
American comics start with level five mutants

In a twist of cosmic fate, Su Yao awakens within the Marvel universe as a mutant, his existence shrouded in mystery within the confines of an experimental base. With panic gripping his heart, Su Yao discovers his newfound ability of 'imitation,' allowing him to mimic the powers of those around him. As Su Yao grapples with his abilities, he delves into mimicking the likes of Orochi, the Sun God, and the Scarlet Witch, each imitation unlocking a fraction of their immense powers. Yet, the euphoria is short-lived as Su Yao learns the grim truth – his abilities come with a countdown clock to his demise, leaving him with only 83 days to live. Meanwhile, in the broader Marvel universe, whispers of Su Yao's existence reach the ears of formidable figures like Professor X, Magneto, Thor, and Loki. Their reactions range from urgency to familial intrigue, setting the stage for an unpredictable journey where Su Yao's destiny becomes intertwined with the fate of the entire Marvel multiverse. As Su Yao races against time to understand and master his powers, he finds himself drawn into a web of alliances, conflicts, and cosmic revelations. With the clock ticking, Su Yao's odyssey unfolds as he navigates the complexities of his existence, facing challenges that will test his courage, resolve, and the very limits of his mimicry. "ECHOES OF MIMICRY: A MARVEL MUTANT'S ODYSSEY" is a thrilling saga of self-discovery, redemption, and the enduring power of hope in the face of impossible odds. Prepare to embark on an epic journey where every imitation brings Su Yao closer to unlocking his true destiny amidst the sprawling tapestry of the Marvel universe.

Novel_Hunters · Anime & Comics
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89 Chs

Chapter 85: Chaos Magic Level Three

Su Yao's right hand glowed red.

In the next second, the black guns on the table floated up in unison, moving erratically through the air.

[Chaos Magic Experience +1]

As Su Yao controlled their movement, he mused, "It seems that Level One is a bit weak."

He could feel the strain of keeping so many guns afloat. Adding a few more would likely push him to his limit. Aside from telekinesis, he hadn't discovered any other functions of Chaos Magic yet.

"I wonder if I can use Chaos Magic for mind control…"

Su Yao recalled that in the early stages, at very close range, Chaos Magic could confuse people's minds, creating illusions in their heads. However, with only Venom as a potential target, who had near-immunity to mental abilities, testing this was futile.

He put the guns down, frowning, and tried altering reality. His hands emitted red light, which enveloped the table.

Nothing happened.

"Chaos Magic level too low?"

Su Yao sighed. It made sense that Level One wouldn't allow him to perform such feats—early Wanda couldn't either. Altering reality might also require emotional triggers, functioning as a passive ability.

"Forget it, I'll just level up Chaos Magic."

[Chaos Magic Experience +1]

[Chaos Magic Experience +1]

[Chaos Magic Experience +1]

Su Yao's hands glowed as he practiced Chaos Magic.

Time passed. The objects in the room floated continuously under his control.

[Chaos Magic Experience +1]

[Chaos Magic (0/500) Level Two]

With the upgrade, Su Yao felt an increase in his internal energy capacity. Sunlight streamed through the window, replenishing him. His telekinesis had also strengthened, now able to lift over 100 kg, enough to easily move an adult.

"Level Two is still a bit weak, though my mental strength has increased significantly…"

Su Yao felt more alert and his control over Chaos Magic was smoother. A red glow emanated from his hand, which he then directed towards the wooden table.

With a bang, the table was left with a hole.

"Not bad..."

Unhappy with the results, he continued practicing.

Two days later.

[Chaos Magic Experience +1]

[Chaos Magic (0/1000) Level Three]

With a casual flick, Su Yao shattered the table and even made a dent in the floor.

He floated using Chaos Magic, observing that the speed wasn't as fast as his normal flight but was usable until his flight ability returned.

"It's time to leave this place."

Staying here longer would attract unwanted attention.

"Are we finally leaving this boring place, Su?" Venom asked, excited.

Su Yao nodded and vanished from the house.

Two hours later, Su Yao walked down a secluded path in new attire. To avoid recognition, he wore all white: white clothes, white pants, white mask, and even white shoes. Venom had transformed into a black eye-mask, resembling the Wolverine mask from the comics.

Suddenly, urgent footsteps and shouts interrupted the quiet.

"Stop! Mutant ahead, hands up!"

Three individuals, two men and a woman, ran towards him, pursued by four armed policemen.


The young woman with pink hair and green eyes warned him.

Su Yao stepped aside but was interrupted when a policeman glanced at a handheld monitor.

"Don't let him escape, he's a mutant too!"

Both the fleeing mutants and the policemen were surprised.

Thousands of viewers watching the live capture were also surprised.

Since the recent terrifying light event, both society and the government had grown more hostile towards mutants. To reassure the public and prove that mutants could be controlled, many capture operations were broadcast live.

"Thank God, another mutant!"

"Looks like the officers will have more success."

"Catch him quickly!"

As the viewers cheered, the four policemen aimed their special guns at Su Yao and fired.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Needles containing mutant inhibitors flew towards him.

But to everyone's shock, the needles halted mid-air!


(End of this chapter)