
American comics start with level five mutants

In a twist of cosmic fate, Su Yao awakens within the Marvel universe as a mutant, his existence shrouded in mystery within the confines of an experimental base. With panic gripping his heart, Su Yao discovers his newfound ability of 'imitation,' allowing him to mimic the powers of those around him. As Su Yao grapples with his abilities, he delves into mimicking the likes of Orochi, the Sun God, and the Scarlet Witch, each imitation unlocking a fraction of their immense powers. Yet, the euphoria is short-lived as Su Yao learns the grim truth – his abilities come with a countdown clock to his demise, leaving him with only 83 days to live. Meanwhile, in the broader Marvel universe, whispers of Su Yao's existence reach the ears of formidable figures like Professor X, Magneto, Thor, and Loki. Their reactions range from urgency to familial intrigue, setting the stage for an unpredictable journey where Su Yao's destiny becomes intertwined with the fate of the entire Marvel multiverse. As Su Yao races against time to understand and master his powers, he finds himself drawn into a web of alliances, conflicts, and cosmic revelations. With the clock ticking, Su Yao's odyssey unfolds as he navigates the complexities of his existence, facing challenges that will test his courage, resolve, and the very limits of his mimicry. "ECHOES OF MIMICRY: A MARVEL MUTANT'S ODYSSEY" is a thrilling saga of self-discovery, redemption, and the enduring power of hope in the face of impossible odds. Prepare to embark on an epic journey where every imitation brings Su Yao closer to unlocking his true destiny amidst the sprawling tapestry of the Marvel universe.

Novel_Hunters · Anime & Comics
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89 Chs

Chapter 84: Scarlet Witch Panel 70%


As Su Yao focused his attention through his connection with Casillas, he couldn't help but be surprised.

How long had it been, and Casillas had already managed to acquire some?

On a wooden table, there were seven black Cosmic Cube energy guns.

At the centre of the guns, a glowing blue light flickered, storing the energy of the Cosmic Cube.

Casillas, who was sitting in front of the table, was reaching through a small portal in front of him, pulling out another Cosmic Cube energy gun.

"Did he find the warehouse for these superweapons?"

Su Yao's mouth twitched.

Did they plant a mole inside S.H.I.E.L.D.?

Otherwise, how could they find the warehouse storing such dangerous weapons so quickly?

Looking at the energy guns on the wooden table, Su Yao felt a bit tempted.

With these energy guns, he could certainly recover many of his locked abilities!

Moreover, Casillas should be able to get more of these weapons before S.H.I.E.L.D. discovered their activities.

After all, compared to the Cosmic Cube, these mass-produced weapons weren't given much importance.

While Casillas was working hard to steal energy guns from S.H.I.E.L.D.'s warehouse, the Gu Yi had also figured out many things.

Among them was the appearance of mutants.

She saw a woman releasing terrifying energy on the screen, and a boy in black, effortlessly destroying a city from high in the sky.

The Gu Yi's expression turned slightly solemn, and her attention sharpened.

At the same time, she noticed a sense of familiarity and quickly recognized the boy in black as the mysterious figure she had encountered not long ago.

However, she didn't pay much more attention afterward.

Compared to dimensional demons, she wasn't particularly concerned about internal Earth matters.

Recently, she had also learned what Casillas had been up to.

"Is this the demon god?"

The Gu Yi browsed through an ancient book introducing this demon god, her expression growing more serious.

At the same time, she was unsure of this demon god's purpose.

What exactly did it want?

Why did it cause such a grand event?

What benefit did it get from this?

Unable to figure it out, the Gu Yi decided to communicate directly.

She skilfully set up a magical ritual and soon contacted this mysterious being.

She asked, "Unknown demon god, what is your purpose? Why did you cause such a big event?"

Su Yao, who was observing Casillas, was stunned upon hearing the Gu Yi's voice.

Following the connection of the magical ritual, he naturally saw the Gu Yi in her yellow robe.

Facing her question, Su Yao's eyes flickered as he quickly thought about how to respond.

Soon, a mysterious, chant-like voice reached the Gu Yi's ears.

"Just think of it as boredom. There is no real purpose. It's you, a supreme mage who relies on the power of the dark dimension to maintain his vitality, but you like to take care of my affairs..."

The Gu Yi's originally slightly serious expression instantly changed.

This unknown demon god had noticed?

Of course, Su Yao knew about this.

In the movie.

Casillas's complete breakdown in values was because of the Gu Yi drawing power from the Dark Dimension to extend her life, leading him to eventually join Dormammu.

However, it wasn't just for extending her life. The Gu Yi drew power from the Dark Dimension to protect Earth from extra-dimensional beings like Dormammu. She had to extend her life to wait for a successor.

Moreover, drawing power from the Dark Dimension was not without consequences.

It involved enduring the Dark Dimension's energy corrosion and resisting its temptations, constantly struggling between light and dark.

This kind of mental exhaustion and struggle wasn't something an ordinary person could withstand.

Casillas lacked such strong willpower and quickly fell into darkness, becoming a fervent follower of Dormammu.

