
Amulet World’s king: The first Human

A young teenage Boy faces an adventure he never knew exists. He carries two worlds one on each shoulder and we should find out how long he can possibly last in the battlefield...............

AWK · Fantasy
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13 Chs

An interaction with Danger

This Other lord Looked pretty tough, but against positive chi, he is nothing, well at least that is what I thought. I and negative Aron (negative because he is my opposite) made a plan to eliminate this truckload of darkness. We figured out the only way I get extra chi to deteriorate him is by not creating conflict against him.

Aragon started to head toward us, we were ready. The first person he decided to kill was me. He kept right in front of me and said, "let's dance." This Dark Lord is over a few thousand years, so I was quite fascinated when he said that; a very funky behaviour compared to a wise lord. Maybe they will scratch their head when they hear the word 'wisdom'. He started to fight. I kept on dodging his moves, I swept through caves until he broke every one of them in the near two kilometres. No matter how many times I doge, he does not lose any energy. Every time he pulls his blade back, he uses the same amount of darkness to strike again. We soon realised the conflict fuels Darkness theory only works on your opposites. "Change of plans, you try to hit me I will keep dodging them, this will give me more chi." Non-Aron swung his blade around me, I took all his chi, his normal strength was the only thing left with him. Non-Aron started to wheeze for breath, I had no time, I have to kill this Dark Lord before Non_Aron and I die because even if one of us dies, the other one dies too.

My blade was shining bright this time, I didn't know why probably because of the chi. Aragon seemed pissed, perhaps he didn't like the fact that Non_Aron and I are together. He decided to eliminate what he created. He stomped toward Non_Aron. I had to save him, no matter what happens. I advanced toward Aragon, the crass, Dark Lord didn't turn back, he just kept going. His blade soon reached Non_Aron's neck, he stretched and pulled his blade backwards, then he swept the blade down. I cannot take it anymore, I ran as fast as I could, my eyes started to vibrate, they soon shimmered in various colours, I could feel so much power, I started to fly, and I advanced straight ahead. I was only thinking one thing, "one hit." My body feels like it was going to explode, but I had to reach Aragon before that. Aragon's body was nearing after he was near enough, I swept my blade right through him. I screamed and yelled, soon enough, I heard a big explosion right in front of me. I couldn't feel anything, I thought I was dead. At several points in time, I felt chills running down my spine like someone is electrocuting me.

Everything went white, I was hopeless and pathos. I couldn't move anything. I was very vulnerable, I thought this was my last light. I thought I was saved when I saw Non_Aron walking normally toward me. He dropped his hand down to me, "you were right, both our power does make a big impact." He held me up showing the small ashes of Aragon left. I couldn't descry it all, but I could see a lot of energy going back to place. "My name is Ren by the way," Non_Aron, well Ren, helped me Walk until I got back to normal.

My stomach slowly grumbled, "I really need a meal." We both laughed and went toward his kingdom ignoring all the dangers around us.