
Amos Diary

My name is Luke Amos, i'm your everyday guy until one day out of nowhere a truck run me over after that you probably know what happened. and i'll tell you all about it.

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6 Chs

Mikaelson Family

I walked around the forest. It was quiet until I ended up on shore again, so i decided to wait till someone goes to check that abandoned ship, if i'm right the Mikaelson family is inside it.

I waited for a while till I saw four men, two carrying a lantern, sail a small boat towards the ship after they boarded, and I used my super hearing to see if i'm right.

Male(A): where the hell is everyone?

Male(B): deserted, which makes everything in the whole legally forfeit.

Male(A): take what suits you.

Male(C): what would you make of that?

Male(A): Open it up.

Male(C): what the hell.




Female voice: Hello, hmm. lovely to see such a handsome face after a long journey can i eat him brother?

Male Voice: i'd rather you didn't, there is no need to be afraid. You'll do exactly as i say, you'll remember nothing.

Male(A): i'll remember nothing.

Male Voice: we've had a long journey where unfortunately we lost all of our crew, therefore i would ask you to kindly transport all of our belongings to the shore.

Male(A): what kind of hell's demons are you?

Female Voice: we're vampires darling. The original vampires, Rebekah, Elijah, our brothers Kol and Finn may they rest in peace.

Male Voice (2): are we saving the best for last?

Female Voice: and our half-brother Niklaus, ignore him, he's a beast.

-Bempj (the sound of a body falling off the stairs)

Niklaus: we fled europe and survived the seas, would you rather i arrived hungry on the shores of our new homeland.

Elijah: Niklaus your manners are as always without equals, Sir would you be so good as to tell us where it is that we have landed.

Male(A): French colony of louisiana off the shores of a town they named New Orlaens.

Well that's enough for now at least i confirmed it. Those are the original vampires beside me. I better leave here and head towards the town.

As I ran at super speed I got a little hang of it although I still hit a few trees along the way, in a few minutes I arrived near a small town and to my surprise there are a lot of people around. So I walked around until my sight catched a young woman in a beautiful dress. I followed her to what looks like a small mansion.

So i waited till the lights went off and broke in, i used my smell till i arrived at room and found two people on the bed working out..you know what i mean. So I made my way to the woman riding on her man and bit into her neck..man that feeling and taste, it's just amazing words won't describe it. It ended up the same way head off the body and fell on her man, and he began screaming terrified so I drove my hand through his chest and ripped his heart out. At that moment I noticed they weren't alone in the house. I heard someone calling mom dad. So I made my way to the room the voice came from and found a small girl, she looked innocent.

Luke: Hello little girl, I'm a friend of your father. Tell me what's your name?

Girl: wh-who al yo?

Luke: My name is Luke, so will you tell me yours?

Girl: I-Isabella

Luke: ok. Come here, I want you to look into my eyes ok?

The girl walked toward me and looked directly into my eyes, and I put my focus on it. And took out a small knife I picked up from that camp.

Luke: You'll take this knife and cut your hand.

Isabella: I'll take that knife and cut my hand.

After that i knew it worked at my fucking first try she took the knife and cut her self. And when she did that she began to cry. I couldn't shut her off so I bit her in the neck gently, but the taste was over delicious from my previous victims and I went overboard again and ripped her head off.

My heart started beating fast, my first time killing a small child this..i gotta calm myself. Yes, calm down. It's okay I just lost control against yes..that's right i just lost control.

After that I moved around the house. It's big, and from exploring it I decided I'll make it my residence, so i took out the bodies out of their rooms and took them to the basement. So there I burned them and made sure there is nothing left.

And started walking around the house and after that made my way to the couples room, and looked at the window. I could see them walking towards the biggest mansion in town.

Wow they are the same actors in the tv show, cool i'll befriend them. I should sleep even though I don't need to. In the morning i'll see if i can walk in the sun or not..





Luke: oh, what a refreshing morning.

