perfectly! You have good control over your man. You also cast the spell correctly and clearly. " Zian praised proudly.

"Thank you, teacher. I'm glad I could make you proud." Genevieve said shyly.

"But don't get too happy just yet. Light magic is only the easiest magic you can do. You still have to learn other more difficult and useful magics." Zian said as she opened the book again.

"Yes, teacher. I am ready to learn other magics." Genevieve replied enthusiastically.

"Alright, the second magic we will learn is fire magic. This magic can make fire appear from the palm of your hand. This magic is useful for burning things or attacking enemies." Zian explained.

"To perform this magic, you must say the following spell clearly and loudly: 'Ignis ex palma'. This spell means 'fire from the palm' in the ancient language. You should also open your palms wide when saying this spell. This will help flow your man into your palms and make the fire appear." Zian continued.

"Okay, I got it. So, I should say 'Ignis ex palma' while opening my palms wide, yes?" Genevieve asked for confirmation.

"That's right. Now, try performing this magic. I'll judge the results." Zian said as she closed the book and placed it on the table.

Genevieve nodded and got ready to perform the fire magic. She took a deep breath and gathered her manas inside her chest again. She felt the strong, warm pulse in her heart again.

Genevieve raised her left hand and opened her palm wide. She opened her mouth and chanted clearly and loudly.

"Ignis ex palma!"

As Genevieve chanted the incantation, she felt her semen flow from her chest to her arm, then to her hand, and finally to your palm. She felt a stinging sensation of heat in your palm.

Suddenly, a red-colored flame ignited from your palm. It blazes wildly and makes a "brrr" sound. It lights up the study room with a dazzling red color. Genevieve was shocked and frightened to see the result of her magic.

"Ahh! I did it!" Genevieve exclaimed in shock.

"Well done, Genevieve! You managed to perform fire magic perfectly! You have great and powerful mana. You've also cast the spell correctly and clearly. " Zian praised in awe.

"Thank you, teacher. I'm glad I could impress you." Genevieve said nervously.

"But you must use this magic carefully. This fire magic is a dangerous magic if you cannot control it. You must learn how to extinguish the flames you create. Otherwise, you could endanger yourself or others." Zian said as she opened the book again.

"Yes, teacher. I understand." Genevieve replied.

"Well, to put out the fire you made, you must say the following incantation clearly and loudly: 'Ignis in palma'. This spell means 'fire in the palm of the hand' in the ancient language. You should also close your palms tightly while chanting this magic. This will help pull your man back from the fire and make the fire go out." Zian explained.

"Okay, I got it. So, I have to say 'Ignis in palma' while closing my palms tightly, right?" Genevieve asked to make sure.

"That's right. Now, try doing this magic." Zian said as she closed the book and placed it on the table.

Genevieve nodded and got ready to perform the fire extinguishing magic. She took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down. She felt a fast and frantic pulse in her heart.

Genevieve lowered her left hand and closed her palm tightly. She opened her mouth and chanted clearly and loudly.

"Ignis in palma!"

As she chanted the incantation, she felt the flow of her manna from the fire to her hand, then to her arm, and finally to her chest. She felt a refreshing cold sensation in her palms.

Suddenly, the flames burning from her palm were extinguished instantly. It vanished without a trace and left no trace. Genevieve was relieved and happy to see the results of her magic.

"Phew! I did it!" Genevieve exclaimed with relief.

"That's great, Genevieve! You performed your fire extinguishing magic perfectly! You have a good balance between mana and self-control. You also cast the spell correctly and clearly. " Zian praised happily.

"Thank you, teacher. I'm happy." Genevieve said shyly.

"You have nothing to be ashamed of, Genevieve. You have shown remarkable ability for a student who is just learning ancient magic. You have great potential to become a great Mage. I am proud to be your teacher." Zian said sincerely.

"Thank you, teacher. I am grateful for your guidance and support." Genevieve said respectfully.

"You are very deserving, Genevieve. You are a diligent and talented student. I am sure you will achieve your goals and dreams as a Mage." Zian said optimistically.

"I hope so, teacher. I want to be a Mage who can help people and make this world a better place." Genevieve said excitedly.

"I believe you can do it, Genevieve. You have a good and strong heart. You also have friends who will support you. You are not alone in your journey as a Mage." Zian said warmly.

"I am grateful to have you as a teacher and my friends as friends, teacher. I will not let you or them down." Genevieve said solemnly.

"You won't let anyone down, Genevieve. You will make everyone proud of you. You are the hope and future for ancient magic and the Arcduke family." Zian said proudly.

"I will try my best, teacher. I will study ancient magic earnestly and develop my abilities as much as possible." Genevieve said excitedly.

"Alright, let's continue our lesson. The third magic we will learn is wind magic. This magic can make the wind blow from the palm of your hand. This magic is useful for cooling things or pushing things." Zian explained while opening the book again.

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