
An Accident That Made Me Reincarnate

(Panting) "Huft..huft..!" I'm running out of breath. 'Am I going to die here?' This can't be happening. I'm too young to die. "Ugh, it hurts!" Roro cried out in pain. The pain is unbearable. I can't take it anymore. Roro had an accident at that time, she was hit by a passing car and then died in pain. However, instead of entering the afterlife that we are familiar with, Roro found herself born in another strange world. The story is about a woman who dies in a tragic accident, and is then given a second life in another world. *********************************************** Hi, author here. In this novel, I want to create a female character who will be reborn as a baby. I want to create a female character who is good at fighting, smart, and not naive. She will be involved in difficult internal family problems and then get missions that make her difficult. If you like this novel, please join my Win-Win, and leave a comment too. Best regards, author. Note : English is not my first language

Luwly · Fantasy
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87 Chs

Explode 2

"We're worried about you, Genevieve. We know you've just had a severe blast, and you need to rest. " Moland said curtly.

Genevieve felt guilty, and wanted to explain. But she didn't know what to say.

"Goun... He... He just..." Genevieve was confused.

Goun, who saw the situation, felt the need to defend Genevieve. He knew that Quer and Moland were Genevieve's shadows, always protecting and accompanying her. But he also knew that they might have misunderstood something.

"Quer, Moland... Please listen to my explanation. I did not mean to disturb Genevieve. I just wanted to teach her how to make a power-enhancing potion, but instead it suddenly exploded." Goun said calmly.

"What do you mean?" Quer asked suspiciously.

"Genevieve was supposed to learn alchemy practice with me earlier. But she hasn't been able to master alchemy techniques well. Also, the potion we want to make is a new type." Goun explained patiently.

"A new type? Can Miss Genevieve make a new type?" Moland said skeptically.

"I also questioned that before. However, because young lady Genevieve was determined to make a potion that could increase one's strength, and she tried it herself. Then that is what caused the explosion." Goun said honestly.

"So this is all because you let Miss Genevieve experiment alone? Are you crazy?" Quer was angry.

"Well, I can only support her experiments and help her in some ways." Goun argued.

"Then why didn't you prevent it? You're the teacher! You should be responsible for your student's safety!" Quer accused.

"I tried to stop her, but she was too stubborn. She says she wants to become stronger, and prove herself to the world. I couldn't stop her." Goun defended himself.

"Young lady... Did you really say that?" Moland turned to Genevieve, and looked at her sadly.

Genevieve felt depressed, and looked down. She could not deny Goun's words. It was true that she wanted to become stronger, and prove herself to the world. She felt inferior because she was always considered weak and stupid by others. She wanted to prove that she could do something great, and make others admire her.

"Yes... I said that..." Genevieve admitted softly.

"Young lady Genevieve... Why are you so stupid? You don't need to endanger yourself to become stronger, or prove yourself to the world. You wouldn't know what the consequences would be for us if you were exposed. " Quer said with emotion.

"Yes, young lady. Do not act carelessly and recklessly just because you want to quickly become strong. We don't care what others think of you. To us, you are the best." Moland said sincerely.

Genevieve was moved, and cried. She felt grateful to have Quer and Moland as her loyal shadows. She realized that she was wrong, and regretted it. She apologized to Quer and Moland, and hugged them both.

"Quer, Moland... I'm sorry. I was stupid. I didn't appreciate you guys. I almost got you into trouble because of my actions. You're my best friends." Genevieve said with a sob.

"We're sorry too, Genevieve. We were too hard on you. We were just worried about you. We want you to be happy." Quer said softly.

"We want you to be happy too, Genevieve. We will always be there for you, and protect you." Moland said warmly.

The three of them embraced, and encouraged each other. They felt a strong bond between them, and did not want to let go.

Goun, who saw the scene, smiled. He was relieved that Genevieve had made up with her shadows. He was also pleased that Genevieve had accepted his power, and was willing to learn from him.

He approached them, and greeted them kindly.

"Quer, Moland... I apologise if I made you angry. I didn't mean to hurt Genevieve. I just wanted to help her get better." Goun said politely.

"We understand, Goun. We know you are a good teacher, and care about your students. We also apologise if we were too harsh on you." Quer said respectfully.

"Yes, we apologise, Goun. We hope you can forgive us." Moland said respectfully as well.

"Of course I forgive you. You are loyal shadows, and love your young lady. I honour you." Goun said sincerely.

"Thank you, Goun." Quer and Moland said simultaneously.

Goun then turned to Genevieve, and looked at her fondly.

"Young lady... I am proud of you. You have done a marvellous thing today. You have found your true strength, and used it well." Goun praised Genevieve sincerely.

"Thank you, Goun... I am grateful to you. You have taught me many things, and guided me patiently." Genevieve returned Goun's compliment shyly.

"I'm glad I could teach you, Genevieve. You are a bright, talented student. You have great potential, and I believe you can achieve anything you want." Goun encouraged Genevieve optimistically.

"I believe in you, Goun... I want to learn more from you, and become even stronger." Genevieve said enthusiastically.

"I will teach you more, Genevieve. I will help you become even stronger." Goun promised Genevieve seriously.

They both smiled at each other.