
Amora of Aloran

Before we get to the summary, I want to point out 1 thing that I think you should keep in mind; if you're looking for a fantasy book/novel that's mainly romance then I'm sorry to say that this book has been wrongly labeled and I don't know how to change it. Yes, there is romance but its a small part of the story as of right now but that might change in the future. At the moment, its a book filled to the brim with adventures, action, bits of mystery, and a whole truck load of fantasy! Next stop, City of Summaries!! :D ------------------------------------------------------------------------ On Amora's 16th birthday, an unexpected event threatens to endanger her best friend's life as well as her own; forcing them to seek help from a newly found acquaintance with many secrets. One thing leads to another and they soon find themselves embarking on a journey across the land, gathering forces in order fulfill a prophecy and stop the people of the land from bringing destruction upon themselves! - - - Danger lurking around every corner... Mysteries reaching as far as the eye can see... Friend or foe: who can tell? Adventures brimming with excitement... Romance and heartache bundled together... All the while, fighting with her own inner demons. What could possibly go wrong?? Cover art done by me{the author}

Raposa · Fantasy
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7 Chs


    After eating at the bakery, I accompany Aaron to his job at the smithy and we agree to meet at my house for dinner that night. As I was walking home, I noticed how nice of a day it was and decided that when I got home I would head to the grassy meadow where I liked to play on days like this. My house has a back door that leads to a dark alley so when I got home and morphed into a black fox, I went out my back door and hurried off to the meadow, taking the back alleys to keep out of sight of humans and animals alike. After playing in the grass for awhile I noticed that the soft, lime green grass that I had played in yesterday was now itchy and phthalo green. I instantly stopped playing, stood as still as a statue, and listened for the sounds of nature. Everything, including my breathing, was silent. Somehow, I knew nature was warning me of something but I didn't know what that something was. Not a moment later a heavily muscular man came up behind me and snatched me up by the scruff!

    "I could get a lot of money for selling you!" He maliciously sneered before he knocked me out.

    When I wake up I find myself in a cage with a raw rat and dirty water. At first I didn't remember what happened. Then everything comes back and I instantly morph back into a human. By doing this I was hoping that when he came back to check up on "his" black fox he would see me and let me go, thinking that the fox had escaped and was replaced with me. No such luck though. When he came back he laughed.

    "Did you really think you could fool me? You should know better, Amora. Ever since I saw you morph into a fox and save that putrid baby I knew you would be worth a bank full of gold!"

    "Let me go! And how do you know my name?" I yell.

    "I would never let a black fox leave my grasp so easily, especially one that's a vulpin." He states confidently."And I happened to overhear your conversation with your friend after you saved the baby a couple hours ago. Where are my manners? You can call me Warden."

* * *

Aaron is at Amora's house and is waiting to be let in. He's wondering why she isn't answering the door when he remembers that she likes to hang out in the fields alone. When he gets to the fields he finds wagon wheel tracks. Aaron instantly thinks that Amora is in trouble and starts following the tracks in a hurry.

I've edited chapter 1, adding a brief explanation of the vulpin species that Amora belongs to as well as changing a tiny bit of the male lead's, Aaron's, appearance. I recommend rereading that chapter for more clarification and less confusion regarding the creatures known as vulpins.

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