
American Comics: Opening Guidance Bat-man

Once through, Schiller became Batman’s teacher, a professor of psychology at Gotham University. On the first day, Bruce Wayne entered the psychiatric clinic. Schiller had to open the Meiman chat system and posted the first post: Batman asked me the meaning of life, how should I answer? It’s a hurry to wait online. Thanos: It is recommended to kill directly. Professor X: Don’t listen to the upstairs, I’ll use your mind-reading skills… Schiller Andel Rodriguez, a world-class master of criminal psychology, the most famous psychology professor at Gotham University, his students are both superheroes and super criminals, but he does not belong to any of them, bat Xia likes to call him “Professor”, Joker calls him “the coolest lunatic”, Scarecrow calls him “Arkham slipper”, and Nick Fury thinks he’s a “getter.” Be Batman’s teacher, Spider’s godfather, Iron Man’s psychiatrist, Schiller’s journey to American comics, starting with Batman at the beginning. Comprehensive comics (including the movie universe), DC Marvel and other comics, do not abuse the main character, and the supporting roles do not lose their wisdom. (Don’t worry about the title, it’s not an invincible brain-damaged essay.)

Fantasy_Bringer · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 62: Early Winter Daily (Part 2)

Human beings, as social animals, always have a tendency to converge, and what kind of environment they are in a group will inevitably be changed by this environment, and now Stark has a deep understanding of this.

Peter is sweet with his childhood sweetheart Gwen every day. After Gwen officially established a relationship with Peter some time ago, the two of them started dating two or three times a week.

Spider-Man, who hasn't progressed to the part of meeting his father-in-law, has been bubbling with happiness recently. He can hear him talking excitedly every day, what little gifts he received from his girlfriend, or which restaurant he went to eat. The dishes are especially delicious.

Stark had to admit that even if the details Peter said were naive, the restaurant they went to date was a roadside stall that a rich man like Stark would never go to, but every time he heard Peter's description, Stark would never stop. Can fully feel his happiness.

In addition to Peter, the story of Schiller and his wife became richer and richer in details and became more and more poignant through the mouth of Scranch, a clever little ghost.

Originally, it was only the information that Coulson got during his routine investigation of Strange, but how could he keep this kind of gossip in his heart alone? I heard a very real and detailed version.

Strange's short sentences were enriched by the genius agent Coulson into a story, and when this story reached the ears of Natasha and Nick, Natasha was a woman, and she was very interested in this kind of romantic love. The story has a lot of interest, and the emotional brain that belongs to a woman allows her to add more romantic details of her own brain to this story, making it more real.

And Nick, who's a skeptic, knows this fact, and he's bound to investigate.

In this investigation, he really found some clues.

He found out that the medical fees paid by S.H.I.E.L.D. and Stark to Schiller originally only stayed in an American account of Schiller, but just recently, the large sum of money was transferred by him to an international company in Switzerland. In the account, Nick could not check the whereabouts of the money afterward. He guessed that the money might have been used by Schiller to keep his wife alive.

Some time ago, Schiller told everyone that he would be away for a while. In fact, at that time, Nick wanted to track his whereabouts, but the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. On his trail, Nick thinks that Schiller may have used his magical powers to go to his wife.

Nick has always believed that in order to be a good agent, in addition to careful logical thinking ability, you must also have the ability to associate and diverge. In many cases, inadvertent inspiration may bring unexpected changes to actions.

Therefore, when these various factors are added together, Nick is sure that this matter is closely related.

He believes that Schiller's wife may not be American, because he could not find such a disappeared woman in the file. Schiller may have met her during a study tour. After they fell in love and got married, this lady may Suffering from a disease that is temporarily incurable, but will continue to deteriorate, combined with the low-temperature technology mentioned by Schiller in Strange before, Nick speculates that Schiller is likely to have mastered a kind of permafrost. technology, to seal his wife, prevent the disease from getting worse, and has been looking for a means of treatment.

What Nick sees from this story is not just poignant love, he has always wanted to win Schiller completely to SHIELD, to work for them, if SHIELD can do something about the treatment of his wife. Achievement, Nick believes that soon, S.H.I.E.L.D. will have another powerful arm.

Therefore, Nick also came to the information of various neuroscientists, intending to see who is qualified to solve this problem.

If Schiller heard Nick's heart and knew the story of his brain, he must applaud the king of secret agents. Isn't this the love story of Victor the Freeze and his wife?

The story of Frozen Man is very good, and it will be mine in the next second.

Later, when this story reached Stark's ears, he naturally thought that Nick must have solid evidence, so he also believed that Schiller was indeed trying to find a cure because of his wife.

This fact has been quite shocking to Stark. After all, in the years he has grown up, most of the people he has met are bad people who are almost as good as his father.

And the more fatal blow came from Captain America Steve.

A few days ago, Stark found that Steve didn't run in the morning, so he asked Schiller what was wrong. Schiller said that Steve was in a bad mood recently.

Stark was so happy. Captain America was in a bad mood, but Iron Man was in a good mood.

When Steve came back, Stark wanted to laugh at him fiercely, but Steve looked very haggard at the time, Schiller also looked serious and sad, and Peter basically didn't dare to show his anger.

