
Amora of Aloran

Before we get to the summary, I want to point out 1 thing that I think you should keep in mind; if you're looking for a fantasy book/novel that's mainly romance then I'm sorry to say that this book has been wrongly labeled and I don't know how to change it. Yes, there is romance but its a small part of the story as of right now but that might change in the future. At the moment, its a book filled to the brim with adventures, action, bits of mystery, and a whole truck load of fantasy! Next stop, City of Summaries!! :D ------------------------------------------------------------------------ On Amora's 16th birthday, an unexpected event threatens to endanger her best friend's life as well as her own; forcing them to seek help from a newly found acquaintance with many secrets. One thing leads to another and they soon find themselves embarking on a journey across the land, gathering forces in order fulfill a prophecy and stop the people of the land from bringing destruction upon themselves! - - - Danger lurking around every corner... Mysteries reaching as far as the eye can see... Friend or foe: who can tell? Adventures brimming with excitement... Romance and heartache bundled together... All the while, fighting with her own inner demons. What could possibly go wrong?? Cover art done by me{the author}

Raposa · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Important Notice {Good News!}

I plan to start working on this story again! I know I haven't updated in a long while and I apologize for that. I won't give you guys excuses for why i don't update often 'cause I don't think that'll be fair to you guys. I'll try to get the next chapter up soon! It might be up in the next few days and if not, I'll try my best to get it up before Sunday {its Monday for me}.

I just checked where the last chapter left off at and realized that I'll actually be able to update today! And maybe even tomorrow, if we're lucky!

Raposacreators' thoughts