
Amora of Aloran

Before we get to the summary, I want to point out 1 thing that I think you should keep in mind; if you're looking for a fantasy book/novel that's mainly romance then I'm sorry to say that this book has been wrongly labeled and I don't know how to change it. Yes, there is romance but its a small part of the story as of right now but that might change in the future. At the moment, its a book filled to the brim with adventures, action, bits of mystery, and a whole truck load of fantasy! Next stop, City of Summaries!! :D ------------------------------------------------------------------------ On Amora's 16th birthday, an unexpected event threatens to endanger her best friend's life as well as her own; forcing them to seek help from a newly found acquaintance with many secrets. One thing leads to another and they soon find themselves embarking on a journey across the land, gathering forces in order fulfill a prophecy and stop the people of the land from bringing destruction upon themselves! - - - Danger lurking around every corner... Mysteries reaching as far as the eye can see... Friend or foe: who can tell? Adventures brimming with excitement... Romance and heartache bundled together... All the while, fighting with her own inner demons. What could possibly go wrong?? Cover art done by me{the author}

Raposa · Fantasy
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7 Chs


"Wait... who are you?!" My captor yells.

Acting as if Warden didn't even exist, Aaron's expression changes from one of murderous intent to one of extreme worry and concern. Looking me up and down for injuries but without moving closer, he asks, "Are you alright?? Are you hurt?? He didn't touch you, did he?! I swear to god, if he touched a single hair on your body, I'll kill him!!" As he was saying all this, his expression and tone of voice was slowly changing from worry to that of boiling rage.

When I was about to say that I was fine, Warden snuck up behind him, raising a scythe used for farming. My eyes widen in horror as I scream, "AARON!!"

Aaron narrowed his eyes as he instantly dropped into a crouch, his left hand placed on the concrete in front of him, all the while sweeping his right leg around him. As Warden started falling towards him, Aaron's right hand reached behind him, gripped Warden's wrist, and threw him face first into the ground where Aaron had just leapt up from. Aaron was so swift that if I was human, all I would see would've been the end result of the burly man on the ground.

Seeing as Warden was knocked out, Aaron instantly grabs the key ring attached to the unconscious man's belt and walks over to my cage. Inserting a key marked "Cell 1", he successfully unlocks my cell and I run into his open arms.

Feeling his warmth, the full realization of everything that had happened finally hit: the fact that I was kidnapped, how close I was to being sold, how I would've never been able to see Aaron or roll around in the fields again. As I start sobbing, I could only repeat one thing, "Thank you." While Aaron stayed silent with his head buried in the crook of my neck and his hands rubbing my back, trying to calm us both down.

A few minutes later, we lean back from each other as the last of our nerves left and we're calm once again.

All of a sudden, laughter broke out from the reawakened man. "How touching! Let me guess, unknown mutual love?" He jeers as he starts confidently walking towards us.

"Get away!!" I scream as I morph into a fox. I quickly lunge at him and snap his neck with my powerful jaws, killing him. Realizing what I'd just done, I immediately morph back and face Aaron.

"You... you're a... a vulpin!" He stammer, completely shocked by the turn of events.

"We need to get out of here. We can talk about it when we get to my house." I say as urgently as I can while trying not to panic; the buyer will arrive any second. Aaron must be stunned to silence because all he manages to do is give me a blank nod.

Thank you all for your encouraging words!! I'll definitely continue writing this story and uploading it to here!! Also, I need some ideas for the cover art! If any of you want to help with that then feel free to voice your thoughts!! I'd greatly appreciate it! The cover art at the moment is the emblem for the alliance that'll be created later in the story. It also just happened to be the best temp I had for the cover.

Raposacreators' thoughts