
An Accident That Made Me Reincarnate

(Panting) "Huft..huft..!" I'm running out of breath. 'Am I going to die here?' This can't be happening. I'm too young to die. "Ugh, it hurts!" Roro cried out in pain. The pain is unbearable. I can't take it anymore. Roro had an accident at that time, she was hit by a passing car and then died in pain. However, instead of entering the afterlife that we are familiar with, Roro found herself born in another strange world. The story is about a woman who dies in a tragic accident, and is then given a second life in another world. *********************************************** Hi, author here. In this novel, I want to create a female character who will be reborn as a baby. I want to create a female character who is good at fighting, smart, and not naive. She will be involved in difficult internal family problems and then get missions that make her difficult. If you like this novel, please join my Win-Win, and leave a comment too. Best regards, author. Note : English is not my first language

Luwly · Fantasy
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87 Chs

Catastrophe 1

{25th of Bado Mulud 832}

Genevieve felt satisfied after practicing rapier techniques with Draven at the training grounds. She sensed her abilities improving and wanted to attempt a new challenge. She glanced towards Draven, who was cleaning his sword with a cloth.

"Draven, I want to go to the forest," Genevieve said with a pleading tone.

Draven stared at her, surprised. "What? The forest? Are you crazy?" he asked in a firm tone.

Genevieve shook her head. "No, I'm serious. I want to practice the rapier techniques I've learned. I want to experience the sensation of fighting against wild animals or even mutated creatures," she said enthusiastically.

Draven sighed. "Young lady, you don't understand what you're asking for. The forest is dangerous, not only filled with wild animals, but also powerful and fierce mutated creatures. You could get killed there," he said seriously.

Genevieve disregarded Draven's warning. She felt challenged by the danger in the forest. She wanted to prove that she wasn't a weak girl hiding behind her shadow.

"I'm not afraid, Draven. I'm confident I can face whatever is in the forest. Besides, I won't be alone. I have you and my shadows, Moland and Quer," she said, pointing towards the two shadows sitting in a corner of the room.

Moland and Quer, hearing their names mentioned by Genevieve, approached her.

"Where are you going, Young lady?" Moland asked curiously.

"We're going to the forest," Genevieve answered with a broad smile.

"The forest? Are you sure?" Quer asked with concern. "It's dangerous, Young lady."

"Yes, I'm sure. I want to try something new and challenging," Genevieve said firmly.

Draven, Moland, and Quer exchanged glances. They knew Genevieve was headstrong and not one to easily back down. They were also aware of her remarkable talent in wielding a rapier and magic, but they were worried about her safety.

"Young lady, we don't agree with your plan," Moland said firmly.

"Yes, we don't want you to get hurt or even killed in the forest," Quer added gently.

"We only want to protect you, Young lady," Draven said warmly.

Genevieve heard their words, but she didn't waver. Instead, she grew frustrated by their lack of support.

"You all don't understand! I'm not a child anymore! I can take care of myself! I don't need your protection! I need freedom and adventure!" Genevieve yelled in anger.

She then stormed out of the training grounds, leaving Draven, Moland, and Quer in silence. She was determined to go to the forest, even if it meant defying the world.


Genevieve ran toward the entrance gate of the training facility. She knew the gate was the only way to enter or exit the city and reach the forest. She was also aware that the gate was guarded by sentries who wouldn't let anyone leave without perladyion.

She contemplated how to pass the gate unnoticed. She spotted a wagon parked in front of the gate. She approached it and noticed several empty wooden crates stacked inside.

She surmised that the wagon belonged to a supplier of goods and materials for the training facility. It appeared the wagon was leaving the facility to restock supplies from outside the city. An idea struck her: she could sneak into the wagon and hide behind the crates.

She swiftly climbed into the wagon and searched for a safe hiding spot. She hoped the merchant wouldn't inspect the contents of the wagon before departing.

Soon enough, she heard footsteps approaching. She held her breath, hoping not to be discovered.

"Good day, sir. What do you bring today?" a guard's voice asked.

"Good day, sir. I wish to restock supplies as usual. I need fabric, spices, fruits, and more," the merchant's voice replied.

"Alright, please show me your permit," the guard requested.

