
Amora of Aloran

Before we get to the summary, I want to point out 1 thing that I think you should keep in mind; if you're looking for a fantasy book/novel that's mainly romance then I'm sorry to say that this book has been wrongly labeled and I don't know how to change it. Yes, there is romance but its a small part of the story as of right now but that might change in the future. At the moment, its a book filled to the brim with adventures, action, bits of mystery, and a whole truck load of fantasy! Next stop, City of Summaries!! :D ------------------------------------------------------------------------ On Amora's 16th birthday, an unexpected event threatens to endanger her best friend's life as well as her own; forcing them to seek help from a newly found acquaintance with many secrets. One thing leads to another and they soon find themselves embarking on a journey across the land, gathering forces in order fulfill a prophecy and stop the people of the land from bringing destruction upon themselves! - - - Danger lurking around every corner... Mysteries reaching as far as the eye can see... Friend or foe: who can tell? Adventures brimming with excitement... Romance and heartache bundled together... All the while, fighting with her own inner demons. What could possibly go wrong?? Cover art done by me{the author}

Raposa · Fantasy
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7 Chs


"I have to get out of here." I mutter under my breath. I keep clawing at the door And trying to pick the lock with my nails and claws. At some point, Warden decides that he's had enough of it and stomps over to my cage.

"ENOUGH!!" He shouts. After he takes a few deep breaths to calm himself, he resumes. "Lucky for me, I won't have to deal with that racket for much longer. I already found a buyer who will pay handsomely for you and he'll arrive tonight to pick you up. You better behave while he's here or you'll pay for it!" He finishes sternly before turning and walking off.

'Please come, Aaron. I need you.'

A few hours later and I'm still stuck in this cage like a lab rat.

"He should've been here by now!" I hear the "scientist" grumble as he paces back and forth a few meters from my cage. I had stopped clawing and morphed back into my human form when I deemed it useless. I've already lost all hope of escaping and have accepted the fact that I'll be held captive for the rest of my life. 'No point struggling if all it'll do is waste my energy.'


Jumping to my feet from fright, I immediately turn to look towards the origin of the sudden noise. A silhouette of a man is standing where, just a moment ago, there had been a door. The man is exuding an intimidating and murderous aura so strong that I instinctively shrink as far away from him as I could when one is in a metal cage.

"You've arrived! Right on time, I might add! The goods are right over there, Mr. Valako." Warden points his greasy finger at me as he tries to curry favor with the buyer. As the man steps forward into the barn, the light from the magic gadgets illuminates his features. Tall, jet-black, pirate boots reaching just below his knees, fitted cloth pants matching in color, white cotton shirt sticking to his chest and drenched in sweat, paired with a long piece of cerulean blue fabric wrapped around his waist and held in place with a silver fox pin, unruly and soft black hair, and cerulean eyes that were staring straight into my soul.

This man was no "Mr. Valako"! This man was my long-time best friend and only crush, Aaron Xavier!!

Thank you to everyone who's commented on the previous chapter! I hope that this chapter wasn't too short! If it is, then I'll try to make the next updates longer. Enjoy!!


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