
Amos Diary

My name is Luke Amos, i'm your everyday guy until one day out of nowhere a truck run me over after that you probably know what happened. and i'll tell you all about it.

Sitouo · TV
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Ohh, it's dark. I should go to that dinner with the mikaelson, after that i'll leave the town and go spend time somewhere else, at least i learned few spells.

Then I left the house and headed towards the mayor mansion, I knocked the door and a maid opened.

Maid: Mr Luke, Master is waiting for you at the dinner table.

I followed the maid and entered a large room with a big table where there sat Elijah, Rebekah and Klaus and a few young beautiful girls standing. If I guess it, they are food. So I made my way and sat.

Elijah: Niklaus won't you introduce this new friend yours?

Rebekah: ah it's you, my brother talked about you all day, and he wouldn't shut up about it.

Elijah: oh, could you introduce us.

Klaus: yes, yes, Luke Amos. an original vampire with magic ability.

Elijah: how can that be? I thought only our mother had the spell to create a vampire.

Klaus: he says he's not made nor born.

Elijah: Interesting.

Luke: I'm still here.

Klaus: Well let's not talk and have our dinner.

I grabbed the beautiful girl's hand and took a bite, and the taste mmm just perfect. I went overboard here until the girl died and collapsed on the floor.

Luke: Sorry about that, control issues.

Klaus: It's okay, we brought a bunch, follow me.

We followed him to the basement, but the next thing i knew my heart was out of my chest and the best thing is i didn't collapse like any original would i stood there and the hole in my chest started regenerating a new heart from inside out.

Luke: what was that for?

Klaus: sorry about that, just making sure you are what you say you're, but surprisingly you're better than an original.

Elijah: Niklaus stops with the curiosity, sorry about that my brother has trusting issues.

Rebekah: yeah, my half brother here has trust issues even with his family.

Luke: I understand, anyway i'll be leaving town after tonight.

Klaus: I see, we'll meet again someday, anyway follow me.

We made our way down and there were cells filled with slaves, both white and black. Literally walking blood bags.

Klaus: i've been wanting to clean these cells but I need some help.

After he said that, we rushed inside and killed everyone. I on the other hand was ripping heads off back to my reaper talent again. That thrill is amazing.

Blood and heads everywhere.

Rebekah: Luke you should work on your style. It is barbaric.

Elijah: why is barbaric, when everyone here killed the same way but more professionally.

Luke: Anyway I hope we need again. Goodluck.

I disappeared using my superspeed, now I know that I'm truly superior to normal originals, I should go explore the world and spread my line some more.

<140 Years later>

It's the year 1860, a while since I came across a vampire. Well I turned a few humans into some witches, I learned how to use magic and it became easier. I became a friend to a few witches. And i learned plenty about myself, it seems i can't die at all. I tried jumping into an active volcano but I just floated in lava hell. I cast a floating spell and made my way to space but didn't die either. I discovered I can breathe in space. I tried if vervain will hurt but no. wooden stake nothing. I cut off my head but ended up growing another body. God gave me such a powerful body. Anyway these past few years i was doing nothing except learn control and discover what i can do and explore the planet before things go to shit in the future. I'm currently heading towards mystic falls graveyard. I'm planning to sleep there till the time the show's main events happen.

After days and days of travel we have finally arrived, who's 'we' you ask? Well I adopted a son he's name is Jacob. He took my surname too, i raised him since he was a baby, you wanna know how i met him? Well simple a while back i came across a carriage so i hunted them i had fun i killed everyone in there till i saw a baby yes thats jacob i know i killed his family, so i took him in named him raised him till 20 years old and turned him, it was his choice. I taught him everything I could.

(A/N: " " = talks | ' ' = thoughts | < > = time skips | [ ] Compulsion )

Luke: "Jacob let's get to it."

Jacob: "Yes Father"

Now it's night no one knows we're here, we already requested a family tomb to be built, I made sure there are many spots inside.

We left the horses behind and made our way inside.

Luke: Jacob are you ready? If you enter I'll put you to sleep.

Jacob nodded and entered his spot, I slit a cut on my finger and placed it on his forehead and I chanted a spell that will send him to sleep, something similar to crysleep.

After that he closed his eyes his skin started turning from pale white to grey with red blood lines all across the face and hands i guess theos are vines but the bad thing about this spell is that when we wake up we'll be hungry as dogs, that's why i brought lots of bottles filled with human blood.

Now it's my turn to sleep, I set the date in the spell it will wake me up then i'll awake jacob.

As I take my place and close the tomb, and it's spelled, no one can break in.

a timeskip is coming next

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