
American Comics: Opening Guidance Bat-man

Once through, Schiller became Batman’s teacher, a professor of psychology at Gotham University. On the first day, Bruce Wayne entered the psychiatric clinic. Schiller had to open the Meiman chat system and posted the first post: Batman asked me the meaning of life, how should I answer? It’s a hurry to wait online. Thanos: It is recommended to kill directly. Professor X: Don’t listen to the upstairs, I’ll use your mind-reading skills… Schiller Andel Rodriguez, a world-class master of criminal psychology, the most famous psychology professor at Gotham University, his students are both superheroes and super criminals, but he does not belong to any of them, bat Xia likes to call him “Professor”, Joker calls him “the coolest lunatic”, Scarecrow calls him “Arkham slipper”, and Nick Fury thinks he’s a “getter.” Be Batman’s teacher, Spider’s godfather, Iron Man’s psychiatrist, Schiller’s journey to American comics, starting with Batman at the beginning. Comprehensive comics (including the movie universe), DC Marvel and other comics, do not abuse the main character, and the supporting roles do not lose their wisdom. (Don’t worry about the title, it’s not an invincible brain-damaged essay.)

Fantasy_Bringer · Anime & Comics
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85 Chs

Chapter 16: confused gordon

In the setting of Pokémon anime and games, Pikachu is far from being a powerful Pokémon. Its popularity is more due to its cute appearance.

Whether in anime or games, Pikachu is absolutely adorable, and in fact his combat ability is quite average. Especially in the game, it can even be said to be a warehouse manager. Compared with those powerful and gorgeous mythical beasts, Pikachu is indeed cute, but it only has the advantage of being cute.

But the Pikachu that Schiller encountered was far more than that simple. It had an IQ similar to, or even higher than, most humans. It possessed Pikachu's electrical skills, and seemed to have some other abilities.

It is immune to Schiller's telepathy, and the fear gas just makes it fall over. In terms of volume, the dose of fear gas that Schiller used to set up the trap that day was enough to drive a small creature like Pikachu crazy, but Pikachu just sneezed a few more times.

And he was able to pick the lock on his door and run to his bed while Schiller was sleeping. With Pikachu's height, he couldn't even reach the door handle when he jumped up. If he wanted to pick the lock, he had to at least move a chair over there.

How did this round creature, with less than calf height and very short hands, move a chair in the middle of the night, jump on it to pick the lock, open the door, and then run to Schiller without letting him find out, who? Also unknown.

However, this Pikachu is obviously much more cunning than Schiller imagined. More importantly, Schiller couldn't be as serious as Batman when he listened to his Deadpool voice. Regardless of Pikachu's face, he always felt that there was a man in a black and red tights talking beside him, and this scene made him shudder.

But soon, Schiller didn't have much time to worry about Pikachu. Gordon sent a text message to inform him that they had solid evidence of Jonathan's crime and were about to arrest him.

Arresting Jonathan has nothing to do with Schiller. What he is more worried about is that no one will provide him with fear gas in the future, so he has to hurry up and take away Jonathan's inventory.

Jonathan, this future scarecrow, he is really unlucky enough.

When he knew that Jonathan was about to be arrested, he basically got as much Schiller as he did. The young scarecrow didn't have any sense of anti-investigation. He was really broken. Who would come to steal his fear gas?

After Schiller has the ability to teleport, stealing fear gas has become easier. He only needs to flash directly into the underground of the chapel at a distance of more than 100 meters near the chapel in the Mosen block, and leave immediately after taking it, not even a shadow will be left behind.

Of course, Batman also participated in this arrest. With his superb infiltration ability, he returned to the laboratory again. He found that Jonathan had made a fear gas spray gun. He suggested Gordon to arrest Jonathan. Throwing the gas-jet guns might drive all the police officers involved in the operation and the residents of the Mawson neighborhood insane.

Although Gordon doesn't trust the tight-fitting weirdo, he also has his own difficulties.

Everyone in the Gotham Police Department is a talented person. Except for him, they are basically ten thousand years of salted fish. When something goes wrong, they arrive at the scene last, and they can't expect anything from them.

Don't think too much about the combat capability of this kind of team, a gas spray gun is enough to take down most of the police station.

Don't expect his boss to give him any help. Gordon has already seen it through. The current director is colluding with some underworld forces. He doesn't want to have another trouble, but it's just dozens of civilians who died. Where can he delay his great cause of making money?

Gordon was helpless and powerless. So the only person he can count on is Batman.

Although the current Batman is immature, the Scarecrow is obviously not much stronger. The two of them are rookie chickens pecking each other, and in the end, it is obvious that Batman wins.

He subdued Jonathan with an anesthesia needle while he was experimenting in the laboratory.

And the camera on his bat suit clearly captured how Jonathan committed the crime.