The next successor, Doctor Strange, once questioned the Gu Yi about why she drew power from the Dark Dimension. The Gu Yi replied that people couldn't only care about themselves.

After Doctor Strange appeared, she stopped drawing power from the Dark Dimension, fearing that she might one day be consumed by it, bringing unnecessary disaster to the world.

Finally, she chose to end her life, falling from a building to end her pain and struggle.

The mysterious, chant-like voice continued in the Gu Yi's ear.

"All phenomena are impermanent, all laws are without self, all sensations are suffering."

"There is nothing in this world that is eternal or unchanging. Everything must undergo the baptism of suffering."

"Gu Yi, your suffering is enough. Choose to follow me, and I will grant you power and life, freeing you from the corrosion and pain of the dark energy..."

Hearing the mysterious voice continuously in her ears, the Gu Yi felt no relief. Instead, her expression became more and more solemn.

In just a few words, she sensed the terrifying nature of this demon god.

Unlike Dormammu, who couldn't say such words.

The next moment, Su Yao felt the connection being severed. It was the Gu Yi who had ended the ritual.

Su Yao felt a bit regretful but wasn't surprised.

Honestly, what he had said was half-true. However, the part about granting power and life if she followed him wasn't a lie.

Compared to drawing power from the Dark Dimension, both his light energy and chaos magic were more suitable for any sorcerer.

Especially the light energy, which was not only positive but also seemed to sustain life.

After all, he had several types of cancer and still managed to extend his life with light energy, showing that it wasn't as simple as it seemed.

Su Yao pondered.

Setting a long-term plan and fishing for big gains, whether he succeeded or not didn't matter. Success would be great, but failure was acceptable too.

As he absorbed sunlight to collect light energy, time passed quickly, and soon it was the morning of the third day.

Bright morning light shone, and the morning dew was heavy.

Inside the shabby wooden house.

In the dim light, one could see over twenty black energy guns on the table.

These were the results of Casillas and his men's efforts during this time. If S.H.I.E.L.D. hadn't discovered them early, the warehouse might have been emptied.

Although S.H.I.E.L.D. still had plenty of such weapons, it would be harder to get them now.

S.H.I.E.L.D. had dispatched heavy guards, so Casillas would have to carefully plan to get more.

In the meantime, Casillas was indeed planning.

Su Yao placed his hand on one of the energy guns.

Soon, the space energy in the gun became active, attracted by his serpent ability.

Blue energy light flickered, seeping out and climbing onto Su Yao's hand, quickly entering his body.

Just as he absorbed the energy from this gun, one of his nearly restored abilities was quickly unlocked.

[Ability: Divine Finger (Unlocked)]

The prompt sounded.

Su Yao glanced at the remaining twenty energy guns.

Time passed, and one by one, the energy guns were absorbed…

[Ability: Spiritual Light Beam (Unlocked)]

[Ability: Soul Extraction (Unlocked)]

One prompt after another sounded.

In the end, only Sunlight Radiance and Levitation remained locked.

"Alas, why can't these guns have more energy?"

Looking at the twenty-plus drained Cosmic Cube energy guns, Su Yao felt a bit regretful.

The two most crucial abilities still hadn't been restored…

Then, he focused on the Scarlet Witch panel.

[Energy Points: 39573]

(Unlock Progress: 31%)

"Nearly forty thousand energy points. I wonder how much the mimicry progress of the Scarlet Witch will increase?"

Su Yao looked forward to it.

The most critical chaos magic, would it unlock?

What changes would happen to his body?

The next moment, he put all the energy points into the unlock progress.

The 31% unlock progress blurred for a moment and then changed.

(Unlock Progress: 70%)

At the same time, a prompt sounded in Su Yao's astonished ears.

[Ability: Chaos Magic (Unlocked)]

[Ability: Chaos Magic (0/100) Level One]

In an instant, he felt a strange sensation in his body.

A familiar warm current appeared, quickly flowing throughout his body, altering his cells and genes.

In no time, his gene cells became more mysterious, hosting more mysterious power.

"Wow, what's happening?"

Venom crawled out from Su Yao's right hand, looking shocked.

Just now, Su's body had changed again. Venom felt that Su's body had become even more mysterious.

Just staying inside Su for a moment, Venom felt a significant increase in his own power.

As Su's body became more mysterious, Venom, who was residing inside, also grew much stronger.

The most noticeable change was that Venom could now form a suit of armour that could perfectly resist handgun and rifle bullets.

Perhaps only specialized armour-piercing rounds could still penetrate his defence now!

Venom felt very confident, thinking he could easily defeat his foolish half.

"If we meet again, heh, I'll give you a surprise." Venom was both shocked and delighted.

Su Yao ignored Venom, focusing on his own body's changes.

He felt incredibly alert, with a heightened sense of awareness and faster mental reactions.

"Is this mental power?"

Su Yao could feel a force in his mind.

It was weak, but it was there.

Of course, weak or not, having it was better than not.

Before, if another mental power user attacked him, he might not even notice. Now…

With this mental power, he could detect and resist other mental power users' attacks!

Moreover, as chaos magic levelled up, his mental power would likely increase