
Amulet World’s king: The first Human

A young teenage Boy faces an adventure he never knew exists. He carries two worlds one on each shoulder and we should find out how long he can possibly last in the battlefield...............

AWK · Fantasy
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13 Chs

I met the Dark World king

I ran out of food today, I really don't know where to go. It feels banal and aloof in the darklands. It is hard to survive when you don't have powers. Remember I told you there is always negative energy in the darklands for every positive energy back up at Amulet world? I had a physical experience of it today.

I was searching through some caves for creatures who are not going to kill me when I eat them. I could hear my footsteps loud through the cave, so if there is a thing waiting to kill me, it would be ready. I was using the last light left in me to see in the dark cave. I managed to push till a quarter way through. I soon ran out of chi. I had already foreseen this coming. I rested my hand on a stone-like structure that emerged out of the side of the wall. The second I elevated my hand up from the wall, the piece fell off. That sound was not the only noise in the cave, I heard some pebbles dropping from the other side too. My heartbeat started to fluctuate really hard. I could barely use my senses anymore. I started to feel weak and vulnerable. I could slightly hear another creature moving toward my direction. I started to emulate with myself trying to fight off the naturally occurring amnesia. I managed to stand up straight. I could now not just feel, but can also slightly see the creature. It was walking on its hind legs! I thought it was human. Well, it was, but it also was not. It's armour looked just like mine; and every time I felt my chi reducing, I could feel the other thing gaining it. It was like as if it was the one draining off my chi.

The other creature was me, well my negative who thrives in the Darklands. I realised he was going to fight me, seeing the way he slowly advanced swiping his blade left and right thinking which way to slice my head. I could already feel myself bleeding from the inside. I found out I am practically killing myself but with a separate body. Soon enough, the blade he was swinging was nearing me. He soon reached his destination. He simply placed the blade on my neck. He had a hard stance, exactly resembling mine. He drew his sword back, with sufficient energy, he Simply slid his sword to my neck. I knew this is going to be my end, but I wanted to put up a little fight. I bent my head lower than his sword and managed to dodge his first hit. I felt a slight gain in power, so I used it in attacking him.

I held my sword tight enough and landed it on his armour. I lost a lot of power again. "You seriously don't know how to defeat a Dark lord, that too one that resembles you." He spoke as he felt a great gain in power again. "Well, if a one that resembles me has more power than me, I will of course not be able to defeat you." I couldn't attack any longer, so I kept dodging. As I dodged I kept gaining power again. That's it! This is one of Alluminous's final teachings, conflict fuels my opposite.

"You really think you can win over me? I am a trained Dark lord who has beaten several masters from centuries." He ordered as he started to lose his stance. "Centuries? I have only lived for 16 years, how can you live for centuries?" I asked while I figured out my destiny was made even before I was born. "I am a Dark Lord, we are the first, before you. The negative always emerges first." He replied as he started to pull off with his last power. I stood up and held myself to a perfect stance. I can just slide his throat off, but we soon realised we have the same bruises. If he hits me, he gets the wound too. The Dark Lord realised that too. "I think we should stop," I said while my unanimous opposite agreed, but soon, opposed. "Hey, this isn't fair, I cannot become a slug with no power. We need to equalise our powers." Started to think for a while. "What if we don't use our powers? Then it will be equal, I will not use my positive chi and you don't use your negative chi. Deal?"

The Dark lord agreed, we soon had to get a meal, "Do you want to come to my kingdom for some food?" He asked. "Sure, why not, I have starved long enough." Our conversations had no limit, I told everything about Amulet world and he told all about the Darklands. Turns out we do get along well. I stepped along a stone a knocked it off, it hit another man. "That is Aragon, he is a greater dark lord than me! Why did you lay hands on him?" asked my opposite. "What? I thought there is only one king." "What! No, you are measured by your power in the Darklands. I am the king because I am still young, he is old but not wise at all, he is filled with evil." I really needed a meal, and I cannot fight another Dark Lord.