In the face of such a case with solid evidence, Gordon was kicked out, but Gordon's immediate boss took over the case, and quickly opened the case and started a trial, which is a good political achievement.

A university professor turned out to be the planner of dozens of murders? In any other area, this should be a bizarre major case that occupies the front page of the newspaper for a few days, but in Gotham, although it is still a big case, it only occupies a column on the main page of the newspaper. .

Seeing that the names of Gordon and Batman did not appear in the newspapers, but all were full of praises for Gordon, Schiller knew that there was another unhappy heartbreaker in this dark city.

Gordon, this good cop, still has a long way to go.

To Schiller's expectations, Gordon quickly found him.

In the counseling room at Gotham University, Schiller poured Gordon a cup of coffee. The young detective looked very tired at this time. He took a sip of hot coffee and his face improved a lot.

He said: "I know that my visit is a bit presumptuous, Professor. But the case of Jonathan..."

Gordon seemed hesitant to speak, and Schiller said, "Let me guess, the trial of the case may have gone well, but when it came to the trial, something went wrong, right?"

Gordon put his fists on the table, and he said with a gloomy face: "That **** murderer is a doctor of chemistry, you should know what this means in Gotham, someone doesn't want to sentence him to death, but wants to say that he has Excuse him on the grounds of mental illness and let him work for them."

Sitting across from him, Schiller said, "Indeed, if a genius-like doctor of chemistry can produce even a new type of hallucinogenic drug, the person who hires him will make a fortune."

Gordon shook his head and said, "It's far more than that. The drugs they want Jonathan to develop may be even more dangerous than this."

"If they invent drugs, it's just a little money from the addicts. But if they do invent a virus that can bring the whole of Gotham under their control, that's not how much money they can get. Say more," Gordon said.

"Someone leaked about the fear gas?" Schiller asked. The effect of this poisonous gas is outstanding, which is why some people realize the power of Jonathan.

Gordon looked at him, hesitated, and said, "I don't mean to offend, but I want to confirm, have you seen any suspicious people recently?"

"I can tell you very clearly that I didn't tell anyone about it, and it didn't do me any good. As a college professor, it's disgraceful to have a fellow murderer. What other connection did he have that would affect my career a lot," Schiller said.

"So..." Gordon folded his hands and said, "I heard you call that straitjacket guy Bruce that night, he's Bruce Wayne, isn't he?"

"On this topic, I can't tell you anything. You should ask him for proof yourself, not me."

"I know what you're worried about," Schiller said. "As Gotham City's biggest business magnate, Bruce Wayne doesn't necessarily have to do with those dirty deals. And if he finds out, you're investigating this. You're going to die ugly. You think so, don't you?"

Gordon said: "Jonathan said in his confession that there was a man who stole most of his fear gas all the time. That bodysuit weirdo is the object of my suspicion. He is too suspicious."

Schiller sighed a little. Those things that didn't appear in the comics seem to be very interesting now. Gordon and Batman, the old partner, didn't trust each other from the beginning, and Gordon was even suspicious of Batman, the grotesque vigilante.

It's not surprising that any normal person would not be able to accept it from the beginning, someone wearing a black tights and two pointy ears running around in Gotham in the middle of the night, this kind of behavior is really Not like a nice guy.

Schiller said, "Have you ever thought that he actually doubts you so much?"

Gordon sighed and said: "Actually, he has more reason to doubt me. If he is really Bruce Wayne, I know that the Wayne children have never given up on the case back then. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com The deaths of the Waynes and Mrs. are very bizarre. I have turned over the case file and there are so many things that are not right. If little Wayne is Batman. Of course he will not trust any police, including me."

"The police in Gotham City..." Gordon said with some sighs: "I know the police in this city are like decorations, and you can't count on them for anything." He looked a little dejected, sighed, and took a drink. coffee, then silence.

Schiller said: "As a rock in the quagmire, you are hard enough. You can't expect anyone to fish you out. It's better to roll yourself bigger and bigger. When you occupy the whole quagmire, there is also a stone here. The asphalt road makes no difference."

"Do you think so? Do you think I should continue on this path?" Gordon also seemed a little confused.

No wonder he was so depressed. He took huge risks and spent countless energy to solve the case, even if the credit was robbed. Gordon was originally just for justice, but now someone has killed dozens of civilians for profit. The murderer must be spared, which is really a big blow to Gordon.

Schiller said with a smile, "Detective Gordon, it seems that you need a psychiatric consultation, but it just so happens that I happen to be a psychiatrist too, and I don't charge a fee."

Gordon smiled reluctantly, and said, "I have seen your resume in the archives, Professor Schiller, it is my year-end award for a well-known psychologist like you to do psychotherapy for me. Anyway, thank you."

Schiller said: "No thanks, it's my honor to help a good cop in Gotham."

Gordon's smile became more reluctant. He said like a sigh, "Good cop? Maybe..."