
American Comics: Opening Guidance Bat-man

Once through, Schiller became Batman’s teacher, a professor of psychology at Gotham University. On the first day, Bruce Wayne entered the psychiatric clinic. Schiller had to open the Meiman chat system and posted the first post: Batman asked me the meaning of life, how should I answer? It’s a hurry to wait online. Thanos: It is recommended to kill directly. Professor X: Don’t listen to the upstairs, I’ll use your mind-reading skills… Schiller Andel Rodriguez, a world-class master of criminal psychology, the most famous psychology professor at Gotham University, his students are both superheroes and super criminals, but he does not belong to any of them, bat Xia likes to call him “Professor”, Joker calls him “the coolest lunatic”, Scarecrow calls him “Arkham slipper”, and Nick Fury thinks he’s a “getter.” Be Batman’s teacher, Spider’s godfather, Iron Man’s psychiatrist, Schiller’s journey to American comics, starting with Batman at the beginning. Comprehensive comics (including the movie universe), DC Marvel and other comics, do not abuse the main character, and the supporting roles do not lose their wisdom. (Don’t worry about the title, it’s not an invincible brain-damaged essay.)

Fantasy_Bringer · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 26: Failed 0 yuan purchase plan

"For this class assignment, I would like to commend Mr. Robert. His argument for emotional splitting analysis is very consistent with the theory I talked about in the class. Of course, Miss Hoff wrote the most words this time, but I have to say , the number of words does not represent the quality of the completion, if you can explain your argument clearly within 3000 words, I will be happier."

"There is nothing unexpected, this time there is still one person who has not handed in the homework, Mr. Wayne, please come to my office after class, if you don't plan to finish the homework, then I don't think you will use it to take the final exam. After all, if you don't have any homework credits, even if you take the exam, you will definitely not get the credits for the semester."

Schiller closed the textbook in front of him and said, "get out of class is over."

Gotham University is located on the east coast of the United States. We all know that almost all the famous universities in the United States are located on the east coast, including Harvard, MIT, Princeton and so on.

Gotham University is not a competitor of these schools. Although it is a national university recognized by the state, it is not an Ivy League school. Moreover, the law and order of Gotham City is notoriously bad. There are hardly many. Local students in the United States will apply for this university. Even if Gotham is a local person who can read a university, it can also apply to a good university nearby.

This has led to students who stayed at Gotham University either not being able to apply for the outside world, or they were international students abroad.

You can hardly expect these people to have good grades. Most of them can finish their homework on time, all because of Schiller's famous name.

But this is actually not the biggest reason for the low ranking of Gotham University. After all, Gotham University has such an extremely strong backup support as the Wayne family. Even if it is to spend money, it can invite many top professors. There are many professors and top laboratory equipment, so you won't have to worry about attracting high-end talents. If you have to talk about security issues, in fact, as long as you don't leave Gotham University, it's still very safe here.

The problem is that the president of Gotham University has always been reluctant for the Wayne family to control the school too much, but don't think he is so aloof. Gotham University is his bargaining chip to move up in the political arena, and he is not willing to give it up. This fruit was given to the Wayne family.

Therefore, Gotham University has been in a half-dead state, and Schiller is very dissatisfied with this. He does not want to have a teaching experience in a bottom-ranked school on his perfect resume.

So despite all the chaos in Gotham, Schiller just wanted to farm at Gotham University. He set himself a small goal, that is, to make Gotham University a member of the Ivy League first.

Everyone is from Northeastern University. Gotham University's football team is also good. Joining the Ivy League is not too much, right?

Before that, Batman and other criminals just beat their brains out, and he didn't want to care.

In the afternoon, when Bruce came to Schiller's office, he explained, "Professor, it's not that I haven't written my thesis. I'll ask my housekeeper to bring the USB drive over later..."

"If you don't bring it, you don't write it." Schiller said viciously.

He knocked on the table and said, "If I can't do anything about Bruce not doing homework, then other people won't be affected, you think so, right? After all, it's normal for the Wayne family to have some privileges."

"But the hundreds of millions of dollars you funded the school didn't fall into my pocket, so if you don't do your homework again, I'll deduct all your credits and you won't be able to get your diploma."

Bruce said in a low voice, "Actually, I have obtained my diploma now, and the factory that prints the diploma is also my family's."

Schiller touched his forehead and said, "What nonsense am I talking to you, you **** rich second generation... How is your investigation?"

"Miss Christine did not leave Gotham University. She disappeared in the school, but this has nothing to do with Jonathan, because he disappeared after Jonathan was arrested."

"Do you have any doubts?" Schiller asked.

"In fact, the president of Gotham University is very suspicious."

Before Schiller could open his mouth to question, Bruce said, "I really don't have any evidence to prove that he kidnapped Christine, but the three jury members who actively exonerated Jonathan, and Jonathan's defense attorney, are From a well-known gang in East Gotham, the Red Ravens."

"And the president of Gotham University is friends with the mob boss, they went to the mayor's dinner together, and most importantly, his daughter married the head of the smuggling logistics of the Red Crows. ."