I woke up and i made my way to the window and removed the curtains and the sun was unleashed on my body, and surprisingly i didn't feel any pain i guess it's due to my ability to use magic which i haven't tried yet i need to get myself i spell book or a witch to teach me. But from watching the shows witches hate vampires. I guess I'll compel one for me. And I need to get laid too.


What's that?

I made my way down stairs and found a black maid.

Luke: Who are you?

Maid: I'm here to serve the master.

I see, now that i think about it slavery is still a thing. Let's ask her what year i am in.

I walked toward her and left her head up and looked into her eyes.

Luke: I am your master from now on, now tell me what year is it?

Maid: year 1720, master.

Luke: ok clean the house, and when you do leave the house and go somewhere far away and commit suicide.

With that I left the house and went to explore the town, i notice that there aren't lots of buildings, slavery is everywhere i continue exploring till i ran to one of the mikaelsons rebekah, she's beautiful in person so i made my way to her.

Luke: it's rare to see a beautiful lady on the streets alone.

Rebekah: who might you be?

Luke: Well sorry i haven't introduced myself, the name is Luke Amos. i'm new around here.

Rebekah: oh, Rebekah.. Rebekah Mikaelson.

Luke: beautiful name that fits a beautiful lady such as you.

Omg omg i'm talking with rebekah freaking mikaelson, amazing but i can keep it cool forever i'm bad at talking i should go practice.

Rebekah: well i would like to stay and talk but I should go. My brothers might be waiting for me, would you like to join me?

Luke: No, I should go my way, i have some lunch plans today. I'll be seeing you around rebekah.

As we said our goodbyes I headed towards the graveyard, oh man it's the same as the shows but more empty, and few people here and there. I think they are witches but i'm not certain. I walked up to one of them and looked in her eyes and used compulsion.

Luke: are you a witch?

Female: yes.

Luke: Do you have a spell book?

Female: no, but our family has one.

Luke: Bring it to me.

After that she ran out of the graveyard, and I decided to kill everyone in the vicinity and wait for her.

I appeared in front of an old woman and drove my hand into her chest and ripped her heart out and i took a bite and the taste was okay, the others were four young girls running for their life so i speed up to one and feed off her neck but this time i didn't rip her head off well that's at least progress, and rushed to the other ones and killed two and caught the last one this time i gave her my blood after that i snapped her neck, i'll see if she'll be like me or not.

Voice: well that was cruel don't you think?

When I turned my head I found Klaus mikaelson.

Luke: Well it's not cruel if it's food, won't you agree Mr Klaus?

Klaus: I see you know of me.

Luke: yes, you have quite the reputation.

Klaus: i see, but why would you kill everyone except her?

Luke: Well I want to test will my creation be like me or not.

Klaus: creations? I don't know what you mean by that.

Luke: how can you, i never make myself known .

I lied there, hihi let's keep the act. And enter the originals history.

Luke: Well let me introduce myself, my name is Luke Amos, like you i'm an original vampire but i was not made nor born, in a simple phrase i'm the child of nature.

That sounds cool, and it's somewhat the truth. And no, I won't tell that i can use magic that would make me a threat.

Klaus: oh, then how about I invite you to dinner tonight to meet my siblings, and it seems your creation is awake.

Luke: oh, hell there what's your name?


She didn't answer. I guess lets try compulsion.

Luke: Tell me your name.

Voice: My name is Lelia.

Luke: Well, Lelia, can you try using magic.


When I turned my head around I saw the unexpected Klaus is feeling that headache pain that witches use in the shows against vampires.

Luke: That's enough lelia.

Klaus: how's that possible?

Luke: sorry about that, it seems my creations are superior just like me.

I smiled and looked at the girl again.

Luke: you can go now.

Klaus: interesting, never seen a vampire who can use magic.

Luke: well, you've seen one now.

After that he left and the girl I compelled earlier came back with an old book, after I took it I fed upon her till she ran dry.

Then I made my way home and sat in the guest room, and opened the book in hope I would learn something about cooking of my own.