"Here it is, sir," the merchant said, handing a piece of paper to the guard.

The guard took the paper and scrutinized it carefully. He then returned it to the merchant.

"Alright, everything seems in order. You may proceed," the guard said.

"Thank you, sir," the merchant said, guiding his horse to pull the wagon.

Genevieve felt relieved as the wagon began to move. She had successfully passed through the gate undetected. She smiled contentedly and waited for the wagon to reach the forest.


Meanwhile, back at the training grounds, Draven, Moland, and Quer remained silent after Genevieve left in anger. They felt guilty for upsetting her. They also worried that Genevieve might actually venture into the forest alone.

"We must chase after the Young lady," Moland said seriously.

"Yes, we can't let her go into the forest alone. It's far too dangerous for her," Quer agreed.

"But how? We don't know where she's headed," Draven said, sounding puzzled.

Moland then produced a necklace from his pocket. The necklace had a heart-shaped pendant that shimmered. It was a tracking charm, used to trace enemies' locations or mark individuals attempting to flee.

"We can use this," Moland said, showing them the necklace.

"What's that?" Draven asked, curious.

"This is a soul tracker necklace. It can display the location of the person we want by blinking in the direction," Moland explained.

"Wow, that's amazing. So, can you find out where the Young lady is right now?" Draven asked in awe.

"Yes, I can. But I need to put on the necklace first," Moland said, putting on the necklace around his neck. He then observed the necklace beginning to blink with a red light.

"The necklace indicates that the Young lady is south of here. We must hurry," Moland said urgently.

"Alright, let's go. But we have to be careful, we don't know what awaits us in the forest," Quer said, agreeing.

"You all wait here for a moment, I'll fetch our equipment," Draven said, rushing to the weapons storage.

Draven returned soon after with bags containing swords, bows, arrows, medicines, and food. He distributed the bags to Moland and Quer.

"We need to be prepared for any possibility. We don't know what we might face in the forest," Draven said seriously.

"Thank you, Draven. You're very kind," Quer said with a smile.

"Yes, thank you, Draven. You're a good person," Moland nodded.

"No need to thank me. We're a team, we have to help each other. Now, let's go before it's too late," Draven said, guiding them out of the training grounds.

They ran quickly toward the gate, hoping to catch up to Genevieve before she entered the forest.


Genevieve felt delighted as she beheld the lush and verdant forest scenery. She felt as though she had entered a new and mysterious world. She wanted to explore every corner of the forest and discover intriguing things.

Exiting the wagon, she silently thanked the merchant in her heart for bringing her here. She then ventured into the forest without hesitation.

She felt the cool and refreshing breeze on her face. She heard the melodies of chirping birds and the calls of other creatures. She saw towering and dense trees, beautiful and fragrant flowers, as well as tempting and delicious fruits.

She felt like she was in paradise. All her worries and difficulties in the city seemed to vanish. She just wanted to revel in the beauty of nature and her newfound freedom.

She began to run among the trees, hopping on rocks and tree roots. She picked flowers and fruits she liked. She hummed tunes she remembered.

She felt happy and carefree. She didn't realize she was venturing deeper into the forest. Nor did she realize that something was watching her from within the bushes.


Draven, Moland, and Quer successfully passed through the city gate without difficulty. They used Draven's identity as Genevieve's temporary guardian to convince the guards they were simply taking her out to play.

They then inquired about the location where Genevieve's wagon had stopped. They asked a few people they encountered on the way. Eventually, they learned that the wagon had halted at the forest's edge.

They hurried there as fast as they could, hoping to find Genevieve there or at least catch up before she ventured too deep into the woods.

Upon reaching the forest's edge, they spotted an empty wagon. They approached it and noticed several open crates. They deduced that Genevieve had exited the wagon and entered the forest.

They then saw footprints leading into the woods. Carefully, they followed the tracks, hoping they were Genevieve's.

"Young lady, where are you? Please answer us!" Moland yelled loudly.

"Young lady, we've come to fetch you! Please come out of the forest!" Quer called out softly.

"Young lady, we're worried about you! Please come back here!" Draven shouted warmly.

They continued calling out while advancing into the forest. Unbeknownst to them, something was observing them from behind the trees.