"But what kind of role does Christine play in this story? As far as I know, she's just an ordinary girl, just very beautiful."

"I suspect that Miss Christine may have heard some of the principal's conspiracy about Jonathan."

Bruce put his arms on the table, he frowned and said, "You know, the football league is about to start, and the cheerleader has a lot to deal with, and their new season's dance clothes have not been approved before. , Christine was very anxious about this, she chose to go to the principal, maybe she heard something at that time that she shouldn't have heard."

"Do you have any evidence?" Schiller asked.

"I think I'm no longer obsessed with the evidence, and of course I won't go to the principal so arbitrarily, because it may be a surprise."

Schiller said: "I suspect that Miss Christine is not dead, you know, if the person who did it is the principal, then it is unlikely that he will kill Christine directly, because the cheerleader has no way to Changing a head in such a short period of time, and if there is a problem with the cheerleading troupe, it will definitely affect the results of the football game, this is the only thing Gotham University can take, and it is part of the president's personal resume."

Bruce sighed and said, "Anyway, Miss Christine is innocent."

"Have you seen Gordon lately? How's he going?"

"It didn't go well. I think if I can find Miss Christine as a witness to accuse this group of deliberately exonerating, then maybe Jonathan can go to jail."

"Actually, have you ever thought about it? If Jonathan goes to prison, it doesn't have to be Gotham Prison."

"You want me to build a private prison?"

Schiller didn't speak. He just stood up and said, "Do you plan to go through a process like this for every criminal you catch in the future?"

"Or, do you think it's very interesting to go around with them in these unfair judicial proceedings?"

"With this time, not only the Mawson neighborhood, but the blackness of the two or three neighborhoods around it can help you settle it down."

"What exactly is what Batman should do, you know better than me, Bruce."

Bruce left again with a full heart.

Schiller still has a problem to solve, that is, if Jonathan goes to a prison, no matter which prison he is in, the source of the fear gas will be unstable, and these will be used up sooner or later. He doesn't have a formula himself, and he doesn't know how to deploy it. It would be a pity that such a useful weapon would disappear.

Schiller is more cunning than Batman who is rampaging now. He knows that the best way now is not to go to Jonathan to ask for the recipe for fear gas, let alone get him out of the prison and control him to work for himself, That's troublesome and dangerous.

What he has to do is to find a next home for Jonathan, let those people ask for the formula, control Jonathan's work, and then Schiller continues to enjoy the ready-made fear gas of stealing.

Those people won't use the fear gas to do good things, so as long as they don't get it, it's fine?

The question is to buy everything for zero yuan. You give birth to me and steal from here. How much money is produced and how much is stolen? With the sharp weapon of gray fog, can you still catch me?

Jonathan is still too young now. Schiller estimates that he has already handed over the formula for the fear gas. After the group of people got the formula, there are ways to make it.

Schiller knew that since these people wanted to do big things, the amount of fear gas would not be as small as Jonathan's, and to produce this gas on a large scale, a factory assembly line would definitely be needed.

There are many chemical plants in Gotham, but most of them are not very professional. There is only one place for high-end chemical preparation production lines, and that is the Wayne Chemical Plant.

No matter how this group of people try to cover up and operate, if they want to achieve their goals, they absolutely cannot bypass the production line of the Wayne Chemical Plant.

With the gray fog ability, Schiller can walk farther at night. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

As he expected, it was another rainy night. Outside the railing of the Wayne Chemical Plant, Schiller saw a car with a license plate ending in 676 driving into the chemical plant.

In the next few days, trucks continued to shuttle between the Wayne Chemical Plants, seemingly transporting some large equipment. Schiller did not intend to stop them, but tracked the trucks and found the destination of their smuggling chemical plant production lines.

Of course, it is in the east of Gotham City, where the Red Crows are located. There is also a chemical factory there, but it is not as large as the Wayne Chemical Factory. The production line equipment stolen from the Wayne Chemical Factory is all was shipped to this small chemical factory.

However, it didn't work as expected. There were problems as soon as the production line started. First, they lacked a few machines. After all, the production line of the Wayne Chemical Plant was not prepared for the production of fear gas, and some machines still needed to be purchased.

Second, the chemists they recruited did not seem to be as powerful as Jonathan. The experiments before going to the assembly line did not go well. The effect of the copied fear gas was not as strong as Jonathan's, and it was not as good as his concentrate.

So all the problems came back. They wanted to get Jonathan out. Although Jonathan, the scarecrow criminal, was just a fledgling, his professional level was very strong. The Red Crow Gang couldn't relieve the grind and kill the donkey. They still had to find a way to help He is exonerated.

Schiller didn't expect these gangsters to be so stupid. He had already obtained the formula, but still couldn't produce it. He had already planned to block the opening of the production line and swallow as much as he produced.

Schiller's zero-dollar purchase plan failed, but he didn't intend to give up. Since the Red Raven Gang couldn't do it, he had to find a better next for Jonathan, such as Sal Maroney.