
Amulet World’s king: The first Human

A young teenage Boy faces an adventure he never knew exists. He carries two worlds one on each shoulder and we should find out how long he can possibly last in the battlefield...............

AWK · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Spilling the Beans

I wasn't shocked to see her, actually. She is my GIRLFRIEND, she will obviously realise something is fishy and she will stalk me. At the end, I would have to tell her. However, what I WAS shocked about is she was standing right there without moving a muscle. She would scream at me and would start running around, but that is not what is important right now. Everyone started to blame me for letting her in. I tried to tell them but it turns out I lost their trust.

Unfortunately, Amulatians have a belief that they are perfect(but they are not because they are humans and humans make mistakes). So people who make mistakes would lose their honour and if the mistake was big, you would go to prison. For me, it was the prison. They tied my friend's, girlfriend's and my hands together.

They knew that I was capable of any combat so they kept me in diamond bars. One thing they did not know is that I have been to Palace of Powers and was declared worthy to hold the staff. I looked at my ring. The ring made my eyes to slowly start vibrating. Then the ring glowed brightly which didn't do me any harm for some reason but temporarily blinded the guards.

I used my staff to break the diamond and I spilt down to the place where they held my friends. I ran across the corridor and stole a prison guards key. I saw the general passing by so I opened and went into the nearest room. It turned out to be the main room for all the generals. I wore their dress and came out. I ran to the left corridor with a nervous look to get my friends. I got to them but one of the guards found out who I was so he grabbed me with some weird gadget. I quickly threw the keys to Sugesh and hit the guy behind me. The sounds were too loud so many guards came down to the ground floor. I threw Julia my sword and said, "Jules, wanna show them?". "My pleasure," she replied. Julia was a hand to hand combatant, I met her in a monastery where I learned to be balanced, found my inner chi and learnt how to fight. She came from Singapore to the monastery just like me.

Me and Jules took them all out. I took out the most. Ok, she took out the most. Anyway, I had to spill it all to her, how I got the ring, who are all these people, where we are, etc. "Oh, so that shiny ring wasn't a battery-powered light you bought from the two dollar shop after all," she asked. I chuckled and replied, "nope." "guys, you do know we are the most wanted people in Amulet world right?" Asked Axan as I was talking with Julia. "right, the safest place to go now is earth. Amrut, open the portal from your ring," Arash ordered. I said alright and snaped my finger which had the ring. Nothing happened, I started to flicker it again and again but I still got nothing. " guess that means we stay here until a miracle happens and she does not remember anything," Arash's words gave me an idea. "why don't we brainwash her and send her back to Earth," I asked. "Guys I've got an idea," Julia said whispering into our ears. The plan was to ACT as if she is brainwashed and then say that the Amulatians made a mistake.

Me and Arash looked at each other. I nodded at him. Others did not understand anything. We took Julia near a CCTV camera and acted as if we brainwashed her. Without Julia knowing, we began to actually brainwash her and told everyone that they made a mistake this time. They understood that they were not perfect and began to trust me again.

However, we left Julia at her house and went back home. "rough day huh," Arash asked with a very exhausted look. "Yeah. Dude, we are not telling Julia about this, ok?" I asked while I stepped onto the ground from the rooftop. "why are you always like this. She is your girlfriend man," Arash asked. "Dude, did you ever tell about this to your girlfriend?" I replied. "yea I get you."


fellow readers, from here, the real story begins. If you still did not know a few things about amulet world, the put it down on the comments.