In these days without Pepper, Stark was wandering around, and he could finally read a little bit of air. Seeing everyone was like this, he also held back his words.

Afterwards, he went to Schiller to ask what happened to Steve, but Schiller just shook his head and let him ask Steve himself.

How could Iron Man take the initiative to ask Captain America?

However, Stark's excessive curiosity eventually led him to find Steve.

Then he learned from Steve's mouth that his and Peggy's romantic love story spanned a century.

The weak and helpless recruit who just entered the military camp meets a heroic and caring female officer. After the recruit became the famous Captain America, they were born and died together, and they were each other's most perfect soulmates. , even after a century, Captain America is still determined, only Peggy is his perfect dance partner.

But the ending of this romantic story is deplorable. A few days ago, Steve saw Peggy lying on the hospital bed, who was aging, and learned from the doctor that she might die soon.

He saw that the photo of him that Peggy kept was not the strong Captain America after being injected with the serum, but the timid and bullied Steve who had just entered the boot camp. After being transformed into Captain America, It's been a long time since Steve cried so hard that he almost passed out.

He was really about to collapse. He even rushed to Nick's office irrationally and asked him if there was any special serum that could keep Peggy alive.

But unfortunately, in the end, Steve could only accept this ending with great pain and helplessness.

This story shocked Stark even more, because in Steve's mouth, his father Howard was a participant in the whole story, and he and Peggy were once friends.

This can't help but make Stark start to think, is he a little too alternative?

When it comes to women, Stark is of course not lacking. Magazine young models, party girls or Hollywood female stars, Stark changes one a day, sometimes even several a day.

But when it comes to falling in love, when it comes to true love, Stark thinks back and finds that his head is empty.

From childhood to adulthood, he has not had any love experience that he can handle and resonate with his friends as well.

First love? It seems to be a bit of an impression, Stark thought hard, but still had to admit that he almost forgot.

Peter and Gwen are on the same page, Schiller and his wife are separated, and Captain America and Peggy are still alive.

And Stark, surrounded by this group of people, couldn't help but start thinking hard with his genius brain, why is he different?

"Pepper looks a little weird at me recently." In the SHIELD cafeteria, Stark, Schiller and Peter sat at a table to eat. After Schiller threw Stark out, Pepper could only foster him Stark was very reluctant to go to S.H.I.E.L.D., but if he didn't go, he would have to sleep on the street.

"Strange? In what way?"

"I'm not joking, I mean it seriously. I can't tell her look in her eyes. She's a little worried, a little relieved, but also a little sympathetic."

"My profession should really be handed over to you. Can you see so much in your eyes?"

Stark waved his hand perfunctorily and said, "Please, I've met women who are not one thousand or eight hundred. What they are thinking can be seen from their eyes. Tell me, what happened to Pepper?"

"It depends on what's happened to you recently. What's the matter with you recently?"

"What's wrong with me, I'm very good."

Schiller put down his fork, snapped his fingers, and said, "Jarvis, can you analyze the difference in your master's behavior recently?"

Jarvis beeped twice, and Stark also held his face with his hands, waiting for his smart butler to answer.

"According to analysis, you have rejected 18 invitations of the opposite **** within a week. This is the only place that is different from the usual behavior pattern..."

In an instant, Stark saw an almost identical expression to Pepper's on Schiller's face.

"Damn it, I'm not..."

"You don't need to explain, um... If you figure it out, then congratulations to you, if you are powerless..."

Schiller shrugged and said, "...then it can only be said that it deserves it."

Schiller knows that in the comics, this guy is a super stallion, not to mention his first love Meredith who was beaten by a bat and Bane, Gamora, Captain Marvel, Wasp, Spider-Woman, She-Hulk, all sleep after flirting, and run after sleeping.

"I'm not..." Stark put down the cutlery in his hand, put his hands on the table and said, "I just don't think they are any good..."

"Then who was talking about the beauty of a yacht?"

"Okay." Stark said like a deflated ball: "I have never talked about a decent relationship. You are always in my ears, talking about love, love, those romantic stories."

"I thought they were everything. Sexy, charming, short-lived and passionate. What's wrong with them?"

"But Peter actually said yesterday that his girlfriend would like to hear him talk about how he made those machines, and the two of them talked about it all afternoon!"

"Actually, we haven't talked enough yet. The next day we went to the exhibition hall again, the one from Stark Industries. The machines there are so cool that we didn't feel tired after walking around all day..."

With Stark's murderous look in his eyes, Peter silently filled his mouth with a sandwich.

"...Well, no one has ever wanted to hear me talk about this. What they would rather listen to is all kinds of Hollywood intelligence, gossip about famous brand shows, new clothes for winter and spring, how could anyone be willing to listen to me on how to make mechas? of?"

"But you really want to talk about this, right? In your opinion, mechas are actually much better looking than those famous brand coats."

Stark pouted, he looked like a lemonade now.

"But it's useless for you to come to us and tell me about this. You have to go to Pepper."

"But she doesn't understand these mechas, and she's already very busy."

"It's the same sentence, as long as you say it, she'll definitely be willing to listen."