
Amos Diary

My name is Luke Amos, i'm your everyday guy until one day out of nowhere a truck run me over after that you probably know what happened. and i'll tell you all about it.

Sitouo · TV
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6 Chs


<149 Years Later>

On a cold night inside an old tomb, one with a good ear could hear the faint sound of a heart beating and getting stronger by the minute.

-Bump... Bump Bump! Bump!

But then the door opened all by themselves, the sounds of the wind coming inside the tomb and whispering voices.

The whispers sound like they are calling for someone unknown who this person is, suddenly a creak sounded, one of the coffins opened.

Still maintaining the color grey on the skin, red vines all over the body and rugged old clothes, that is Luke Amos but something is wrong with him, his eyes a blood red his pointy fangs are out.

He rushed outside at super fast speed no one could see, and stopped when coming across the gravekeeper. Rushed directly towards the poor human and bit directly to his neck, not stopping until the poor gravekeeper's head was no longer in its place.

Luke regained his skin color, eyes that were blood red are back to normal, red vines began disappearing.

"Oh sorry about that Mr gravekeeper" - Luke

'I should take the body to wake up Jacob, even if the head is no longer in its place, blood is still pumping out' Luke thought.

Heading back to the tomb carrying the body on his shoulders and the head in his hand.

Placing it on the floor, then opened the other coffin beside his own. Slitting the wrist and putting it on the mouth of jacob, blood making its way to the mouth then all the way down to the throat.

Opened his eyes and held into the wrist of the body tightly like a child holding a stuffed bear.

"Rise and shine, it's time to go to school son" - Luke

'This is a great discovery, waking up like a zombie looking for brains. But man i ripped that guy's head off again, i guess i'm back to old habits. Well i don't give a shit' Luke thought.


Turning his head around, he found no one. But he could swear he heard someone, so he got out of the tomb leaving Jacob there sucking the body dry.

Extending his senses around to scan the surrendering, he finally found the rat. Running at vampire speed and catched what seemed to be a cop, the cop's heart was beating fast so he didn't wait a skin and drove his fangs to the cop's neck and didn't stop until the head is ripped off yet again.

'Dammit! I better hurry and get rid of the bodies, I have a great idea. I should just dump them in my tomb and seal it with magic, that way no one will find them, ahahahah I think I'm getting smarter..' Luke thought.

"La la la,.." Luke singing while carrying the body and its head.

Inside the tomb, putting the two bodies in each coffin. Luke took the police officers phone and looked at the date then said.

"Its seems like we're only a few months late, hmm" - Luke

"Dad, what did you mean by going to school?" - Jacob

"Well you see, you need some education of this century and it's also for blending in" - Luke

"Can't we just blend in?" - Jacob

"Hoho, are you afraid to go to school?" - Luke

"No, don't compare me with those petty humans" - Jacob

"I'll go, but what about food? You know human food tastes like crap.." - Jacob

"Don't worry about that, i have the perfect solution, now let's go and find a home for ourselves" - Luke

Sealing the tomb with magic, and destroying the phone he took from the police officer to avoid any gps tracking.

Walking out of the graveyard and walking in the street hoping to find an open clothing shop but no one was open except the usual mystic grill.

So they kept walking and walking till they came across an old man taking out the trash, Luke then moved first.

[ you'll do anything i ask of you ] - Luke

"I'll do anything you ask of me" - the old man replied to compulsion.

"Let us inside your house and give us some nice clothes" - Luke making an evil grin.

Then the old man let them inside his house, Jacob needed an invitation to enter unlike Luke who doesn't need it.

Inside the old man lived with his wife and two daughters, one is 18 years old and the other was younger by two years. So Luke compelled them that they can't see them, but still Luke took a bite of the older daughter on the wrist and took two cups and filled them with her blood. Then fed his blood to her and the wound on her wrist was no more.

"Here.." - Luke giving Jacob one of the cups, while drinking from the other one.

Then Luke learned the family members' names, the old man is Steve Sutton, his wife Lizzy and his two daughters, the older one Claire and the young one Kristina. And also received the clothes from the old man Steve and compelled him to act like they are never here.

"Hey, i'm going to get something, you stay here..you can feed and have fun if you want but don't kill" - Luke

"Okay Boss!" - Jacob

Luke made his way outside, walking down the streets and examining his surroundings.

After a few hours of exploring the town, Luke found what he was looking for, the Salvatore boarding House but suddenly stopped and thought.

'I have no idea what i'm doing here, and what side shall i pick? Bad guy or good guy? Hmm i guess i'll do things my own way..maybe building a harem?'

Then left the scene at super speed heading back to the house to make plans to interfere with certain events.